Limbet - Timed Ban Appeal
What’s your BYOND key?
Character Name?
Nora Willows
Type of Ban?
Timed Ban
What is your Bancode?
Admin who banned you?
Total Ban Duration
6.9 days
Remaining Duration
6.9 days
What other servers do you play on?
used to play on Goon 3 and 4.
Are you now or have you been banned on any servers? Which ones?
Goon 3 for a few days for being a mime, who played a prank on sec they didn’t like.
Do you play using a Virtual Machine?
is your copy of Windows legitimate?
Reason for Ban:
I said “Command Kinda retarded for not taking care of backliners”.
Links to previous appeals:
I don’t have any others that I’m aware of. Never been banned on this server before.
Your appeal:
Wasn’t aware retard was a banned word, as it’s been said a lot in the past. Won’t use the word again, used it in the sense of frustration at being and perma. Again, wasn’t aware it was a banned word, and I’m sorry for using it in the manner I had, and if I had offended or harmed anyone in doing so.