Lurker salt/nerf

Remove the ability for lurker to tackle you while your stunned by their pounce. Aka solo capping with 0 skill needed

Lurkers can pounce you and tackle you without you having a chance to fight back. Personally I’m not a fan of being unable to do anything against a xeno.

Sure xeno’s are supposed to have an advantage, but not an insta round remove ability. I don’t know what happened to lurker but its really not fun to play against them as compared to a few months ago. With the ability to instantly capture a marine just because you landed that ability and clicked him 2 times while he is horizontal.


i think lurker needs changed to have stronger tackles but obviously completely unable to achieve the tackle during pounce, but maybe assist? maybe have a high disarm minimum but a very long tackle duration.

current lurker iteration is fkn dumb because if they win like a 37% rng roll(2-3 disarm hits tackle on pounce) they just cap you for free

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a lurker can pounce you and give you a leg frac making you unable to run away from the damage it did to you, it can then ran away recharge pounce and repeat. balanced? i think so! lets nerf sg!

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either be on the frontline or have meta friends

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i thought solocapping was completely removed on lurker. crippling slash is now a slash only (instead of being a disarm if you wanted, like before) and lurkers have such garbage slash delay that it’s impossible to devour someone by yourself without them getting up. or am i wrong? is there some sort of trick i was oblivious to?


no the op is just having extreme skill issues


Why are you lone. Also the tackle is far from guaranteed.

Wow a T2 can solo a marine using an ability with 20 seconds CD. Damn that’s BROKEN.


its not that they can solo a marine its just that there’s literally no way to fight back from a pounce stun since the lurker gets to not only tailstab you but slash you at least 3 times and run away

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Its because you are supposed to have a battle buddy. Why are you alone?


Come on, my post was removed due to being “offtopic”, this is an obvious rage bait post.

Like it even needs anything to be said that hasn’t been said a thousand times?

In 1vs1 as the scenario that it is described here lurker can do whatever to a marine, he can pounce once, give a frac, or even delimb a foot, or hand, then pounce again and kill.
But there is no reason to harm the marine when he is completly alone as a lurker, because any marine in a 7 tiles view range would immediately run forward shooting at lurker, who even if successfully tackled his target, he won’t be able to drag him away, vore him, or do anything, prime oportunity to give that marine a frac, or delimb wasted.

It is the same with warrior. Always has been. There already is a way to fight back against lurker, simply have a MD on yourself and don’t run in predictable straight patterns, lurker has to either click you and you have to be in pounce range, or he has to click behind you, both of which you can try to dodge. That is your only way to fight back. If you got pounced, or lunged in 1v1 you lost already your chance to fight back. Their ability is not like solo screech when you literally have to be not on the same screen as Queen to avoid.

Both of them are unable to solo cap a marine if he has atleast on friend on screen with a loaded gun. Unless said marines are super unrobust, but if they are decent, even xenogod couldn’t do it.

Those are T2’s, arguably even T1’s should have a pretty good chance to solocap a lone PFC. All of them indeed can, besides runner, cap a marine unharmed if they want to, runner has to slash a bit first.

I question staff sanity who removed my post and those sad shmucks who bothered to answer to this obvious rage bait post. Can’t you see it? It is a rage bait thread, move it to acid goop.


Unfortunatly I have to agree with @Cabal here. Its litterary a “I died, please neft” thread.

@Hellware acid goop this.


Title is literally “Lurker Salt”

Anyways as others have said just don’t go solo and you’ll be fine.


The fact a lurker can capture you without you being able to do anything shouldn’t be in the game. One pounce and 2 clicks and your round is over.

At the very least the marine should be able to fire off a few shots but nooo, you won’t even be given a chance to call for help.

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im wondering this too

Didn’t lurker pounce capping get removed entirely?

Also, warrior lungecapping is worse imo. Remove that too while your removing lurker pounce capping

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I mean, not running around all alone is areally important.
And i belive we should keep casts able to punish marines that go solo. Cause fuck those idiots.

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Capping off lurker tackle is very inconsistent, you need good tackle RNG. That is why the vast majority of lurkers just go for kills.
Honestly I would be in favor of preventing lurker from tackling after pounce if the tradeoff was better tackle stats so they can actually cap normally.

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Lil bro, alone lurker capping has been dead for a while now, lurker disarming is insanely shit right now.

Mods, move this to acid goop


As someone who has played a decent amount of Lurker recently (and really wishing I could evo into a Preatorian), I feel Lurker is fine as-is in regard to its capping power.

It has no real ability to solo-cap any Marine, its pounce ability is perfect since a Lurker can almost near-guarantee a major injury/fracture on an out of position Marine who has no backup, or backup is not close enough. However, the Lurker has a terrible stun chance with its disarms, meaning even with a pounce-stun there is no realistic chance a Lurker can capture a Marine, at least not without help.

The Lurker is hyper-focused on landing pounces and doing a Lurker combo that deals lethal damage (pounce - slash - crippling strike slash - slash - tail stab), it struggles in high-intensity combat scenarios as it has no real crowd-control power unlike some other combat castes or the Vampire strain (which sucks now but that’s a diff discussion).

Solo capping as a Lurker is only viable if you have a buddy facehugger to instant cap a Marine who is stunned. Otherwise, Lurkers can’t solo cap against any fairly competent Marine.


It is still in the game, I’ve experienced it first hand


The only thing I’d want removed from lurks is that funny thing where they cloak and stand over a dead marine so when I go grab them I get instantly stunned and dragged off to the depths. Although it was pretty funny to me the first time it happened.

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