Lurker salt/nerf

It’s complete RNG. Since lurker has min tackles 2 and you can tackle up to 3 times after pounce (you cannot use CS for tackles anymore, you used to have a far better chance with CS), you have 35% chance to tackle with two tackles and about 57% with three tackles (the chance to fail both tackles after the first is 0.65*0.65 = 0.4225, so the chance to NOT fail at least one tackle is 1-0.4225 = 57%. But of course if you already failed your second tackle, your chance to shove them with the third one is 35% again).

Also you risk getting PBed after the third tackle, so you actually have only two safe tackles (including the first that cannot shove). Which has 35% chance of success. If you fail, you either roll the dice (35% chance) again and get PBed if you fail the third tackle, or you disengage and wait for invis CD.


Dont post to the thread unless you have something meaningful to contribute to it, and also can you guys contribute to it without being demeaning or insulting to eachother?
Anyway It’s staying in ideaguys, It’s a real balance discussion whether you agree with it being a “skill issue” or not


Not to echo what everyone else is saying, but, if you’re alone you’re at a very high risk of getting capped or killed. And other castes are gonna have an easier time capping you vs. a lurker. You’re intended to be at an extreme disadvantage 1v1 vs. any xeno, that’s why humans start with a large numbers advantage at the start of the round.


Lurker literally is not capable of reliably permastunning with tackle. Acid goop this, mods. Chop chop.


Lurker is capable of stunning you with lunge and tackle you into perma stun without you getting up. This shouldn’t be a thing, lurkers already have a heavy advantage with their lunge ability as it’s cool-down is extremely small.

By the time they’ve already committed their combo they can lunge away instantly but that’s not the point of the thread

The point is addressing the issue that they can capture a fully healed up and armed marine with the marine unable to do anything even if they’ve been prepared with a motion detector .

This isn’t a good feature as you’ve just waste 35 minutes of your day because you decided to cross the fob and front on shivas alone and that lurker just got lucky with their clicks.

Also not to be that guy but you can just not click on this thread and post the same go to acid goop

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you can run around with 4 other guys with you but when they’re all kanye starers you’ll probably die anyway

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literally not correct what the fuck are you talking about

we nerfed lurker solocapping into the ground, they CANNOT DO THIS ANYMORE. You’re tripping man. I need some real cm ss13 footage gameplay here.


They can, it’s not very viable, I’ve shown the math above.

Lurker cannot permastun you, but he has a chance to stun you long enough for devour. It’s just far from guaranteed.


Lurkers are basically uncapable of capping anyone, the devour time is shorter then the stun from a tackle, so they would need to tackle you down atleast twice in the time to devour.

If you have even a half of a modicum of skill you shoot them straight as you get up, or literally just walk away, killing you however they are plenty capable of, best way not to die is to not be alone, as is the case with literally every xeno interaction as a marine.

With that said i wouldnt mind a shakeup in the lurker gameplay, maybe a minor tweak/rework, something along the lines of slightly faster slashspeed (lurk is about the slowest in the game) with less damage so tackles are atleast reliable, you should be able to cap marines without having to rely in the stun from the pounce.
With that also disabling the tackle from working during pounce, maybe reduce the stun time & make the damage instant on pounce instead of relying on the followup etc. and some shakeup for the slowing ability, could be fun or even work as a separate strain

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he already demonstrated the maths that it’s possible to not have any chance to stand up at all, i don’t know why you’re just ignoring that


The one thing people don’t realize about the lurker devour thing, is that if you are a decent enough marine and pack a shotty, then you have essentially a 65% to fuck up, or have a high chance to fuck up the lurker. Because when that 35% misses for the lurker, you get up the next half second and you can insta PB them, and murder them in the 4 seconds it gets for them to get pounce back.

So not only is it a very high risk lay for the lurker, it’s essentially favorable to the marine in this case, because you would essentially kill 2 lurkers for each cap if this played out regularly.

