Luscao - Commanding Officer Application

You know when you meet someone that you can just sense they have a warm heart for what they do? The one that goes beyond the norm out of genuine commitment?

That’s Lopits for me. And many I have seen. But Lopits is one of the most I have learned with, by actions rather than words. Watching their XOing is truly a great experience, you can just feel there’s devotion in that.

I’ve had my issues with Lopits, I got mad at them far too many times, and I can’t blame them. I’m a weird fella to begin with. Yes, the fuse is short, but who cares?

I can see someone that is reliable, competent and brings an enjoyable game often, I couldn’t put a singular experience that changed my view on that. She’s someone that could do a lot better than what we currently have.



I find them to be very responsive at answering questions and good at keeping track of current ground events.

They seem to be a no-nonsense type of player who will try to lead marines to victory. That seems a bit boring to some but, I would prefer CO’s behave more like synths who will engage in tried-and-true methods/meta. I have experienced my fair share of CO’s that will purposely hold briefing until 34 minutes into the game during chances claim match, thereby ensuring forecon survivors are dead just for their shtick. Or would gaslight marines via announcements that everything is going according to plan when the operation is collapsing.

It seems the common negative aspect is their behavior. I admit, I do the same sperging out in dchat and sometimes while alive. I believe this can be rectified easily if they remain mindful of their actions while CO. Maybe even have a different character/alter ego for CO to separate their past actions.



Lopits! You already know my opinion of you, I do think you’re a great commander and that you have the mechanical chops required to be a part of the CO whitelist. I also don’t think anyone can honestly say that you don’t have an interest in RPing and playing an actual character as part of a round - I have seen it personally and I know others have as well.

That does not mean that there is not some trouble in paradise, however. Getting frustrated with the game is par for the course, but the finesse in playing a role so central to the progression of a round is knowing how to keep yourself in check. There has been feedback from COs and regular players that tell me you’re getting too into the game and you need to maintain a modicum of separation between yourself and your character. For you, I think that just means you need to play roles like SL, XO, or SO less - take the time to shirk off responsibility and brainlessly play as a Riflemen like we’ve done before. There is no shame in taking some time off of the application grind to have fun and play the game as anybody else normally would.

Know that this doesn’t only apply to you, but to anybody considering an application or who has already sent one in - we’re not looking to see you constantly playing a role, we’re looking to see you playing a role at your best and to see you improving. If that means you’re only rolling XO once a day, then you should only roll XO once a day. If that means you’re only rolling SL once a day, then you should only roll SL once a day. I don’t play CO if I’m in a shitty mood or if I’m feeling super tired, I know I won’t be able to play at my best and give other people a good time - do the same when you’re applying.

All in all, I do think you can and will make a good CO when it comes down to it. Just consider that you don’t need to be playing the game like a full-time job to get into the Whitelist.

Best, +1


As a CO WL holder, Im giving a massive +1 for lopits.

It really goes without saying, they’re ready for the role. Been ready for months and over as a matter of fact, them getting the WL is just a matter of time really.

Can’t wait to frag her CO character :+1:


Hi there!

I’ve been meaning to give my thoughts on your application for some time, but for once, I took my time to let the dust settle, so to speak.

I will organize this reply slightly differently to my usual setup, since I think you’re at the point where you’ve already received all the feedback you need to. You know your own strengths, and have discovered your biggest weaknesses in the last two weeks. How you choose to act on this feedback, is entirely up to you.

That said, I’d still like to provide some general advice, and of course offer my support of your application as a whole.

My thoughts on the written application

Your BE and Pardon answers, while not bulletproof, I believe set an excellent standard for aspiring CO applicants, looking for guidance. Your responses are skillfully written, an impressive length and level of depth, and are quite realistic as examples that may appear in a standard round. I can appreciate your legal philosophy, and would trust you to wield ML to the benefit of the operation, and your Marines.

As for your story, while it may bear (I hate that bare and bear mean two completely different things) similarities to a typical CM round, I was blown away with your writing abilities, and your use of scenery throughout your story. You successfully took a familiar premise for every commander, and turned into a pretty awesome story. Great work

I think the fact that nobody has been able to poke a major hole in your written application to date, says more than you might think.

As for my opinion of you as a person

I’ve known you just about as long as I’ve been playing CM at this point, all the way from the HM glory days, to the heights of Command, you remain one of the most skilled fighters and commanders I’ve come across to date.

Your positive community impact over that time, while discounted by some, has not gone unnoticed by many. You’re a genuine person, who knows what they’re doing, and is willing to help others learn the same.

You are broadly trusted, even more widely admired, and somehow friends with half the playerbase at once.

To loosely paraphrase something Nessie once said to me:

“At the end of the day, whether you are a Major, a LtCol or a General, people would follow you to a certain point. No one would follow someone they do not trust and do not know.”

