Let Visiting Officers spawn in belonging to other factions.

Let visiting officers be able to appear as members of other friendly factions. It would give the role opportunities to create RP situations that are not in the scope of the UA military.

Obviously this would have to be only friendly factions and I’m not sure how easy this would be to do although it might functionally just be a CO loadout vendor with Vapio, UPP, CMB or TWE clothes in.

I mainly think this would be a neat little change that would let people RP with the TWE or UPP a bit more!

(Hopefully whitelisted individuals can be trusted not to start a diplomatic incident.)

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Apply for staff and you can run minor events like this. COs are USCM, they’re not TWE or UPP. :^)

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3WE kinda makes sense but why the UPP of all factions?

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I’m too emotional and biased to be staff sadly. I would ban someone who was mean to me.

As for why UPP, mainly because they were the only other semi-friendly faction I could think of that would have a military officer visit.

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I’ve been brewing up a thing:tm: that will hopefully replace the CL with a Representative Role

ofc CL will still be there but now you can play as a Representative of any faction (barring CLF for obvious reasons)

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We’re literally in a cold war with them, why invite them onto our ships where they can sabotage us?

It’d be much better if it was other UA branches (LACN, CCAF, US Army, USASF) rather then our enemy, hell i’d even take ICSC Mercs.


The USSR had an Ambassador to the US even in the Cold War from the 60s to the 80s.

How would it be any different here?


Because the US didn’t put them on ACTIVE MILITARY SHIPS, that are literally conducting operations, that’s just feeding the enemy free intel, “oh yeah you can totally trust us not to leak the position of this ship, the number of personnel onboard, the weapon systems and such, oh why am i taking photos of everything…souvenirs”

You don’t put a guy from a rival country on an active military ship, it’s just common sense, Diplomats mainly sit in an embassy, not on literal warships.


Them arriving at the Alamyer, would be the same as giving the current russians intel on the humvee. Its mad old, not even maintained, and most of it has probably already been leaked on an equivalent warthunder forum.

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Except this is an active ship, it’s not the design, it’s the fact it’s literally an active ship in an active warzone, it would be more like putting a Soviet agent onboard a US navy ship, You’re entrusting your enemy not to leak intel on the ships crew and it’s position to their superiors, you’re also trusting them not to sabotage the weapon systems when you’re literally just one incident away from war at all times.

The design is not as important as the fact you’re trusting your enemy not to sabotage the weapons or leak intel of the ship’s position and crew to their friends, it’s just plain stupid putting an UPP diplomat onboard at all times.

Oh and sidenote: The UPP regularly steals stuff from corporations, so it would be blatantly obvious to the UA this is a bad idea putting them on one of their own active military ships

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Is this not by extension applicable to WY?
You didn’t see Boeing or General Electric Liaisons on US Navy Ships in the 60s but here we are.

And as for Sabotage and risk thereof, why would UA even remotely consider accepting WY Liaisons if they are noted as being “skeptical” of WY in CM lore.

Fact of the matter is, UPP might LIKE to sabotage a ship. But why would they risk their entire international reputation over one shitty ship in the Outer Rim?

You either have hyper-realistic Aliens Lore or fun cross-faction RP. You can’t pick and choose what best suits your agenda.


UPP on an active ship would be weird and encourage the UPP Larpers we all know and loathe.


VO’s are already considered a minor event, moderators and plus can conduct them.

For a UPP Senior Officer to be visiting the Almayer it would require an extensive display of background/reason for why it would even be happening in the first place, not even starting with the reason for one to be visiting the vessel.

The UPP on their righteous mind would not send their VO alone and would most likely send a squad for his defense, and that can go pretty bad quite quickly in the hands of any John PFC who larps hating the UPP.

Not worthy the headache, TWE would be fine but UPP? nuh-uh.


W-Y is the biggest provider of equipment to the USCM, the CL appearing onboard is also a reference to the various times corporate interest played a role in American intervention (see banana republics), CL specifically being based off burke who’s a reference to theories of corporate lobbying being behind the vietnam war.

W-Y, despite any scepticism from the UA, is still a major supplier of USCM equipment, they’re an actual ally despite everything, and if they tried any shit then MP’s or W-Y would quickly stop that because it’s bad for business

UPP meanwhile are literally the UA’s nearest enemy, they have absolutely no reason not to sabotage the ship in the event of a war, i also doubt they’d care much what the UA, 3WE and ICSC think of them given all of those superpowers are capitalistic countries where the military is basically just guns for hire (AmArc uses the Marines to coup christobel, W-Y has a seat in the 3WE parliament, ICSC is literally just corporate run worlds.)

Let’s be real, UPP makes no sense in universe or out, if you want a foreign faction that’s plausible go with the UA’s actual allies, I swear people have this weird obsession with inserting UPP into everything, it happened with soro and trijent.


Actually looking at the Options again, some of the others seem odd, like CMB, why would a marshal (i assume) be visiting a military ship in the middle of an operation? It’s like the Chief of a small town police department showing up onboard a US Navy ship, why?

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presumably a (correspondant, contractor? word is on the tip of my tounge) for the ship’s MPs to share policing expertise or to process any wanted criminals known to be in the ship’s operating area

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These were mainly examples pulled from the existing factions that were not CLF. No UPP or CMB if that’s too much of a stretch but a bit more cross faction RP would be nice.

Efzapa: I’ve been brewing up a thing:tm: that will hopefully replace the CL with a Representative Role

This sounds cool and probably fits what I was imagining more than a VO.

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You know their are tons of unsued UPP offier unifrom spirts you could use. A upp representative haveing to pull a doctor stragelove would be fun.

Also for those who do not understand. The UPP are in a cold war that means active shooting is kept to a minume. For diplomatic reason a person to be on a small ship liek that. Maybe he is being transported to deeper into UA terratitory for a dilpomatic meeting. Maybe the almaer beign a nuclear class ship needs to have a UPP person on it to talk down any idiot CO’s who might start a nuclear war.

Also If i recall correctly some colonies have UPP civs on them so you need a guy for that too. If you think this is insane then they don’t called it MAD for no reason. Agian jsut watch DR strangelove and you will get the idea.

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You wouldn’t transport them on an active UA Military ship, you’d use a bison or some other ship that isn’t a military one.

Also only the fleet commander can authorise a nuclear strike, so the CO would some how need to get the codes off the fleet commander and nuke a colony.

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As for the nuke I was talking about the one the marines get in the end game. Also it really does not matter the lore reason why a UPP ambasstor is on the ship as you can make up reason you want.

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