Have you ever been banned for more than 24 hours on CM-SS13?
Can you actively engage and communicate with the team through Discord?
Final Details:
Why would you like to join the CM-SS13 staff team?
I want to join the staff team because I love this community and want to help the best I can. I also believe that the community can only get better with a more diverse staff team as well as seeing what goes on behind the scenes as discord staff give me a new perspective on how part of the staff team is ran.
What makes you a great addition to Staff? (Experienced Tabletop DM, Aliens Lore Buff, Super Organized, etc.?)
The thing that would make me a great addition to the staff team is my experience in moderating other servers, (although they may have not been SS13 servers, they were very populated.) I am also able to get on Discord at most hours of the day to handle something if it comes up.
In your opinion, what is the most important quality of a CM-SS13 staff member?
The most important quality of a staff member is transparency. Obviously, there are situations where you can’t share certain things for privacy and security reasons, and that’s completely reasonable, but being able to say this situation has been handled while we can’t tell you how it ended, we can tell you that it has been dealt with by the staff team. I think another very important quality is being able to understand the person on the other side of the screen or message. You do not know how their day has been, or what they have been through, so I believe being able to understand what they are going through will help you get across to them in a kind and professional manner that what they did is wrong.
Anything else you want to add?
Other than being able to bring a new perspective to the table. There is not much.
to the first part yes, I was a moderator on multiple other servers but two your second question no I was never removed from any server for my misconduct.
Hello, there has not been many questions asked here so I will just say it. Please ask me questions if have any. I am more than pleased to answer any questions concerns ect.
From the behavior I have seen from you OOCLY and the lack of maturity, I do not believe you are fit for moderator. You are also over-zealous in your current position, and the last thing we need is another moderator who is quick to jump the gun in regards to using their moderation tools.
First, from what I see you have a very blurred line between IC and OOC. A good example of this was a couple weeks ago when you were playing CL and I believe Calhoun and someone else took an opportunity to try and pin something on you with a good bit of roleplay. In the LRC you were rather upset with them and seemed to take offense OOCly for their IC actions, on top of practically refusing to engage with it ICly after a point (even taking a cyanide pill).
Additionally, you’ve used your position within discord questionably at times. Namely, about a week ago, I recall you and another user having an argument about you banishing as queen or some such. After it had gone on for a few minutes, you then used your position as discord staff to basically shut the other person down by telling them to drop it, while you yourself had continued the argument.
Both of these things give me very low confidence that you would be a good choice as a moderator. -1
Was I irritated yes who wouldn’t be. I was just put in Perma for something I didn’t do. Then after talking to admins, I was told what happened there was not allowed so I again say who wouldn’t be mad. I know plenty of people who would be.
I was a CL who was being arrested on charges that were made up and to me it very much looked like the UA is out to get me. So on a ship with only UA there is no escape but one.
I was not trying to argue, nor did I ever intend to argue. I didn’t use my position as discord mod to stop them. They could have continued. The rules on discord are there to prevent others from being insulted harassed to name a few. Which at the time him starting out and doing that qualifies as harassment, and goes against the other rule Don’t be a dick. my big thing here with that is looking back on it should I have handled it differently yes, but I can’t change the past only the future.
I have witnessed you a number of times take action and/or threaten action against people on the discord regular, inane things, which no one else bar you cares about. You take it way too seriously.
You lack maturity because time and time again you have gotten upset over IC stuff. I remember posting a screenshot of your killcount one round and jokingly asking, “Wow, I wonder how he got all these kills?” fully aware that you had fired a bad OB. You then started telling me to stop posting it or something along those lines and got upset. I’ve also seen you get upset in-game, and while most people do get angry sometimes, you get very emotional what seems like all too often.
And as a final point, I don’t believe you’re 16.
Hey Lukas. I’ve got a couple questions for you to answer. You’re totally within your right to refuse, if you’d like. This just helps get a better scope of your administrative knowledge.
Ahelp Questions (Answer these with the process you'd go through when responding to this Ahelp.)
“Ban this Pred right now. He just killed me for no reason.”
“Some guy named “Max Verstappen” just joined and immediately killed me in the prep room.”
“How do I dismantle a table?”
“Help! My game is lagging.”
“The CMP just brigged me for insanity without getting the CMO or a Synth to do a psych eval”
Scenario Questions (Same as before. Answer with the process you'd go through to handle these scenarios.)
You’re playing the round when you notice an Ahelp comes in that’s about you. The Ahelp is accurate, however they get a detail wrong that makes YOU look better.
You’re the only staff member on, you’re playing as XO, and an Ahelp comes in from the Queen about how their game is bugged and they need help fixing it.
You’re playing as a Xeno and you kill someone on the front. You notice in D-Chat that they’re getting extremely salty, swearing a ton, and not calming down.
You’re observing a CLF survivor who was previously disqualified from being hostile per Hostile Survivor rules. He makes his way to the ship, grabs a gun, and starts heading to CIC. He hasn’t done anything explicitly against the rules yet, but it looks like he might.
