Mentor Application - apocryphon

Mentor Application - apocryphon

Byond CKEY:


Discord ID:


Character Name(s):

Cara ‘Cutie’ Parker

Why do you want to become a Mentor?:

I wanna help new players by teaching them tip and tricks plus roleplay on ship

What gameplay areas do you know and which areas are you strong and weak in?:

my strongest field are medical, chemistry and research, my weakeast are fighting

How often are to able to play CM?:

3-4 hour normal days 10-12 hour weekends

A screenshot or transcript of your human and xeno playtimes:

Human (2548.9 hr)

Xeno (92.6 hr)

Other (55.8 hr)

Hospital Corpsman 1228.0 hr
Combat Technician 318.5 hr
Researcher 176.9 hr
Rifleman 170.9 hr
Chief Medical Officer 157.8 hr
Senior Enlisted Advisor 152.5 hr
Weapons Specialist 66.5 hr
Smartgunner 58.4 hr
Squad Leader 44.3 hr
Gunship Pilot 40.2 hr
Intelligence Officer 28.5 hr
Cargo Technician 24.2 hr
Staff Officer 20.1 hr
Doctor 16.3 hr
Military Police 10.5 hr
Quartermaster 10.1 hr
Nurse 7.8 hr
Fireteam Leader 3.8 hr
Maintenance Technician 2.8 hr

Anything else you’d like to add?:

i was mentor before but because i had to go collage and finish my papers leave CM for 1 year now i am back!


I personally do not know you but what I can tell you have the hours and used to be a Mentor Plus one from me

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+1, you already put 150+ hours into SEA, and I know you’ve taught people without it. Hope to see you back as a mentor soon.


I’ve seen them on corpsman and CMO FAR too many times, very medically competent player.

I can vouch for this player’s medical competence, and Cara gets along with the reset of the Jarheads well. +1

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Easy +1. She used to be a mentor, she is great to roleplay with, and back when i was new at the roles she teached me most of them, and also saw her teach many people. No doubt she has the knowledge and she is great at teaching, specially at medic and engineering :saluting_face:

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Orange medic always there to slug the woyers that grapple me :+1:. +1

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good (SEA,medic,player)
only had positive interaction with cara.
welcome back.

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0 idea if they have a new Mentor Overseer yet.

Best Meditech to play this game. Just give it to her. +1

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Interacted and seen Cara ‘Cutie’ Parker plenty of times in the past as a squad medic, very knowledge player in regards to server mechanics and has a great understanding of the server overall. The total hours and roles played should be a good enough indication of their skills. +1

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+1 you shouldve never lost SEA

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No, I’ll table and spray Cara everytime I see her.
+1 one of the best(worst?) And chillest SEA we had.


Welcome back! It will be great to see you as SEA again!

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+1. Amazing person with great knowledge. Just be careful not to be shot by the PVTs.


+1 Cara is the goat + previous experience

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-1 Whilst I do not doubt your game experience, I severely doubt your maturity if my memory serves me right.

If my memory of you is correct ,you are the person that went around licking people. including new players in-game and caused an uproar
I don’t remember how long ago was it, but if that’s all I remember you for - I do not trust you to be a mentor.


I would upvote for the experience but I would like to see you address the licking allegation before I show approval.


+1 good SEA main would work with again (silly)


i would love to see cara around again. she was always around to help out anyone new, participate in any events, and is a VERY kind person and player!! give it to cara now!!

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this issue was staff only at the time, when reviewed their actions weren’t considered rulebreaking and as such shouldn’t weigh on a mentor or mod app. There was a harassment blow up endemic to this event where lots of what happened was skewed and or exaggerated, I would check your source for the allegations to make sure you aren’t being mislead by this misplaced outrage from the time.

I was part of the investigation at the time with Silencer and others. There are no accusations to address.


Current management should be able to confirm it my scrolling:

Frozen, Forrest, Harry, and Grim should be able to confirm this by memory.

Grim should be able to find me having to slow mode last round chat in the discord punishment log channel if that still exists.