But for those who not only go alone, but also don’t pack a shotty, then I have no sympathy to you.


read the comments, my experience is that I didn’t get to use anything against the lurker because I was stunned long enough to be devoured and nested. There is no skill issue here, because I didn’t have a chance to even use my skills


There is a skill issue here. You allowed yourself to be pounced.
Pounce isn’t a Queen’s screech, lurker has to either click on your sprite and be in range, or be in range and click behind you, predicting where you will be, acting himself not unlike a bullet.
You had a chance to use your skills, when you were walking around all cluelessly, without MD, alone and slowly in predictble patterns (in one direction).


clicking takes 0 skill wtf are you saying. Lurker pounce is a downgraded neuro spit.


Then try it. Go lurker, pounce some random solo marine, and cap him. Show us what you are complaining about. While you are at it, also show that you never missed a pounce.


Pretty sure I’d understand how easy it is to play lurker and how little skill it takes to click someone.

we’re going off topic, my point still stands that being able to capture a marine with the marine unable to do anything should be removed.


There is litteray something you can do. It would be like me complaning about being PB’d instantly as a runner after pouncing someone. There was nothing I could do after getting PB’d except getting larva queued.

Or are we also gonna do something about queen neuro spit, since it will perma stun you and make someone essentially cap you for free? There is nothing you can do about after all. Or how about being gibbed because you got within 3 tiles of an OT rocket? Or when scout incin to impact perma stuns you?

And no. I don’t think you understand how much you need to do to get a pounce off sometimes.


You sure you got the right quote there, pal?

No, clicking doesn’t take “0 skill” otherwise marines would win every single round, because with pulse rifle all they do is clicking.

Of course clicking takes skill, why do you think directional assist was introduced to xenos? Because they couldn’t click properly, especially fast castes like runner. Invisible lurker also suffers that problem, this is why they bait you moving in a straight lines towards, or away from them, which means it is easy pounce to land in such case. Same principle for a runner.

Queen can do it, she has neuro on a cooldown shorter than stun from it. Warrior can do it. Praetorian abduct almost can do it (not like you are able to do anything but to shoot few shoots that prae will tank and tacklespam you).

Marines being able to ressist against a xeno solo is a power fantasy introduced in games. Yeah I know in many AvP games and Alien Colonial Marines when hugger jumps on you, you gotta mash that button, because your character automaticly grabs it before it gets on your face properly, of when a xeno pounces on you then you just mash some button again and your protag just kicks it off himself.
But it ain’t it. You got jumped alone, you are fucked. The skill test was before being pounced, lurker, or warrior successfully doing that means they already won, since lunge is called “I win button”.

Again, pounce is not a Queen’s Screech, there is something you can do, that something is not moving in predictable patterns, having MD, not being alone, using riot shield, using GL spec armor and such.


Directional assist was added for melees, last time I checked lunge is able to reach whichever tile you click in your range. And even if you miss you don’t lose your invisibility. You also don’t even have to click the correct tile just position yourself behind the marine and click in front of it. You miss you can still run away because a lurker is faster than a marine.

Also clicking the tile the marine is moving into is not that hard especially when you can pounce from the dark where the marine can’t see you.

If you wanna bring in other topics go make another thread I’ll listen, and post my opinion while being respectful or you know, just read over it and not post anything.

Also getting PBed as a runner means you’ve been greedy and slashed the marine 3 times allowing the stun to go off.

I’d much rather it be changed as @Butlerblock mentioned as compared to the current gameplay.


Below 1k hours, opinion discarded.

Pounce range is 6 tiles, if they are on the edge of your screen you won’t be able to pounce them.

Pounce also doesn’t track your target, so if they literally sidestep mid your pounce, you’ll also miss even on a sprite click.

It’s very easy to lose your invis after pouncing thanks to invis bumping.

Marine with SMG and light armor moves at the same speed as lurker without invis (if not faster).

Also this is a fucking T2.