You’re playing as XO and the round has reached the 2 hour mark. You’re hurting on supplies/manpower, and a synthetic joins the round. The synthetic accidently jumps out of the dropship while attempting to parachute, and dies. Their mob ends up bugged, forcing them to be unrevivable unless changed via admin tools.
You’re observing the round when a rifleman gets arrested for charges that were seemingly valid from an in character standpoint, however the rifleman was in-fact innocent. The rifleman is arrested and when asked whether he’d like to appeal, he declines and begins to preform disruptive actions and gets a DCIC charge, and later a jailbreak charge. The Rifleman is later executed on the grounds of Jailbreak, and after the fact Ahelps with his side of the story.
There’s a CO, XO, but no CMP. An MP clearly breaks marine law while the CO is shipside handling the operation in CIC, and the XO orders the arrest of said MP.
I would explain to the person that a predator is managed by the Predator Whitelist Council and that they have the right to go on the forms and create a whitelist report if they believe that they were killed without reason.
if I was ghosted at the time I would jump over to the prep room to see what happened, the next thing I would do is look at the playtimes for the individual that joined and killed them. From there I would begin talking to each side asking what happened from there point of views, as I look up the combat and chat logs for the round. Once I look at both what happened via the logs and what each person side I would from there decided whether the kill was against the rules or not.
I know there is a button that admins have to move the ticket to a Mhelp so I would use that button to see if one of the mentors that was online could handle it. If no mentors handle it, I would go in and handle it myself saying to dismantle a table you usual go on to red intent by pressing for or click the bottom left box in the intent section of your hot bar. After I tell them that I would go in and tell them that they need to use a wrench.
I would most likely be depending on how many mentors are on kick the question down to them as it is more of a mentor related question then an admins related question. If no mentors where online to handle the ticket I would go in and handle it.
I would first look to see why he was put in jail and why he was charged with insanity such as if he was charged with insanity for trying to kill himself. If this is not the case I would pm the MPs that arrested him and asked for the whole situation. Depending on what happened I would go to the individual that was arrested to write a fax to provost about it. I would also check the note history for the MP that arrested him. If the MP is known to continuously commit the actions of arresting people and not following marine law, I would most likely Issue a warning to the MP or in the extreme situation issue a Jban.
To start if I was playing the game and other moderators where online I would have all admin tools off as there are others at the time that could handle it now if there are no others online I would tell them that they should open up a player report about the situation as I am the only moderator online and the ahelp is about me which is a conflict of interest.
Even though I am XO, and my goal is to kill the queen I would first call the ASO to CIC to run the operation as I help the queen fix their game as even though I am trying to kill the queen my job is to help anyone and everyone as a moderator to the best of my ability.
I would talk in dead chat saying that if you have a problem feel free to Ahelp or create a Player report after the round is over.
I would continue to watch him and tell him in LOOC that he already disqualified himself from being hostile to the USCM. After I tell him I would sit back and continue to watch to make sure he does not do anything wrong.
For this situation I would not fix the synth myself if the synth ahelped to have it fixed. I would wait for another moderator or admin to fix the synth as me fixing the synth can be looked as using my power as a moderator to change the rounds outcome.
I would explain to the rifleman that even though the charges that he was originally charged that he was arrested for where invalid that he should have filed an appeal instead of braking out of jail and preforming the DCIC and because he did break out of jail and committed the charge that he was executed for there was nothing we could do for him.
I would watch the situation to see if the MP continues to break the law or stops. As the XO has the right to order the arrest of the MP if they broke marine law. Now for the MP that broke marine law I would check their record to see if they have a history of breaking the mandatory obedience or not. From there I would Determan if they need a note ban or Jban from the role.
Good. Something else that should be mentioned however, is that in certain circumstances you are allowed to administer punitive action against someone playing a WL role, like a ban/note. This could be simple LRP, or even griefing, although that’s mostly reserved for extreme circumstances.
Fair. Generally with cases like these, it’s usually someone who’s multi-keying just to grief. So further investigation into that is generally advised with cases like these.
Good. Just try and make sure to defer before answering it.
Same as before, Good.
My intent with this question was to see whether or not you’re familiar with the insanity clause that allows the MPs to skip a psych eval if they have a VERIFIED suicide attempt. Something else to note, if you decide to handle it ICly by sending a provost fax for their arrest, you’re NOT allowed to note/ban them for the same instance, per rule 0. Before you go ahead and send a fax, make sure whether or not you think it’s a serious enough offense to warrant an IC resolution, or if you need to step in with a PM.
Pretty alright. Personally, I’d go ahead and let whoever’s handling the ticket know in advance that the information is slightly off, and if there’s no staff I’d try to get someone else on before directing them to a report. Ultimately it’s personal preference, and there’s nothing explicitly wrong with your answer. (You’re also not required to turn off tools while playing. Only when you’re unable to properly do your job, IE: Being under the influence, or any perscription drugs that might alter your personality.)
