Mentor Application - apocryphon

+1, even if they had an incident in the past I dont think it will cause issues with their ability to help new players, and I trust them enough to be professional where it matters.

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holy mother of corpsman
the hours are solid, prior mentor status and nearly plat SEA also. i can already assume robot is likely going to quiz you on xeno questions so it might be a good idea to brush up, but otherwise obvious +1


Good komrade to hang out with. Vouch +1

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Has red hair like Felix and River.
Is female SEA
Was a mentor for a long time.
Actually taught people.


Lies about appearance. Should be Cara “Plain” Parker.
Hogs SEA role and doesnt even abuse it.

I always enjoyed being a mentor with them and cannot recall a bad interaction.




As I recall from the round they were given a special set of cat ears as medic and roleplayed as a cat licking people, purring, asking for pets, notably there was concern with the last screenshot included as well that it seemed the new player in question was uncomfortable with it. I should note I personally was uncomfortable with the entire interaction as well and am interested in a response.


Agreed. Even Bob Vancleave literally killed nearly the entire req line after gunning them down and got perma banned for it, yet I’m quite certain the vast majority of the playerbase would trust him to at least mentor new players even so. I see no reason why Cara should be judged even more harshly, especially when the worst thing she did was play as a slightly LRP catgirl. Moreover, I’ve seen her in the MedBay quite a few times, and I can confirm she is at least as competent here as she says she is. I can’t say much for other roles, since I’ve yet to notice her in other roles, but I rarely do that for anyone.

+1. I trust Cara will be a positive influence for our newer players.


The event and actions were staff authorised. The staff carried out the event had their actions handled. The event at the time was authed by management. I’m unsure who but you could ask in staff chat.

You’re asking about actions they got staff permission to carry out.

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I can ask about anything I’d like on mentor applications, just as anyone can as long as it’s civil. You can speak to management if you believe there’s any unfair judgement or problems per the guidelines.


easy +1.

Sounds like a shitpost but they actually stick to their role(that they started licking others players wounds when they were given cat ears by staff). Very chill to play with (in my years with being squaddies with them sometimes)
Also i’ve never heard about them getting in a fight with another player.

They definitely deserve mentor.

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you are potentially judging someone based on actions sanctioned by staff from over six months ago.

With all due respect, no I do not think it is fair, nor is it standard for Mod or Mentor applications.


i have been interacting for years with this character and saw nothing outside of the norm beside this particular event.
if players or staff would have consider any wrong doing they should have filled a player report.
since they didn’t as a far as i know it don’t see the point of bringing it up.
also their is no question for apocryhon for what happen in the event.

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Good medic, it would warrant a yes one only for that.
Even with all this catgirl controversy i am still inclined to think this player would be a good teacher for newbies.
+1 from me.

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For that event staff investigated around 3 hour long uncut gameplay video and found noting wrong. Most of this pictures just cut without content people with ill intent just for lolz and sake of “Cat Girl” Cara that round i was smelling people blood and detecting injuries noting ERP or sexual other that people claim there is without evidence or some cut/copy pasta pictures.


i spend even that round helping PVTs that round and make them love game. Please if you accuse something to me please always welcome just come with other then some random pictures without context.

Most of make up thing coming from that event was coming from;

this person, claiming fasle thing and make up event/stories about me

which himself permabanned for reasons i dont know. For being cat girl RP, i saw noting sexusal or bad about it maybe not everyone try to sexualize everything around them and do it just because its fun and make people laugh? Please if you have real evidence with event always welcome to make staff/player raport.

One of best round i ever experienced in this server


The actions were sanctioned by staff yet it doesn’t make them right or fitting towards the standard of RP on the server


I think that it’s one thing to lick someone and quite another to lick someone while pretending to be a cat.

I mean it’s weird… but she wasnt fucking people.
She was asking for pets not handjobs. And staff gave her cat ears…

AFAIK this is not behavior she is typically known for. I mean unless you can find multiple examples of her asking for pets in the discord or something… and even then didnt we rule that being a furry isnt bannable as long as you arent being sexual in the discord? I am having flashbacks to that mod who got doxed accidently because hes a robot furry or something and became uncomfortable when someone said he wanted to get molested by a carwash. But even then its cool hes a furry as long as hes not sexual in chat.

