Commanding Officer Application - Mistermoon
What is your BYOND key?
What is your Discord ID?
What is your timezone in UTC?
Player Name You Use Most?
John ‘JC’ Crimson
Ban Appeals, Whitelist and Staff Applications:
Mistermoon - Synthetic Application - #10 by QuickLoad denied
MisterMoon - Synthetic Application - #11 by MrMoon denied
The previous applications were on the old forum but there is a couple denied pred apps with an accepted one, also an accepted staff application
Have you been banned in the last 3 months?
If so, why?
Command Knowledge:
How familiar are you with command positions?
I would say I’m very familiar with CIC functions at this point with some low pop rounds needing me to man CIC alone. This experience can range from the overwatch consoles, the main bubble consoles, launching OBs, supply crates, managing squad leaders, commanding different squads, making unique plans and adapting to situations.
I also have around 38 MP hours so I’m well acquainted in ML and the protocols surrounding most situations regarding it.
As for ground commanding situations I have had a few scenarios where I’ve seen it as beneficial as XO and I do have apparent experience with SL so I would say that I’m proficient in this regard.
Hours in XO:
Hours in SL:
Character Information:
Why did your character decide to become the CO of a ship?
Crimson would convince himself that the CLF were the bane of all problems in the world with propaganda surrounding them being readily available and plastered over society, saying how without action, anyone could fall victim to them. At the age of 25 he decided it was his time to enlist as an officer, even though his family hadn’t prior history of enlisting, he insisted that he wouldn’t be stopped by the matter.
How did your character attain the position of CO?
After enlisting in 2172, he would be assigned to the USS Destiny, a destroyer class under the 4th regiment as a bridge crew member, holding the rank of 2nd lieutenant. His main priorities were ship navigation and vessel munitions. He would hold these priorities until after 2 years where he was promoted to the Second hand of the vessel as a 1st lieutenant. Due to the ship being relatively small, the highest rank would be that of Captain, typically assigned to another, larger vessel to be under command of. During an operation gone wrong, a power vacuum was created with the current Captain going KIA months after John’s promotion. He would withhold the title of acting Captain during a 8 month period without any replacements being found, eventually leading to his official promotion to Executive Officer of the USS Destiny in 2175.
Over the next 5 years, Crimson would lead several unconventional campaigns against CLF movements, often being allowed to complete operations without a formal capital ship commanding him. His success would be found by confirming hostilities and using several orbital bombardments, although touching soil with boots personally when there was possibility of civilian lives in danger. After surviving an ambush by CLF insurgents with 0 fatalities being confirmed of USCM forces, his promotion quota was formally signed and the process was begun.
Provide a short story of your CO.
Command Actions:
When do you believe it’s appropriate to pardon a prisoner?
I believe that pardon is a dangerous tool if used wrong, not for only the ship but also one’s self, me personally though, I would realistically only pardon a prisoner when it’s evident that it is a one off crime they committed and are likely not to commit it again. My pardon though would only be given once they are absolutely clear about what being pardoned means for them to ensure they aren’t to do similar again.
Give some examples of when you would or would not use pardon.
To start, I would not use pardon for any violent crimes, if someone starts attacking someone else for no reason, they are probably going to do the same especially if let out soon after being arrested, they would likely be angry for being detained and are more likely to attempt another attack. For example, if someone starts a fight in briefing for no apparent reason, then I will not be using my powers to grant a pardon.
As for another example I would not pardon, would be deliberately breaking into an area to steal something, for example, breaking into requisitions through a window, then forcibly taking items.
For an example I may take into consideration a pardon would be something similar to the last but not so much, if a medic for example takes a Weymed for the operation to place on the Alamo but the CMO orders an arrest on them, I may be willing to pardon them while overruling the CMO regarding the situation to attempt it to go smoothly.
When do you believe it’s appropriate to use a Battlefield Execution?
Personally I believe that battlefield executions should be withheld for extreme scenarios where MP intervention isn’t practical. One is obviously LRP and the sorts, if you want to be an idiot while breaking server rules, then you can do so not in my presence for all I care. Next is clear violence against myself, attacking the commanding officer of a vessel is not a smart move and should be treated as such. Third, simply put any capital crimes in the presence of the commander without MPs on standby, with insanity being exempt. Finally, major insubordination of orders from a commanding officer, not listening to orders, especially as more influential roles such as SL can be detrimental to an operation and can easily end it.
Give some examples of when you would or would not use Battlefield Execution.
If I’m attempting briefing in hangar for example and someone starts to disarm me while I’m on the crane, they would be both attacking me and being LRP while interrupting briefing and so that is a situation where I believe a BE is warranted depending on if MPs step in or not.
If 2 people get into a fight where only fists are being used, then I will let MPs deal with it, I likely don’t have the tools to stop the fight adequately, if I choose to order them to stop though then it may be a different story.
Finally if someone attempts to muster people up for a mutiny then that would be sedition and so I believe that would be worthy to employ a BE.