Mentor Application - fighterslam
Byond CKEY:
Discord ID:
Character Name(s):
Simon Ituralde (Marine Officer)
Liss A.W. Quarterstaff (Marine Enlisted)
Everett Katsura (W-Y Liaison, Corporate Survivor)
Uriel Svastoka (UPP Event character. Does this even count?)
CU-###-N7 (Old Xeno Tag. Admin told me to remove this, understandably)
CA-###-T0 (New Xeno Tag)
Why do you want to become a Mentor?:
I used to be a mentor, and I have started playing regularly enough again that I think it’d be nice. I find myself surrounded by new players at times, but lacking overhead LOOC can be troublesome when I’m trying to get their attention to help. Really, I think it’d just be convenient since I’m already trying to train new people where possible.
What gameplay areas do you know and which areas are you strong and weak in?:
I’m pretty strong in everywhere except modern Xeno gameplay. I used to play alot of Xeno pre-MOBA update, but haven’t had the interest since then, especially with the removal of xenomorph ‘aging’, where they’d slowly progress from Immature, to Mature, to Elder, to Ancient, over the course of the round. I used to be a research main aswell, and I’m admittedly a little unfamiliar with the modern system there too.
How often are to able to play CM?:
I usually clock in a couple rounds a week. 6-12, depending how I’m feeling and what my schedule looks like.
A screenshot or transcript of your human and xeno playtimes:
It should be noted this does not reflect my actual hours, as my playtime has been wiped twice due to database resets since I started playing - however, these are still recent playtimes.
Anything else you’d like to add?:
I’m applying for mentor whilst already being a platinum SEA. That’s kinda funny I think. I used to be a mentor back in, 2020 or 2021 I think? It was removed from me after I failed to make a forum account in time to keep my mentor status. I was slightly bitter I wasn’t given Legacy Mentor after other people who had became mentor at a later date than me were given it, but I’m over that now. I also was responsible for a very funny clip of me taking a specialist’s gear as SEA - they dropped it all on the ground at roundstart and left, and I had assumed they cryoed, so I took it for safekeeping and to potentially use later. I’m a much different, significantly less powergame-focused person now. If anyone has the clip, you should post it.