Luscao - Commanding Officer Application

this guy is a noob and will noticeably decrease marine winrate, +1


Lopits is a great player and roleplayer and would make a great CO +1


I have seen you play a good bit of CIC and other command roles. Thus far I have no issue. You have good RP and have become more level headed over the past little while. Even in other roles like squad roles I have seen you play pretty well. You are pretty easy to get along with. I also want to bring up this point in your app.

From that point alone I would +1 your app. But like said I have seen you play up to this point, I feel you have earned the chance to play CO. Take my +1!


+1 great player good rper and good person all around thanks for the like isabel


Amaizing xo +1


+1 cool person and does RP well, plays a good XO


Lowbits is very experienced in all aspects of the game, especially command, I hope you become the first CO from the favelas… +1


You know what you’re doing and you have clear support from community members. Just make sure to only play CO when you feel you’re at 100% (Wise words from Karl). There’s a doubt right now that you’ll be on autopilot, but I get it the XO grind can get pretty bad with turning your brain to goop. Just remember there’s always eyes on you when you play CO on and off the court, double for an app. Good luck



Seen them play well as SL and XO alot, good RP as well. +1


I’ve seen Isabel around for a while now and she frequently plays command and squad roles with competence. It’s always a pleasure to interact with Isabel when I run into her in rounds. I think you’ll make for a solid CO! +1

Make sure you avoid burnout! CIC roles are really good at burning people out quickly! =)


I’ve seen and interacted with Isabel Lopits since we were both little bronze medal Staff Officers so my take is gonna be a little bit biased. They are an extremely competent marine main when it comes to a wide variety of server mechanics and are more or less putting in a lot of effort into every round they play in to help push the marines forward. I can say that their roleplay and attitude has done nothing but improve as months go on and I’ve never seen them breaking rules or grief in anyway. Anytime I’ve seen them play SL/SO/XO they’re trying to give orders out, communicate well and lead the marines to the best of their ability.

The biggest criticism I could give would be they sometimes get exasperated when the marines get speed ran into a hijack and the round is more or less over by 50 minutes. There’s nothing wrong with cryo’ing to skip hijack but in my opinion it’s a tad lame when you’re in any kind of command role even CE/SO. Biggest piece of advice I would give is that it’s okay to “lose” and don’t be too hard on yourself when it happens, keep it cool and embrace the difficult situations. Also who the heck applies to CO with 265+ hours as SO and 315+ hours as FTL but only has like 20 hours on SL and 45 hours on XO? Lol that’s gotta be one of the funniest things I’ve ever seen on any application in regards to play times.

Anyways they’ve been taught well by a number of good roleplaying COs such as Neumann, Calhoun, Peralta etc while playing as a FTL/SO and have demonstrated they understand how to command perfectly fine in recent rounds as a SL/XO. Community support is a non-issue, you’ve clearly left an impression on many people and for the vast majority it has been a good one. The council observation period will without a doubt be the biggest determining factor on if this application gets accepted or not. Setup some play times with councillors, XO on high - SL on medium and I wish you the best of luck!



Everyone knows Loptis.
Great communicator.

Misspelled Loptis -1.

So +0?



A great SL, XO and overall CIC player. I think they’d do great as a CO.


Preface: What I want from a CO is fun - even when losing. Fun is adapting to scenarios and exploring resolutions to scenarios. Fun requires vision of how even annoying events are there to be instances of reaction by players involved. A key element of being fun is recognizing that all the sprites, including the aliens, are played by players, and that they too want to have fun and purpose. It can mean being the protagonist or being a sounding board for others to act on. In my mind CO is a reflective position i.e. a CO (a player) delegates an MP/SO/SL (Another player) to handle an unruly marine (another player) - the duty of dealing with the unruly marine is reflected from the CO to someone else. Lastly I believe that “winning and losing” should be a non-factor for CO whitelist users - as opposed to the characters who said users are trying to play.

With that preface out of the way I do not believe you are ready for the CO whitelist. I believe that you have a hard time with IC and OOC distinctions and make your decisions based around perceived meta-knowledge like loadout, equipment, and behavioral actions such as “stand against cades or 5 tiles back for maximum protection.” Likewise your character seems to be only concerned with killing bugs/winning the round instead of exploring the comradery that comes with being part of an organized military unit.

A conversation my character had with Lopits followed the these lines:
-Marines evac’d after taking heavy losses.
-Lopits openly complains on the DS about marines being too lazy to salvage more equipment.
-My marine asks “what about all the marines we left behind?”
-Lopits responds “Marines don’t matter? Equipment is more important - ask anyone in command.”

This is all fine and dandy - it’s a reason to have a conflict. Different personalities and priorities. What gives me negative feelings about the interaction is what followed.

-Lopits and my marine double-down on their points.
-Things boil over and my marine punches Lopits while they are down from the DS landing.
-Lopits gets up, and pulls their gun. “If you punch me again I’ll shoot you,” is the warning issued.

I find this to be reasonable as well, however, it is unsettling. What if my marine had punched Lopits again? Would Lopits shoot them? Reason to believe Lopits would shoot is because that Lopits said they would.
The problem is if Lopits fires this scenario rubs up against the escalation rules - i believe the escalation rules are in place to encourage conflict on different levels and discourage immediately resorting to a gun and clicking sprites until one is horizontal. Lopits could have began punching back, or pulled a knife, but in drawing their gun Lopits signaled that the RP was going to skip a few steps and kill the other if the fight continued. It is an understandable real-life mimicking decision; if someone is assaulting you, neutralize the threat immediately and efficiently.

