Minor things you want to see changed.



I also want silens to change. Smh.

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Not really minor, but having different castes or tiers make noise in different pitches or something. Something dosn’t feel right that a crusher and a lesser drone sound the same.



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i unno, maybe modernization of bitch standards for PT. it’s wild how the number only decreases

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T3 before used to have a higher volume roar than t1-t2. I honestly miss that.


Add reflective PT Belts

Especially for the guys who give lectures about always wearing your helmet, I want them to run up and accost me in the hallway with their glowing PT belt and helmet informing me that my sunglasses, cig, and cool cropped hair are against regulations as they thrust a PT belt and spare helmet in my hands (I casually dump them in the trash before boarding the alamo)


make marines spawn out of cryo with a radio on so I can accost my squad to do whatever really dumb gimmick i have in mind before they spend their points.

Add a crowbar to cryo kit, or let us do the bayonet crowbar thing with the mod88 it gives us.

Let SL set fireteam orders like SO can set squad orders.

Let marines swipe their ID over weapons or gear to tag it with their name, maybe only done while in prep, finagling the hand labeler is often a pain.

Add a tracker for the closest tunnel as a bug.

Let POs/DCCs choose their main dropship so it shows up that way in crew monitor (ASO buff).

Reduce the cost of a packet of HEDP/HIDP to 15 pts.

Add a hotkey overlay for xeno abilities (space bar, F, C, etc)


I once wanted to do precisely that, but then a tip of the round said: when you open the list of tracking targets, tunnels are already sorted by the distance to you. Simply pick the first one in the list, and you are good to go. (It does not switch tracking target on the fly, meaning that when you move across the map, you still will be tracking the specific tunnel that you chose when you looked at the list, but it is probably not worth it to constantly calculate and compare a distance per tunnel per xeno per updating tick.)

Right click your rangefinder: there is a toggle to switch between “coordinates appear in popup” and “coordinates are outputed directly into chat”.

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holy SHIT game changer

I want little battle buddy trackers that you can get that gives you an extra +1 SL tracker but for your battle buddy

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No way that is real, I am going to test that today.

Can we make it so you can examine a cyrotube and see who is in it. I hate wondering if the other doctor in lower medical is doing surgery… or already cyroed.


Allow humans to deconstruct more things on the map to get them out of the way. Alternatively, you could also make it so some of them are able to destroyed by being shot like tables and window frames.

An example list

-Hydroponics trays
-The fake hydroponic trays like the ones in Solaris by the library
-“Show cases” that can be anything from a synth statue to weird spherical computer equipment looking things at Solaris’ LZ1
-Computer terminals

And Cargo containers. These in particular need to be deconstructable with a welder and some tools. They’re often in the way in spots you’d rather use for something else and having to use C4 is a bit expensive and often too dangerous for the surrounding area.

If we could just use harm mode on tables with guns/knives to just smash them it would be so much easier.

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Boot MREs. Just let me stick em in there.

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  • Let medbay make their own injectors and pill packets.
  • Make the SL helmet actually good (Why the hell does the FTL get a helmet with 2 visor attachment slots while the SL gets only one visor attachment?)
  • Fix the incendiary mortar shells for the OT. If I pump an M15 full of napalm I get a proper, massive circular napalm explosion; if I fill a mortar shell with napalm I’ll get some weird ass “X” pattern that barely covers the impact area.
  • From time to time make events in which the SOP can be ignored. I want to see the whole USCM platoon deploy via rappel in front of the hive without any FOB developed, I want to see echo deployed at minute 5, I want to see the entire almayer medbay staff working on the colony medbay that has been transformed into a mini fob for medical purposes, I want to see COs actually confident that they can shake things up for fun without getting their WL privileges removed because they didn’t followed SOP as if it was the holy mandate of god.

I desperately want announcements to be able to be isolated in the chatbox as it’s own channel. Chat can move stupid fast with fast radio responses and so many CIC players add way too much padding with weird things (@ our people who add German into every announcement) to the point I don’t even see the announcement before it moves off my screen. Being able to click into a seperate chattab to read it would be nice

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Those traffic cones in Hangar?

Let me wear them as hats :patrice: