Mentor Application - fighterslam

Mentor Application - fighterslam

Byond CKEY:


Discord ID:


Character Name(s):

Simon Ituralde (Marine Officer)
Liss A.W. Quarterstaff (Marine Enlisted)
Everett Katsura (W-Y Liaison, Corporate Survivor)
Uriel Svastoka (UPP Event character. Does this even count?)
CU-###-N7 (Old Xeno Tag. Admin told me to remove this, understandably)
CA-###-T0 (New Xeno Tag)

Why do you want to become a Mentor?:

I used to be a mentor, and I have started playing regularly enough again that I think it’d be nice. I find myself surrounded by new players at times, but lacking overhead LOOC can be troublesome when I’m trying to get their attention to help. Really, I think it’d just be convenient since I’m already trying to train new people where possible.

What gameplay areas do you know and which areas are you strong and weak in?:

I’m pretty strong in everywhere except modern Xeno gameplay. I used to play alot of Xeno pre-MOBA update, but haven’t had the interest since then, especially with the removal of xenomorph ‘aging’, where they’d slowly progress from Immature, to Mature, to Elder, to Ancient, over the course of the round. I used to be a research main aswell, and I’m admittedly a little unfamiliar with the modern system there too.

How often are to able to play CM?:

I usually clock in a couple rounds a week. 6-12, depending how I’m feeling and what my schedule looks like.

A screenshot or transcript of your human and xeno playtimes:

It should be noted this does not reflect my actual hours, as my playtime has been wiped twice due to database resets since I started playing - however, these are still recent playtimes.

Anything else you’d like to add?:

I’m applying for mentor whilst already being a platinum SEA. That’s kinda funny I think. I used to be a mentor back in, 2020 or 2021 I think? It was removed from me after I failed to make a forum account in time to keep my mentor status. I was slightly bitter I wasn’t given Legacy Mentor after other people who had became mentor at a later date than me were given it, but I’m over that now. I also was responsible for a very funny clip of me taking a specialist’s gear as SEA - they dropped it all on the ground at roundstart and left, and I had assumed they cryoed, so I took it for safekeeping and to potentially use later. I’m a much different, significantly less powergame-focused person now. If anyone has the clip, you should post it.


Alright, I know I’m probably going to receive a flood of questions regarding my Xeno hours.
I’m going to answer a few questions here, because although it may not look like it, I actually know what I’m doing as a xeno due to hours prior to the DB wipe.

Q: How to build a hive-core/hive cluster?
A: Use the ‘order construction’ ability (green cauldron-looking icon) If the Hive has no core, it will automatically place the hive-core on using this ability. For other constructions, such as a hive cluster or to move the hive core, use the ability and it will open up a dropdown menu for you to use. Do note that this ability uses a large amount of Plasma, and you will need to click on the created construction node with help intent in order to build the structure using your own reserve plasma.

Q: How to devour?
A: isn’t this an autoresponse? Anyways, it’s Grab a humanlike using grab intent or ctrl-click on hotkey mode, and then, once you have a grab item in your hand, click on your own sprite. Using disarm intent with your free hand on the Marine will help them stay pinned down, making it easier to devour them. Having a second Xenomorph to help you is almost always necessary for securing captures.

Q: How to nest marines?
A: Click and drag a Marine’s sprite onto the wall. You will want them to be incapacitated or otherwise stunned/immobilized for this. Using a hugger and/or spamming Disarm intent on them is a good way
to achieve this.

Q: I see other xenomorphs doing really quick combos and killing marines instantly. How do I do that?
A: You can enhance your ease of use and speed through the use of setting up keybinds & macros. We have a guide here: Macros and Hotkeys - CM-SS13 - Wiki

Q: How do I build good defenses as a Xeno?
A: Ask your fellow xenomorphs to help - Burrowers can create traps, which they can then fill with acid, or put huggers inside of from the Hive. Generally speaking, utilize sticky resins in hallways and areas you expect to be pushed, as these slow the Marine advance. Stacking doors up is generally a bad idea, as this can confuse other Xenomorphs and get them killed if they are not expecting the additional opening time. Commonly, 2x2 blocks of resin walls with space inbetween for xenomorphs for manuever are a solid defense strategy. Link them together with doors, and do stagger them/make them uneven. Straight lines are a good way to get your fellow Xenomorphs killed.
For Traps, you want to plant them under ground objects, such as dropped helmets, bushes, wooden planks, or other debris that would obscure the center of a tile. Acid traps scale with the type of acid put in them (weak/medium/strong).
I could probably continue ranting about this, there’s a lot to say on the topic. If this were to be an actual question from a player, I would obviously break this knowledge down into segments to be easier to digest, based on their specific wording or question.

If you have any other specific questions, I’d be happy to answer.


simon and quarterstaff are both awesome to deal with shipside, and are people I’d go to ask for help on reputation alone. +1

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thanks! that really means alot to hear. <3

this guy is awesome and knows his stuff +1
low xeno hours so here are some extra questions

Q: How does tackling work?

Q: How do you get pylons and what do they give to the xenomorphs?

Super knowledgable player which I have seen help a lot of new players get accustomed to CM. I definitely can put trust in him to become a mentor again! +1


Q: How does tackling work?
A: Tackling is performed by switching to disarm intent (number 2 on hotkey mode) and clicking on a marine. It is RNG based on how many tackles are required, however some castes such as drone, carrier, burrower, or Queen have a higher chance to tackle. There is also a cap to tackling, where if RNG does not trigger a tackle, the cap will. For example, if you are a Drone and you try to tackle a marine and the first 2 tries fail, the third is a guarantee. I believe certain combat castes such as Crusher and Ravager have an even harder time capping than normal, though I’m not certain.

Q: How do you get pylons and what do they give to the Xenomorphs?
A: Pylons are gained by building a hive cluster around a Comms Tower, and I believe they can only be triggered an hour and 5 minutes into the game. They slowly generate points for the Queen to use to buy things such as additional larva, extra slash damage, a few other things I don’t know off the top of my head, or the King, a special xenomorph designed to break FOB sieges. The King can only be purchased 1 hr 50 min into the game and takes ten minutes to grow at a pylon.

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