Commanding Officer Application - Luscao
What is your BYOND key?
What is your Discord ID?
What is your timezone in UTC?
Player Name You Use Most?
Isabel Lopits
Ban Appeals, Whitelist and Staff Applications:
Have you been banned in the last 3 months?
If so, why?
Command Knowledge:
How familiar are you with command positions?
I would say that my aptitude for command in general, whether of departments or ground troops, and my communication with other officers, be it the CO or XO, has been ranged good, I rarely have operations where I encounter a communication-leading problem whether in SO or XO.
Even when tasked with leading a department like Requisitions and Engineering, I never found it problematic. Similarly, when appeals were delegated to me, I handled them with constant care along with the ML, itâs not something very difficult to do.
I also acted as a deputized ASO multiple times, engaging in arrests and processings.
If necessary, even as XO, I took on multiple OBs on my own and prepared AA dozens of times, both at the start and during operations.
Overall, I have experience with all aspects related to frontline-backline command (frequent announcements and as quickly as possible) and ship-side organization, maintaining coherence above all and good communication with Squad Leaders and department heads.
Hours in XO:
40 Hours
Hours in SL:
19 Hours
Character Information:
Why did your character decide to become the CO of a ship?
Isabel Lopits took her oath of service during officer academy. Despite having the opportunity to follow in her fatherâs footsteps, a senior-ranking active officer in the UAAC, she chose specifically to join the Colonial Marines. Her time at the academy was exemplary, and her transition to command was proven to be a great success in the eyes of senior officers. Her skill and dedication, whether in ground command or in the organization and readiness while serving aboard USCM vessels, distinguished her. Her background quickly became filled with excellent conduct records. As time went on, her dedication led to multiple promotions, eventually earning her the position of Executive Officer aboard the USS Worcester, under the command of Michael Calhoun. Although Lopits was not YET comfortable with a possible promotion and a jump to O-4, this would all change. During the ambush in Operation Jungle Hearts, Captain Isabel Lopits decided to take action and deploy as the Senior Commander on ground, immediately engaging in combat. Though not directly engaging the enemy, her utilization of organization and available support turned the tide decisively in favor of the USCM Marines. By the end of the operation, the active Cell Leader on LV-559 had been captured and delivered into the hands of Captain Isabel Lopits.
How did your character attain the position of CO?
Shortly after the conclusion of Operation Jungle Hearts, the automatic system linked to the helmetcam of Executive Officer Isabel Lopits was sent as an operation report to the Third Fleet station in Chinook, where a possible promotion to Major was discussed.
Provide a short story of your CO.
The lore is heavily focused on the POV of Executive Officer Isabel Lopits, prioritizing the character, dialog and actions.
Command Actions:
When do you believe itâs appropriate to pardon a prisoner?
Important factors must be considered for a pardon, whether it is due to an emergency, such as a job that only one individual can perform and where there are few others with the same capabilities.
In an emergency where the individualâs assistance proves ESSENTIAL for the support or even the success of an operation, this is highly dependent on how the person responds to their crime when approached.
The individual must also demonstrate the ability to learn from their mistake, be educated, and show remorse for the situation.
This is clearly reserved for Minor and Major crimes only. -
Give some examples of when you would or would not use pardon.
I would USE a pardon on:
A new Cargo Tech who accidentally shot a marine in the Req line, the active MP, who decided to enter requisitions and interrupt the process to detain the poor CT. The Cargo Tech was very apologetic, repeatedly saying they were new to the job and confused. Upon hearing this over the Almayerâs general radio, I decided to âpadonâ the CT by calling the MP on their appropriate radio and canceling the arrest.
This is identified as an Arrest Cancellation, but if he would have been arrested, i would issue a Pardon. -
A group of marines is causing trouble in REQ/MEDICAL, engaging in fights, throwing chairs, making noise, and bothering personnel who are simply minding their own business. A CT/QM, Doctor/CMO/Nurse decides to confront the group about the situation, slowly escalating to shoving and then punching. It doesnât take long for an MP to see the situation and call for backup, and all involved are taken to the Brig.
I would Pardon the CT/QM, Doctor/CMO/Nurse who took part in confronting the group, while the rest would serve their time. -
I would Pardon a Doctor/GP/QM based on the urgency of their service, considering whether it is essential for the operation or not. If the infraction is serious, I would assign an MP or even two to keep the pardoned individual in line and under observation, if there is no MPâs available, they will remain on the Brig.
I would NOT pardon:
A marine or officer who had an order refused in the requisitions line, denied the fact of being refused, began disrupting the department both on shipside comms and by banging on windows and attempting to enter the department to either get what he wanted or just to fight. The QM quickly called an MP and the situation was resolved, making the simple situation ineligible for a Pardon.