However, Imagine the same scenario but, instead of pulling a gun and ending the RP, Lopits pulled off their armor and demanded my marine come knife fight in the hangar. This allows for an audience of tired marines to blow off some steam after a draining deployment. Admittingly, it is also the least effective use of the time between evac and hijack e.g. not cading/not preparing pumps/not a meta-decision; it is instead focused on the immediate - a fight between two distressed marines.

If it were one off I might otherwise write it off - but I’ve seen this concerning behavior over multiple rounds. As mentioned before by other users (and I know you have responded) there are instances of expressed frustration in dchat at perceived incompetence; frustrations which I have also witnessed. This says to me that it goes beyond a frustrated character to a frustrated player and that is an unacceptable transition for a CO whitelisted user.


(Sorry if the reply seems a little bit off, it was pretty hard to understand your topics.)

This conversation happened when I decided to play as a comtech in Solaris Ridge. The same PFC who was with me kept telling me to stop building barricades to the north of the FOB because he was afraid I would die, and he wouldn’t be enough to help me. I continued doing my job, and he continued with the same topic until the evacuation arrived. I did say at that moment, “Materials would be more useful than Marines,” and he went nuts.

I wasn’t going to engage in roleplay with a player I didn’t even know (I have never seen the guy and my initial view of him wasn’t the type to actually talk with you and be friendly, i remember it well). All I saw was a PFC taking advantage of the Dropship’s descent to come and hit me, without any in-depth dialogue about what I had said earlier, just a stubborn guy larping as a Boss.

And no, I wouldn’t have shot him even if he came back to hit me. I know the rules just as you do. I have complete control over my character’s roleplay. I could have acted as you said and fought him hand-to-hand, but I didn’t. I never have, actually. It’s not something I would do in the situation. This is roleplay, Lopits wouldn’t resort to fight a marine 5 seconds after hitting shipside, why would she?

Regarding my reactions in dchat and roleplay in the CIC, this was already discussed in another comment above, so I won’t repeat myself.

I would like you to take the entire scenario you described and apply it to any other CO to see the possible reaction. Each one would have done something different. Think about that.
I didn’t understand the full concept of the meta-knowledge part, seems a little too much.

Anyway, thank you for the message, and I hope you understand my point in that situation.

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I wasn’t going to engage in roleplay with a player I didn’t even know.

A player with this attitude is not something I want to see in a CO. It is an HRP role. The CO is the mascot of the entire round - they set the tone for what is expected.

All I saw was a PFC taking advantage of the Dropship’s descent to come and hit me, without any in-depth dialogue about what I had said earlier, just a stubborn guy larping as a Boss.

The indepth dialogue is being accused of being more concerned with materials than actual living people.

This is roleplay, Lopits wouldn’t resort to fight a marine 5 seconds after hitting shipside, why would she?

I stated that Lopits pulling her gun is understandable from a real-life perspective - this however neglects why the server has escalation rules in the first place. If every scuff with you goes from being punched to pulling a gun then I hate to see what you would do when given the power to BE people.


oh hey Lopits is applying for CO, Yea I’d give them a +1, online frequently and on the competent end of marines


Let me put the entire sentence for you, i think you missed it:
I wasn’t going to engage in roleplay with a player I didn’t even know (I have never seen the guy and my initial view of him wasn’t the type to actually talk with you and be friendly, i remember it well)
Would you stop to roleplay at the marine who waited for you to be stunned by the DS to hit you or return to CIC, announce a Memorial, Debrief, drink a Coffee, see how many of your force is still alive?

I already treated my BE topic on the APP itself, read it.

(This is going too far and I am well past my time. This will be my last response. Good night.)

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Let me put the entire sentence for you, i think you missed it:
I wasn’t going to engage in roleplay with a player I didn’t even know (I have never seen the guy and my initial view of him wasn’t the type to actually talk with you and be friendly, i remember it well)
Would you stop to roleplay at the marine who waited for you to be stunned by the DS to hit you or return to CIC, announce a Memorial, Debrief, drink a Coffee, see how many of your force is still alive?

To answer your question - yes, i would stop and roleplay with a marine i’ve never seen before, the interaction might be their first experience with a CO. It is a great opportunity to show them what the experience can be if they put effort into it.

I’m not asking for CO whitelisting though. This is about you and your response to your character being punched.

infact the responses i’ve gathered from you are mostly to try and define minutia of the encounter rather than seeing how as a player I can interpret this event as a negative indicator towards your fitness for position as a whitelisted user.

The responses are as combative as your character is and that’s a problem. It’s the IC-OOC separation that i’m talking about.

I already treated my BE topic on the APP itself, read it.

I read your BE portion of your app. I have issues with your responses - but I can read what you meant and see that you would use it relatively appropriately if not a little apprehensively. There are issues with formatting and language used that make it a bit difficult to interpret your meaning, but that has hardly stopped anyone else.

My issue is with the direct response to my concern - i am expressing concern to you about a very powerful ability that only CO’s have and a central point of inquiry into prospects for the whitelist. Round removal is not a joke; it can make the game very unfun for players. Your retort does not demonstrate that you understand how it can appear to other players that you have a bit of overlap between the perception of self and character, but rather to offer a thought terminating cliche like “Go and read it”, as if I have not already. If I look back at other replies echoing the same sentiment, presumed incompetence (like not reading the BE portion of your app) seems like a common expression coming from you.


I think Luscao has defended and responded adequately so far and your concerns are definitely noted and now public KGrip. I’m going to ask we stop this back and forth as it seems its becoming a little circular and I think we’ve moved past the chance to add any new helpful criticism, notes, or concerns. No need to resort to outright assertions of character or possibly passive-aggressive tones on either side here. I’m sure if anything more needs to be said you two can sort it out over discord or something.