Master Tickle - Player Report: 1stLt Scotty Willey (CMP)(Round 26637) AND SSgt William 'Jester' Crimson (MP) (Round 26637) \\ 1stLt Talon 'Sodapop' Yeskey (CMP)(Round 26638) 1stLt Scotty Willey(ASO) (Round 26638) , Rule 11 - Malicious Compliance

Master Tickle - Player Report: 1stLt Scotty Willey (CMP)(Round 26637) AND SSgt William ‘Jester’ Crimson (MP) (Round 26637) \ 1stLt Talon ‘Sodapop’ Yeskey (CMP)(Round 26638) 1stLt Scotty Willey(ASO) (Round 26638) , Rule 11 - Malicious Compliance

What’s your BYOND key?

Master Tickle

Round ID:


Your character name:

Dan ‘Dunce’ Harper, Skyler Franks

Accused character name:

What rule(s) were broken?:

1stLt Scotty Willey (CMP)(Round 26637) AND SSgt William ‘Jester’ Crimson (MP) (Round 26637) \ 1stLt Talon ‘Sodapop’ Yeskey (CMP)(Round 26638) 1stLt Scotty Willey(ASO) (Round 26638)

Description of the incident:

Rule 11 - Malicious Compliance


During round 26637 I was arrested while playing as XO, and during that arrest had my time wasted by Scotty Wiley playing as CMP, and William ‘Jester’ Crimson playing as MP. They used malicious compliance to drag the entire ordeal out by about 25 minutes, from about 1 hour in the operation, to operation’s end. I ALSO, FUNNILY ENOUGH, HA-HA-HAPPENED to get captured by them in the NEXT ROUND, round 26638, as I played a different character and was also subject to their malicious compliance. The second time it dragged out to about 50 minutes on charges that in RP guidelines or GAMEPLAY guidlines was completely unreasonable.

ON ROUND 26637:
At about 0100 into the round the MP SSgt William ‘Jester’ Crimson, with about 10 second of RP warning handcuffed me my from my CIC cubicle mid speech, accusing me of Crimes Against Humanity during my marine briefing/announcements at 20 minutes into the round, and dragged me to the brig. In the brig 1stLt Scotty Willey (CMP) AND SSgt William ‘Jester’ Crimson (MP) spent about 25 minutes processing my crime that was completely made up. My supposed crime was that in telling the marines to detain the CLF in any way they can by beating them if required.

The MP took me to the brig, where the CMP joined us as I was getting processed and listened to me talk. I initially RP’d through it, thinking this was just a silly mistake or miscommunication, as sometimes happens with overzealous MPs and the CMP seemed to be reasonable. As you can see from the chat logs that I have saved, they drag out the entire thing with chatter, paperwork, periods of waiting, repeating stories and questions.

The also kept the CLF from the planet, who was arrested at 2nd Alamo cycle (I think) in perma detainment, who couldn’t speak english and they are seen taunting in LOOC at one point. He was in there from about 2nd or 3rd drop until the end of the 1 hour and 30 minute round or so.

Having had my time wasted I told them in LOOC to hurry this up, because it was stupid.

I received no answer, so I moved on to what I saw was reasonable, and I started insulting them in LOOC. They continued to sling shit in LOOC and refuse to speak reasonably about the incident. They started insulting me and accusing me of sexual assault of the QM in my 0008 announcement, suggesting they were going to call the admins down on me and that I should be banned.

I joined as a DCC during this round and apparently at some point which isn’t recorded the CMP 1stLt Talon ‘Sodapop’ Yeskey declared that the DP had missed a communication to halt the Alamo while the CMP makes an arrest on it, leading to the DP unintentionally taking the marine down on the first drop. The CMP declared this Major Insubordination and arrested the DP. The XO was telling the CMP to drop the charges because it was silly and to take it up with the Provost if he really wanted to. Following the previous match, I followed the CMP and shot him into crit and taking some bullets myself. I went to the XO and told him what happened and he told me it was fine and to go to the DS. I went and got healed and did another Alamo cycle.

The XO called me back and I complied with that, causing the CMP to take me to brig and have the ASO 1stLt Scotty Willey to again handle the brig stuff. The XO was handling the operating by himself at this time, and my request to have the XO handle my request fell on the ASO.

They then proceeded to do the same thing for about 40 mintues and just waste time with, again, chatter, paperwork, periods of waiting, repeating stories and questions themselves for ages. Attempts to appeal in LOOC was meet with mockery about following the rules.

Hopefully the logs that I submit show the extent of it. I’m sorry it’s dense, I saved so much of the chat because I just saved everything in case I missed it. I’m also sorry I don’t have video to elaborate on the specific behaviors and things used to waste time.

In the first round I had absolutely no reason to be arrested, and in the second I did. Regardless of that, their repeated behavior shows how the use malicious compliance of marine code to just ruin a person’s round by keeping them in a brig for ages on end with endless crap for them to do and put up with. Neither of my arrests, or the CLF’s 1 hour jail sentence should’ve happened.

Theses players are a menace.

Thank you for coming to my Ted Talk.