A Spec/SG/FTL/SL/Marine/Corpsman or Comtech decides to bang on the glass of the briefing hall, causing the irritating sound for everyone on briefing, and becoming the class clown by encouraging others to do the same. An SO ordered them to cease, but the offender simply ignored the order, responding with a curse. the briefing MP arrested the Marine on the SOâs orders. I would not issue a Pardon.
An officer or enlisted personnel continues in shipside comms, disrespecting an individual, a situation where an Officer should know better. They will receive only a warning before being arrested; if they do not stop, they will serve their due time. if the offender is an Enlisted, arrest would only occur with the consent of the victim, confirming that it is not just a prank between them. Both of the cases a Pardon will not be issued.
When do you believe itâs appropriate to use a Battlefield Execution?
The use of a BE is something that, IC, Lopits would avoid at ALL costs. The act of pointing a Mateba/Deagle at another human beingâs face and pulling the trigger is something she wouldnât be able to forget that easily. However, if the situation proves critical, where a life is at risk and a BE can quickly resolve the issue, she will carry it out.
Faced with a threat to her vessel or crew in an emergency situation, she will perform the BE. This includes sabotage of an essential sector or an assassination attempt on a crew member.
Sexual harassment would also be dealt with appropriately. If it reaches an intense level, a BE will follow.
Any enlisted OR officer who goes against the chain of command, refuses to follow or behave according to orders, and spreads hatred against the command, be inciting a mutiny, or Lopits herself, will face a BE.
I would seek to avoid it as much as possible if we have an active MP department, but as stated, if the situation escalates to a serious level, it will be dealt with accordingly.
Give some examples of when you would or would not use Battlefield Execution.
I would USE the BE on:
- The operation has been ongoing for an hour and forty minutes. A good number of the marines are still alive, and the enemy has no captures. During a FOB siege, a Staff Officer starts shouting for us to evacuate, even though the FOB is holding, and there is still a good chance we can turn the tide. He keeps his drama show not only on the command channel but also via messages in the OW, repeatedly ordering his marines to board the Alamo and call everyone for a evacuation.
He would be removed from command immediately. At the same time, I would avoid calling an MP until having a conversation with him, otherwise, the SO might react poorly and cause a worse situation within the CIC.
During the conversation, he remains disrespectful, repeatedly telling us what we should have done and listened to him, using profanity and not treating any officers involved with respect. He is aggressive towards the XO and me as a CO. He refuses to listen to my words and instantly runs to the OW. Fearing the worst and seeing this as a case of extreme insubordination, he would receive a BE on the spot, which would be announced via the command tablet immediately.
I would USE the BE on:
- While on the ground, during an advance through a choke point in the caves against the hive, I gave coordinates for a High Explosive OB, ensuring it was safe from the front line and in a position to force the enemy to retreat and re-weed.
After announcing the OB once on the command tablet and across all squad radios, a group of five marines decided to chase after a defender who attempted a push. The five ran inside, and the queen quickly built resin walls to block their passage. Meanwhile, the OB had already been fired and was about to hit the said push.
No one went to help them, and the OB landed as intended. Four marines from the group were gibbed, but one survived. After being treated, he immediately ran to me and started repeatedly punching me, cursing in the process and calling everyone who didnât push âcowards.â I decided to use the stun baton against him, telling him to stop his dramatic show. He got up and pulled out a shotgun, attempting to shoot me point-blank. I kept my distance and immediately fired my Mateba to put him down, proceeding with a BE.
The group charged into an area where an OB was MEANT to hit, despite multiple warnings. They did it anyway.
I would USE the BE on:
During shoving, punching, or even attempts to shoot at me or another officer who is properly aggrieved, the offender, if they ignore warnings and continue, will receive a BE.
As described in the first example, any officer who deviates from their duties in the chain of command and affects the integrity of operations on the ground or aboard the Almayer will have a conversation with me. If the situation escalates, involving insults, shots, or assault overall, a BE will follow.
I would NOT use a BE:
New players, generally PVTs, regardless of the role they choose, after they do something, such as shooting someone, i will try to talk to the player and also use mentorhelp for assistance, and if necessary, even ahelp to ensure the PVT is being monitored and helped during their gameplay.
An officer/marine who voluntarily surrenders to an MP or Officer, regardless of their infraction or crime, will be processed and treated accordingly based on their doings.
Lastly, I would not use a BE on an individual who remains well-behaved and polite. I will accept criticism up to a certain point of action, as long as it does not interfere with the operation or departments at all, whether they are an Officer or a Marine.
When an officer/marine I know, who has good intentions, decides to joke a little, involving shoving, carrying or punching, everything clearly has its limits, and I will address this with the person doing it. I will likely issue a NJP once the prank or conversation has concluded and the âfunny timeâ has passed.
I will only accept such a thing once the Operation comes to an end or we are at an early start.