This is a tricky situation. Usually you’d want to try and get another staff member on to take the ticket, but if nobody else is able to get on, your answer would be fine. Additionally you have the option of not taking the ticket.
While technically true, more often than not if you approach someone who’s clearly just having a bad day, and start telling them stuff like “Just make a report.”, it tends to make them even more ticked off. If the salt isn’t that bad, you can usually just let them vent in D-chat for a while until they’re calm, but if it’s taking a while and you’re observing, you can also run T-Dome to take their minds off it. If all else fails, personally I’d ask another staff member to deal with, but if needed you can try to calm them down yourself.
This is kind of a tricky one, but good answer.
Not entirely true. While your answer on handling the MPs ML breach is fine, the XO, when a CO is present, is not capable of authorizing the arrest of an MP. ML states in verbiage that the Duty officer is the person next in line to commander, and would assume the role of commander if the active one is rendered incapable of their duties. In this scenario, the CO is actively in CIC preforming their duties, so they are NOT disqualified from the position. As the CO is awake, they’re the highest ranking person on the chain of command, thus the commander. And since the XO, is directly under the CO, that makes them the duty officer; thus incapable of ordering the arrest of an MP.
Most of your answers were alright, with exception to the final one regarding the MPs arrest. I have Three (3) suggestions to you.
1: Work on improving your Grammar. We all make mess ups and typo’s, but when preforming your duties as a staff member decent grammar is necessary in my opinion. If you write a note with a bunch of typos, not only will it make it hard for other staff members to figure out exactly what happened, it’ll reflect bad light onto yourself. Again, a typo here and there is absolutely no issue, but I believe you go a tad bit beyond that.
2: Listen to the feedback posted in your application. While I personally won’t speak on your behavior, as I frankly don’t pay enough attention to accurately represent it, I would advise you to take some time and self reflect on the feedback given here.
3: Take some time to read a bit more on ML. I myself struggle with this side of staffing, so I don’t exactly fault you for it. However, especially with your final response, believe you should read it just a little bit more.
(Please forgive me for any errors in my replies )
I won’t be giving a direct -1 or +1, but I do wish you the best of luck with your application.
@Lukas292001 I am going to give you honest advice here. I know you care about this community. Please take what I say to heart. Community Members only want the best staff team possible. In trying to achieve that goal we ask questions. We do this not to try and get a “gotcha” moment but to gauge how you will act when placed in a position of moderator on the server.
The questions asked by @Mensla & @CampinKiller were fair. Your responses came off as hostile and lack any cordialness.
Let me explain by way of example. Lets say I applied for moderator, I would rightly and likely be questioned about my attempt to purchase the server from Frozen at the same time he was doxxed. Now, as I was not on Discord, I did not know it, but as soon as I learned of the doxing, I apologized publicly and privately to the man.
If my response to the question came off anything like your responses in this thread, it would raise a large number of eyebrows.
With this all being said. At present, I do not believe you are ready to be a moderator on this server and am going to have to -1 this application.
My advice is to honestly take a step back and understand the community just wants the best. Please take questions in stride going forward.
I wasn’t initially planning to make a reply here, but some of your recent behaviors have forced me to do so.
Over the past few months, I have directly witnessed instances of you becoming directly aggressive with players OOC’ly, over IC matters.
I have had friends of mine approach me with evidence of you harassing them through discord relating to something that happened in round which you didn’t like. I have seen you yelling at people in DMs for a perceived slight they made against you, with seemingly no regard for your position as Mentor and Discord staff.
This type of behavior is completely unacceptable for a Mentor, even more so for a Moderator, and to date, I have seen no evidence to suggest you have changed in your ways, or made even the slightest effort to do so.
I think, to summarize my comment in the bluntest of terms, you are just not very nice to others sometimes.
This is not a trait I would like to see in someone tasked with protecting and representing CM SS13, plain and simple.
-1 When I was discord staff, I criticized you one round during an event for being LRP. You then proceeded to jump on me, and basically tell me I’m not allowed to talk about people’s actions due to my position, you were very hostile and rude about it. said quote “You are held to a higher standard.” in regard to calling you LRP, that left me with a negative view of you ever since then and I don’t feel comfortable with you being in staff. Also, because I’m such a kindhearted man I will teach you a lesson. If you are wanting to become a member of staff in a community, you must gain their trust and confidence. During applications when people give their feedback or criticisms on why they don’t believe you would be a good member of staff, instead of trying to refute everything maybe take accountability and admit your wrongs and attempt to correct them. When you sit here and just flat out refute everything and try to deny all wrongdoings it looks terrible, and it won’t give people confidence in you.
-1, its rare I am rude, but with your behavior I am not even sure why you have mentor still at this point.
I have seen countless outbursts by you for ICly stuff OOCLy.
I have seen constant behavior for disregard of other players.
I have seen you miss-use channels all the time, and dude its a bit fucking odd you brought up drama in the mentor chat out of all places? like be fucking fr here you need to look at your relationship with the game and community.