lolvax1 - Moderator Application

Moderator Application - lolvax1

What is your BYOND key?


What is your Discord username?


What characters do you play on CM-SS13?

Thomas B. Strobia Elite Ya’yi Nhon

Are you 16 or older?




On average, how many hours are you available to moderate in an average week?



Do you have previous experience in game or community moderation?

No, not really.

Provide any links to any previous CM-SS13 whitelist, mentor or staff applications:

lolvax1 - Yautja Application - #36 ( accepted ) Lolvax1 - Yautja Application - #17 ( accepted twice because im so fucking awesome )

Have you ever been banned for more than 24 hours on CM-SS13?


Can you actively engage and communicate with the team through Discord?


Final Details:

Why would you like to join the CM-SS13 staff team?

I would like to support the community in a more hands on way, bettering the game via filtering rulebreaks can and will make it a more enjoyable game for everyone :slight_smile:

What makes you a great addition to Staff? (Experienced Tabletop DM, Aliens Lore Buff, Super Organized, etc.?)

I have alot of experience with the rules on this server ( forums, discord and in game )

In your opinion, what is the most important quality of a CM-SS13 staff member?

a non biased cool calm demeanor

Anything else you want to add?

I know I have had quite the past on this server but I have shown more than enough effort to change for atleast some forgiveness of my past… Thank you for your time :grin:


hate this guy +1

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aside from being a great friend, an easy to talk to person in general they’ve done everything to reform themselves as a model cm player

player in question has taken steps to improve their image, improve their behavior and treat everyone differently according to their needs

player went from rarely talking to roleplaying an actual character, a marine and a predator of my clan

i’d be a fool not to support him in my position, i’d be glad to take you under my wing and teach you the dark magic

good luck


strobia prolly knows every single rule on the server better than 90% of the playerbase

awesome as a pred, awesome marine from what i’ve seen
awesome oocly from my limited interactions


strob is probably one of very few CM players who has managed to actually reform themselves as a player

going from a nonverbal maicer hunter to a pred whitelistee
not to mention he’s an awesome cool guy ooc



this guy is reformed as fuck and exactly the type of person anyone should want in staff :slight_smile: +1+1+1

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Alright, I’m going to be the lame skeptical guy.

You’ve said yourself, and others have mentioned you have an extensive, to say the least history. How exactly, in your own words have you changed? How are you different from when you got all your bans/notes?

2ndly, this application feels very low effort. I’m well aware it’s far from the most important aspect, but you gave a one sentence response to all 3 of the questions, and couldn’t even bother to add proper grammar and punctuation. I’m not trying to be pedantic but do you really think that a moderator app doesn’t deserve at least a bit of effort?

I have no real opinion as I don’t think we ever really interacted in game or on the discord. (nor does my opinion really matter). But I do think you could’ve elaborated a bit more here.

also uh, I’ve been bothering people about it but it’s worth asking given recent apps, is your “No, not really” an actual no, or have you moderated ss13 before but only for a very short period of time?

It’s a difference in mentality and overall look on the game and community, I have shown great efforts to reform myself and maintain a clean slate since my unban. Examples being… Removing my self from problematic influences, HEAVILY reducing my previous problematic behaviors when dealing with staff and ruling and increasing the level of roleplay I bring to the server in important roles in hopes of influencing others to do the same.

For question 2, I feel that these questions don’t require paragraphs to answer. I personally think keeping things short and to the point reduces clutter and possible confusion.

For the whole ‘’ No, Not really ‘’ thing, I mean No, I have no experience with moderation aside from very small friend based communities.


this guy is awesome and from the stories ive heard, is a completely different person with a better mentality

im all support for him, +1


I have to ask a question I ask of every moderator applicant. Have you ever been a moderator or greater on another server and removed for misconduct? If so, why did you not disclose this?

‘‘For the whole ‘’ No, Not really ‘’ thing, I mean No, I have no experience with moderation aside from very small friend based communities.’’ No, I have not.


@Strob. Thank you for answering honestly. Again, it is not personal. In my opinion it should be a standard question on the application. With all that out of the way:

Man still smells like maple syrup. Massive +1. Great person. Man had been on the other side of the tracks and done well. Full faith and confidence.

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As someone who’s been keeping an eye on applications ever since I became staff, I can safely say that all of these questions do not require a paragraph.


The application is not about number of words written or effort, it’s about attitude. +1

This guy kinddddaaaa sucks and is a noob

Jokes aside chill person and great interactions every time I see them in game

They’re becoming the change they want to see in staff which is pretty baller


this guy is the biggest chud of them all


Babe wake up another person we never thought would go for staff applied for it.
+1 Strobia is peak, nuff said, good guy overall. We barely interact IC but I’ve seen he’s a pretty chill guy.

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Like many others, I wasn’t impressed by your behaviour when you first started out, and didn’t believe people when they said you had gotten better. But in all the recent rounds I’ve seen with you, you’ve definitely mellowed out quite a bit. We never really interacted in a significant capacity, let alone talked to one another in game, but given everyone else who has says your reformation is the real deal, I believe it.

I strongly believe that someone with your unique perspective would be a great asset to the staff team. You’re someone who can relate and understand people who were once in your shoes. Perhaps I’m being idealistic, but maybe you’ll be able to set them on the right path, instead of them getting permabanned. Who knows, maybe it’ll actually work?


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I’ll just say that the complete lack of proper spelling and grammar didn’t persuade me, I’ll be honest. Generally answers are more than a few words, and said words are spelled correctly.

But I’m not stupid and this seems to be an actual, real, app. The response you (Strobia that is, I’m responding to both you and stalkerino in one post because I’m lazy) gave me seemed coherent, and I can highly respect your desire to change.

+1. You’d be a good addition to the staff team.

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Hello lolvax1,

Thank you for taking the time to apply, and I apologize for the extreme delay in your response. I see you are getting a lot of love from the community, and that’s great to see! I personally quite like you as well, but unfortunately there are too many considerations towards bringing you onto the staff team at this time. For the sake of your own privacy, I will not expand on this position here. If you would like more detailed feedback, please feel free to reach out to me on the discord or here on the forums.

Again, thank you for your interest, but this application is denied.