I have yet to see a Commander more ready for their shot at the big leagues, and you have been for months. Keep your head, watch your temper, and lead the troops to victory, as I have no doubt you will.

Fly high Major Lopits! It’s about time you joined the ivory tower!!



I’ve seen you get very hostile towards players you don’t recognize while being overly forgiving towards players you do recognize. While I’m glad I get to sit in the later and have good RP with you, I think many of the criticisms in this thread are valid and you tend to get overly invested in the outcomes of rounds and this means when someone you are unfamiliar with presents any sort of an issue you lash out at them or just refuse to engage with them at all.

I think it gives the impression of cliqueish behavior that makes newer players feel isolated and that there is a special club they’re being excluded from. I don’t think presenting stuff like this, especially with how you talk about it on the discord about not wanting to interact with your non-metafriends or talking about assuming bad faith/negative intentions when you don’t know a player.

I believe an important aspect of CO’s is creating a welcoming environment while also facilitating the level of RP and creating a theme to match. I don’t feel confident on that you could accomplish currently, as even through the duration of this app and the criticisms posted, you still actively and vocally: take over CIC’s as SO when you don’t recognize the players within it no matter how late you join or the SO’s merit, exclude players you don’t recognize from RP or interaction, and in general get over invested in rounds and lash out as such to the detriment of other players round experiences.

I feel like these are something you can overcome but I haven’t seen any effort to change your behavior for the better even with this app up and receiving better written feedback than mine. Even at some points doubling down on these behaviors in the discord.


Edit: I don’t feel as if this deserves a second response so I’m tossing it onto an edit, this -1 does not come after any specific event, but more so something I’ve thought since the app was posted and then what I’ve seen watching as it’s progressed, in game and in discord.

“It’s been several rounds since I took Calhoun’s and Spear’s feedback to heart, and I’ve been applying what various other COs have told me.”

There are other very valid feedbacks here that are not from CO’s and I feel like this links back into my feedback, there are others that should be acknowledged despite them not being people you’re close with like Calhoun


Hello! I respect your view about me, and i would understand it if it was made at the start of the App itself, but I find it strange to read this since I have been TOTALLY focused on the very aspect of roleplay since the first replies.

I don’t understand the part about metafriends, even know i always try to talk with others if they are up to it. I also don’t understand the situation around the SO criticism, it has been months since i was invested in the role, the last time i took CIC control as one is months old. In general i made many friendships as SO and had many good experiences as such, it was the role who got me into the community itself.
It’s been several rounds since I took Calhoun’s and Spear’s feedback to heart, and I’ve been applying what various other COs have told me. From my perspective, I don’t see myself taking out my frustrations on others as much as I did before.

Anyway, I’m sorry if my roleplaying style or any situation offended you. The only times I act hostile towards marines are when one or several of them break the ML or act disrespectfully towards me or a player i have a relation towards. It’s very difficult to create interesting RP when the other side acts carelessly and just insults me.

Please continue observing me and see my progress over the rounds, basically all of your concerns are being taken to heart and i am focusing on them. Have a good day!


Also an instant +1 from me. We started around the same time and seeing they got 4x the amount of play time than me really shows their dedication. They are also one of the most active people i’ve ever seen on Comms and very responsive. When it comes to RP they seem very serious and engaged. I’ve seen them handling Squads as a solo SO and being on point. Honestly i can’t even comprehend how a person can be so actively reading Comms and responding ina instant. Their Skill set is also insane in picking up new things and when it comes to leadership i have no doubt about them. If people payed attention they also show up ALOT at the end of the round facts. Have only been ina few of their XO Rounds but they mostly were wins when not on low pop. :saluting_face: :hearts: (PS i don’t normally write these, sow apologies for being all over the place)


+1 plays extremely often and isn’t half bad at roles in the command structure, knows their shit


Forgot to comment on this one, +1, always been a good player from my interactions


You’ve got a lot of positive community feedback and your application is solid. We did have some reservations about you first but you seem to have taken the early feedback given to you to heart and you’ve managed to pivot around some of the more notable talking points others previously had over you and your app.

Few things to keep in mind though: councilors have noted you have a habit of occasionally taking the game too seriously. Remember that this is a game, it’s okay to drop everything and take a break if you’re not feeling positive about it, and play CO only when you’re able and willing - it’s not a job, after all. Work on engaging with others more too – that’s another bit of feedback given on your application – the role of CO is all about talking to people and it’d be fantastic if you could reach out both in and out of the game and get even more feedback and connections.

That being said, the Council has voted to accept this application and approve your promotion. Congratulations, Major Lopits. Welcome to the CO whitelist!


Added co:approved and removed co:waiting