Medical Re-Work:

How exactly? Just prevent surgery from being done groundside? I think you can see how that’s a bad idea. If we’re not just completely preventing it, that one crate with a surgical bed would be something that’d need to go and you’d need to break all groundside surgical beds, but you can still do surgery on a roller bed or just the floor.

Easy, set a exception that any surgical operation can’t be performed planetside aside from IB

Just like how you can’t do surgery on a dropship

Agreed. Groundside surgery has got to go… ship-side medbay is all but dead until evac.

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bro marines already camp way too fucking much do we really need more reasons to camp and never push?

Removing surgery from the groundside would just lead to people hording the ship medbay, and take extra time to get back down on the ground. What happens when the Alamo is holding and a marine needs surgery? Is he forced to medevac then just sit around instead of rejoining the fight?

I dont mind doing ground surgery, I hate having to go to the ship, get surgery, and come back because it takes that much longer for me to return to the fight.

Why not just reinforce the FOB medical premise some more? We have a medical tent, why not build off of that, make a 4x4 one that can support multiple doctors, and then just let more doctors deploy so you have an even amount on the ground and on the ship?

You don’t have any reasons to cower behind cades right now, if everyone stopped standing there and actually fucking pushed we’d be halfway to space mcdonalds 40 minutes into the op.

bro the nuke exists. the “I win for camping as marines” button. how is that not a good enough reason to camp you get to win the game. also marines are massive baiters rn from the past week I’ve played. I’ve seen marines who were previously really aggressively about 6 months ago just sit on binocs like a cctv camera. Honestly why not? If no one else is pushing might as well just wait around for the nuke. this reply turned into bitching about the nuke but seriously please remove it

when was the last time you saw nuke actually go off? for me it’s uuuuuuuuh never.

The situation typically is that a majority of medical concerns are heaved upon the groundside surgeon and the synthetic, assuming both of those roles are operating, this means those two are overrun with patients whilst shipside medical is left to flounder.

Essentially shipside becomes larva removal simulator until evac occurs.

Take me back to 2016 when all surgery was done shipside. All you’d have to do to accommodate this would be…

  • No surgery can be performed groundside except for internal bleeding repair
  • Reduce Medevac cooldown period between uses
  • Let Corpsman be able to activate the medevac stretcher as well as the pilot
  • Make ImiAlky a standard issue corpsman medication (so as to reduce the risk of eye/brain injured marines clogging up medbay)

Edit: We have the systems to make this viable, but as it stands we are in some twilight zone of allowing one or so Doctor to go groundside, who then handles 90% of medical work, 1 synth who does more med stuff, and the rest flounder on Almayer.

I’d say we either push the entire medical department groundside, or we bring them all back shipside.

yeah because xenos are basically forced to feed to stop it, all die, and then proceed to lose without the nuke actually going off

Thats… just called FOB siege.

Theres a difference. Its like in CS:GO when Ts plant the bomb they get to shorten the timer and pressure the CTs to push way more aggressively because of the timer. Its not just a fob siege its a fob feed lol

I agree with all of the points you made but the last one, I can go ether way on that one but for the most part I feel like ship side medbay is suffering a lack of real duties. Bring em all back shipside I say.

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If you want a GENUINE IN CHARACTER reason:

  • You add a simple message when attempting to do a non-permissable surgery groundside: “This is not a sterile area”.

I’m sure there could be ways around this (e.g A consumable spray to sterilize on the ground temporarily for a surgery which prevents that message) but I don’t want to complicate too much. You could also add a ML / SOP clause for deployment for when medbay is fully staffed.

Either way: I agree with Steelpoint. Very smart suggestions and incredibly on point statements.

  • No surgery groundside. Possibly include IB repair in this (tbd via testing)
  • Reduce medevac cooldown
  • Let corpsman be able to activate the medevac stretcher as well as the pilot (very clever Steelpoint)
  • Possibly make ImiAlky a bought medication for like…5 points per injector or something. It won’t break the bank and you honestly won’t need it a ton … but it is very useful to increase re-entry time of marines into a fight. Sort of like how epi isn’t needed a ton … but is crucial when you do or how oxy isn’t super necessary… but is incredibly useful to speed up the avg time a marine takes to get up and active.

I do think pushing the entire medical dept groundside (or the majority of it) would be a massive mistake for our gameplay and RP standards. It is very easy to see the shipside medbay becoming even more irrelevant in this situation and actively ineffective when a crisis occurs shipside or too many wounded do decide to run the risk and go shipside. Imagine how bad late evacs would become lol.

People who go shipside know the role they are playing. Doctors are more experienced/or complicated medical and reside shipside. Medics run triage and medevac up what they can’t handle.

Synths … actually could fall in between. They are whitelisted and ICly there isn’t the same IC understanding of risk towards synthetic personnel like there is with Doctors.

AFAIK nuke requires both comms relays to be held… fairly good chance one of those is unreachable during a losing FoB siege.

EDIT: Or maybe it was one… I don’t remember

It’s both comms relays for 10 minutes, then neither relay needed for the last 5 minutes. It basically never happens unless marines already have the upper hand and are basically guaranteed to win already. Most of the time it isn’t even speeding up the round vs just chasing and finishing off the remaining xenos.

The nuke exists just to force the xenos to stop cave hugging and attack the marines by contesting one of the comms towers. This is easier or harder depending on the map and how far spread out the comms towers are (no way in hell marines are holding both comms tower on Ket if one is spawns at far north LZ1 and the other spawns in the far south east position). Meaning its actually uncommon for a nuke to go off.

Back on topic.

I still 100% support making all surgeries barring fixing IB impossible groundside

I am ok with frac surgeries, but organ surgeries should probably be limited to shipside.


If we’re making all surgeries go shipside why not IB aswell?

Make it so that Corpsman can still stop the IB. But make this only one part of it. So they have to get sent up for surgery for a proper fix.

The rate at which Fracs and IBs occur will probably need to be tweak along with marine weapons but we’re living dream thought experiment territory in this thread anyway.

Additionally going back to degrees of injury. Adding different types of fractures and breaks that are more or less severe would also be an idea.

All we need to do is bring back doctors needing to wash their hands, and groundside medical will collapse entirely.

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