Hi there, I’m Scotty. Let me explain my POV

Round 26637:
I woke up only about 5-ish minutes before my MP decided to arrest you. Since the major didnt stop my MP and i joined recently, i decided to not stop William because i didnt know what was going on. After he processed you he told me that apparently you’ve told marines to beat up the arrested CLF and “shoot first, ask later”. Apparently, international law still applies in space and the torture of prisoners is banned so i tought it was a clear case, but i got a conflicting story from you and the transcript was showing that you did say “beat up the CLF” (or something similar, i think i quoted it ingame). I was in a dilemma and couldn’t really decide whether to accept or deny your appeal. Because of the conflicting info i got, normally i would have denied your appeal and asked major Svato for his opinion but because i saw that the round was ending(when there were like 2 xenos left), i decided to just wait for the server to restart without saying a final verdict. I also dont know what the SA thing was about in LOOC, i didnt get an explanation to that and i hope it was just a lie.

Round 26637:
I exlained my POV in my report here:fighterofkeyboard - Player Report: Talon "sodapop" Yeskey, Rule 11 - Marine law, mandatory obidience

I’d just like to add that i did want to free you because i felt your arrest was unjust, but unfortunately i couldnt just set you free and i had to follow the appeal procedure if i didnt want to get charged with NoD. Most of the time was spent waiting for the CMP. He spent way too much time on the console while setting your charges considering you only had 2 charges and he also messed up the form. maybe it was an accident maybe not, we’ll never know. Im sorry it took so long but i did have to explain my reasoning as to why i was gonna accept your appeal.

I’m sorry that two of your rounds were ruined partly because of me, it was not intentional and nothing personal. I did want to make the whole thing fair in both cases but maybe it took longer than it should have. I hope you can forgive me, buddy :heart_hands:


This you?


Normally, I like to approach reports in a nice comprehensive way, but this one doesn’t deserve this from your malding in LOOC, especially considering, as an XO…

  1. You announced that the full marine force should go kiss the female QM
  2. Told marines to shoot first, ask questions later, after even stating colonists were on the colony (2 colonists were extracted, by people smarter than your orders)
  3. Told marines to “assault the CLF” who was in cuffs and detained by the marines.

So yeah, staff, please post all the LOOC logs so I can show everyone that embarassing situation, in the meanwhile, here is how I spent my 5 mins instead.


Well that’s a funny coincidence that we end up in the same position 2 games in a row, which I’ll concede could easily have been a coincidence with your propensity to play ASO. My sights were aimed on you since you were there both times, from my point of view, just seemingly at brig and ready to handle the appeal and just generally ‘play along’ with the MP in the first game and CMP in the second.

I’m sorry about including you along with this report, that’s just how I saw it from my perspective. I also didn’t see your forum post until after I finished mine.

The Major letting me get taken was an unfortunate thing, as he had just woken up and didn’t know what was going on either, I suspect. I had yet to properly brief him and hand over command. He woke up a bit earlier, went to look at himself in the mirror or whatever CO’s do for 10 minutes when they wake up and arrived at CIC as I was dealing with someone else. I handed over the tablet, then noticed the MP was following me.

The MP just went rogue and through a series of unfortunate event I got stuck try to argue with a brick wall for 25 minutes.


Hey there, @Literally_A_Potato. Thank you for your report.

I investigated the incident happened in Round 26637. Captain Harper was encouraging Marines to “shoot first, ask questions later” during briefing even though they knew that Colonists were there. We can ignore this kind of speeches during briefings, up to a point. However, XO repeated this order and gave the order over the Command radio to beat a captured CLF “senseless”, even though MP Crimson’s warnings not to order Marines to torture people. After this, MP Crimson spoke to Major and explained him the situation. Major agreed with the MP. MP Crimson, then, confronted the XO and informed them that they were under arrest for Crime against Humanity and Neglect of Duty and followed the procedure.

Officers should not be ordering Marines things like “beat the CLF senseless” or “shoot first, ask questions later” since that would be torture and torture warrants a charge per Crime against Humanity.

For this, here’s the logs:

Mar 1, 2025 @ 14:03:57.058    26637    You're charged with crimes against humanity and neglect of duty. (CKEY: SolidFury7) (JOB: Military Police) (AREA: Combat Information Center)

Mar 1, 2025 @    26637     -     ADMIN: SolidFury7/(William 'Jester' Crimson) jailed Dan 'Dunce' Harper for Crimes against Humanity, Neglect of duty.

It took approximately 7 minutes from the MP Crimson informing the XO Harper about their charges to starting the timer in Brig. Upon my investigation, I found no evidence that MPs intentionally prolonged the processing. I see nothing has done against Rule 11. I will take no action for players of William ‘Jester’ Crimson and Scotty Willey. Report denied.

Other than that, let’s not announce Marines to kiss someone regardless of their gender because players may rightfully be disturbed by this and this may cause us to take action.

I will merge the two reports regarding Talon “sodapop” Yeskey, and will post the decision here, fighterofkeyboard - Player Report: Talon "sodapop" Yeskey, Rule 11 - Marine law, mandatory obidience