Mentor Application - ValiantEar

Mentor Application - ValiantEar

Byond CKEY:


Discord ID:


Character Name(s):

Human: Jacob ‘Mistaken’ McLight, Emily ‘Mouse’ Smith, Thomas ‘Larrikin’ Cook
Xeno: TT-XXX-T5

Why do you want to become a Mentor?:

For about five times now, I’ve helped train newbies who don’t know left from right by requesting overhead LOOC and assisting them get geared (Or, if a newbie xeno, showing them how to build/fight/whatever their caste does) and I honestly love helping new players.

I’ve wanted to help the community for a while, and this seems like a more direct (and good) way to do it.

What gameplay areas do you know and which areas are you strong and weak in?:

My strongest areas of knowledge are Engineering/Combat Technitian, Medical(Both Doctor and Corpsman), I’m rather experienced in Command and Marine Law. I’m familiar with how to effectively do requisitions.

My weakest areas of knowledge are Research (The chemical aspect-- I understand the basics, how to make chems and what they do.), Ordinance Technician and Gunship Pilot.

How often are to able to play CM?:

10-25 hours depending on weekly commitments.

A screenshot or transcript of your human and xeno playtimes:

Marine: Rifleman 213.9 hr
Corporate Liaison 143.4 hr
Hospital Corpsman 93.3 hr
Combat Technician 90.4 hr
Military Police 46.8 hr
Squad Leader 40.8 hr
Staff Officer 34.4 hr
Intelligence Officer 34.2 hr
Weapons Specialist 33.0 hr
Survivor 30.6 hr
Dropship Crew Chief 27.0 hr
Doctor 26.3 hr
Smartgunner 24.8 hr
Combat Correspondent 19.7 hr
Fireteam Leader 14.0 hr
Cargo Technician 13.8 hr
Researcher 9.0 hr
Nurse 9.0 hr
Maintenance Technician 7.4 hr
Auxiliary Support Officer 6.6 hr
Gunship Pilot 5.4 hr
Executive Officer 2.7 hr
Quartermaster 2.2 hr
Chief Engineer 2.2 hr
Mess Technician 2.2 hr
Ordnance Technician 1.8 hr
Corporate Executive Supervisor 1.5 hr
CMB Marshal 1.2 hr
Corporate Executive Specialist 1.0 hr
Chief Medical Officer 0.9 hr
Corporate Trainee 0.8 hr
Honor Guard 0.6 hr
CMB Deputy 0.5 hr
PMC Corporate Medic 0.2 hr
PMC Weapons Specialist 0.1 hr
Xeno: Runner 47.2 hr
Lurker 21.5 hr
Drone 15.4 hr
Defender 12.9 hr
Bloody Larva 12.6 hr
Hivelord 7.5 hr
Facehugger 6.4 hr
Sentinel 6.1 hr
Ravager 4.6 hr
Lesser Drone 4.4 hr
Carrier 3.5 hr
Boiler 2.8 hr
Spitter 2.8 hr
Warrior 2.4 hr
Burrower 2.3 hr
Praetorian 1.7 hr
Queen 1.6 hr
Crusher 0.1 hr ,

Anything else you’d like to add?:

I love this community and would love to help it:)

*Edit, added Xenomorph tag.


i’ve known Swan for a good while now, they’re really knowledgeable and time and time again has helped me out. They’re helpful and approachable, giving my +1.


I’ve had the good fortune to play with you across two servers now (less so here but extensively elsewhere). i know youre sociable and like interacting with people, and just last night, although not new, you spent a tremendous amount of time talking with a survivor in the brig. which indicates to me you’d be more than able to spend a significant amount of focused time with a new player to get them where they need to be, all while building a good RP experience.

some of mentorship is direct by answering mhelps and questions, which i know you’d have down since i’ve witnessed you directly mentor dozens of players from start to end and continue to give them someone they could depend on and springboard their RP off of. the other half is mentoring-by-doing, and the way you carry yourself in rounds establishes a strong basis and model for others to learn from. i’ve seen you on that other server take what was considered one of the griefiest roles, that had experienced mechanical limitations because of the way people had used it prior, and you set a new, high, and redeeming standard for the quality of RP available through it because of your consistency and demonstrated good character, to the point that people were excited when the role was available because they knew it meant they’d get to interact with you.

yea, also that round was super busy and you showed good levelheadedness but also good knowledge of ML and SOP there so we could at least keep people moving where they needed to be and fairly and efficiently apply appropriate charges, giving appeals, having visitors, coordinating witnesses; so you can definitely handle the ML knowledge matter of SEA.

Edit: Oh duh +1




Added mentor:approved and removed mentor:waiting