This is a strange thing to attempt deny someone re-entry for. I was a mentor continually for… 4 years and in my entire time I never saw somone being a weirdo used as a disqualification from mentor. Especially one with a positive history as mentor. Double especially as it wasnt even bad enough she got punished.

+1 still.


I propose the solution to this just be “hey… if you are allowed into mentor you cant lick people. We are held to a higher standard” I am pretty sure she would agree… still seems a non issue.

Double edit

I think its telling also that not a soul questions her experience or knowledge… and ultimately thats the point of a mentor


Is Cara a well knowledged player of our server? Yes. She also is hands down one of the best medical players we have in CM from medic, to CMO, and everything in between. She also was a great mentor and from what I recall never once fucked up as SEA or in a mhelp. On that alone I want to +1 her.

THE ONLY ISSUE IS THE EVENT MENTIONED ABOVE. Someone who is staff correct me here where I go wrong please, but yall give someone a helmet cometic that was cat ears and let said player run around as a medic on/near frontline, emoted licking wounds, and smelling others. Cara one of the Pvts asked if he could gun the furry ( from context I would have to believe that he meant you) down. From the last one alone I stop and think if that PVT was made uncomfortable by your actions. Instead of doing all that why not just say you got it on the last shore leave or it arrived on the last batch of ship mail or something or you made it with left over parts you found on the ship? I would think any of said ideas I just said would have to be far less off putting to the players around you and more in line with our RP. I would have hoped you would have caught on and stopped sooner but from my limited info of that round it didnt. This leads us to now.
Do I think cara should get most of the blame for this whole thing? No but they have gotten more then needed and its been long enough I wanna say. No I think (and I know I am getting off base here but please bare with me.) staff when you guys want to do a minor event like this, weather it be on the fly mid-round or have it pre-approved in your log(or whatever system you have(sorry I know this was mentioned in CM cord a while back what it was but I cant fully recall it.)) PLEASE stop and think is it line with our RP and lore? Will it make players impacted by said event feel uncomfortable? Too many times I have had to deal with events(mostly ship-side) and the events end in ways messing up peoples’ rounds and have derailed things. This is why we cant have nice things. In affect cara’s record so to speak has been messed with bad enough to the point WHAT SHOULD HAVE BEEN A EASY +1 has people in their right asking about said events of said round and -1 cara’s app. Not good when you look at it from my point of view, a view I have to say I know I am not the only one thinking of too.

Had cara done the same to me if I was playing that round, and wounded and she did that in that round to me, I would have emoted slaping her in the face or punching her arm and yelling at her saying something along the lines of “GROW THE FUCK CARA YOUR A MARINE, GET YER HEAD ON GODDAMN IT!” and then charged off back to my delta squad to kill some bugs. I for one I know can bursh it off but not every other player is like me. Its also unreasonable to force them to get to that level. We have minors playing CM not all our player are full on adults.

Overall while typing all this out I thought about it and I am going to still give cara a +1. Its been over half a year iirc, and this is the only bad mark in my time knowing cara that they have. Just because staff found nothing wrong then does not mean its was a good event or players were made uncomfortable, from a event staff approved and saw it happen.

Cara I really do hope to see you back on the mentor team, just please and I wanna stress I am asking nicely be mindful of something like this in the future. Best of luck!

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Right as for one of my final concerns it’s with your activity. You were away from CM for a very long time before coming back, I’d be lying if I said about 2 months wasn’t enough to kind of catch up especially coming in with a decent knowledge already. Notably as well you haven’t played much this month. I don’t have an activity quota aside from “be generally active”. Do you suppose you’re probably going to remain active in CM?


You addressed it as requested. +1

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True due work related issues i have less time to spend in game but i plan to stay active in game, even i cant actively in round i was planning to ghost/observe and answer mhelps


Approved as long as we can refrain from some of the more uncomfortable stuff, even if there was no sexual intent not everyone is comfortable with behavior like licking, etc.