Hi Mistermoon and thanks for your interest in the Synthetic Whitelist!
Your Synthetic’s personality is definitely an improvement since last time, and is comparatively more unique, albeit just barely within acceptable grounds. I think you could do better, and also the fluff of her clothing seems unnecessary to write here.
The story provided with your Synthetic did not feel like it adequately represented your Synthetic’s personality. Or if it did, we felt that it was not within acceptable grounds. There were moments where arguably offensive comments were made to colleagues, and, such is a difficult personality to comprehend, even if it is a jaded IT technician. Let’s just say workplace passive aggressiveness is a cliche of overworked techs, but not a trait someone would want to incorporate to a unit which does not feeloverworked in the first place. The dialogue was also either too thin(Towards the beginning) or way too wordy(towards the end) to properly mesh in our gameplay, thus, we believe your dialogue can be improved greatly. The premise of the story was risky, but entertaining in my opinion. Also, there are STILL minor typos in the story! Please check your punctuation as it will be a good habit for any Synthetic.
Your experience answers were adequate and allowed us to understand your current level of mechanical competence.
The combat answers here appear good.
Vouches were mixed, although the community support on this thread looks decent. There were several concerns brought up in regards to previous infractions done whilst in whitelisted roles, including Working Joe. The largest and most problematic concern with this application overall was OOC behavior which we felt was ultimately unbecoming of the Whitelist. In this regard, we would absolutely like to recommend that you take a significant amount of time to restore your reputation in IC, but especially OOC areas.
Overall, we felt that your personality and especially your story could be improved significantly. The story itself would be inadequate for an accepted application. More importantly, we felt your OOC behavior/reputation and past infractions, given their varying dates, put an extreme strain on whether or not you could be trusted in a WL Synthetic capacity. Unfortunately at this time, we have decided to deny this application - you may reapply in 30 days, but noting the above, it may be better for you to take some additional time to keep a clean record! Best of luck