KoinZ - Timed Ban Appeal

KoinZ - Timed Ban Appeal

What’s your BYOND key?


Character Name?

Tato ‘Chupacabra’ Fuentes

Type of Ban?

Timed Ban

What is your Bancode?

Admin who banned you?


Total Ban Duration

Already Expired Since November 2023

Remaining Duration


What other servers do you play on?

Almost all of them

Are you now or have you been banned on any servers? Which ones?

This one

Do you play using a Virtual Machine?


is your copy of Windows legitimate?


Reason for Ban:

**I got banned for slurs which I don’t know when I did that! but ok, I take it no problem, So I logged in because I had a misunderstanding about the Ban avoiding , So I literally told the Admin when he asked me "No, I’m not new, I just wanted to know something about loggin in again after a ban, SO BASICALLY i wasnt even playing , and I got banned for Half a month basically…for just asking I think is not fair that i got half a month banned for asking not trying to play or anything i was at the lobby literally!

I think all this is a misunderstanding , even that I know why i got banned for slurs, to be honest I dont remember when I did that, plus I’m hispanic , I kinda watch What I say, But I told morrow that was ok, I can take it, but the half a year basically, I would like it to be remove and give me a chance because I literally joined to ask.**

That was the reason I gave before almost a Year ago now, but Like i was saying there it was a mistake and Also Multikeying was because I logged in to ask Sergain about if i can Play with other key since it was a 7 days on that account, I never intented to play I was literally in the lobby and as soon I logged in I messaged admin and he banned me for multikeying straight up…but yeah Its been almost a year and I had enough times to do not make those 2 mistakes again…

Links to previous appeals:

Your appeal:

Better Research on the rules, control behavoir and do not multkey to ask questions when discord/forum is there

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Appeal Denied

Hello @Aizo, considering the fact that your ban has expired, this appeal is denied.

  • You cannot appeal appeal a ban that has expired.
  • The ban reason is valid, seeing as you acknowledge that you could have used the forums or discord.

Added appeal:denied and removed appeal:waiting