Moonshanks - Commanding Officer Application

Commanding Officer Application - Moonshanks

What is your BYOND key?


What is your Discord ID?


What is your timezone in UTC?


Player Name You Use Most?

Mateo ‘Buckwild’ Martinez, Viktor ‘Iron’ Mallard

Ban Appeals, Whitelist and Staff Applications:

All other appeals/applications are over a year old.

Have you been banned in the last 3 months?


If so, why?

Command Knowledge:

How familiar are you with command positions?

I am very familiar with command positions. I have played a significant amount of command roles and have around 30 hours in SO, and 23 in SL. As well as over the required hours for XO.

I understand the mechanics behind command, and the routine checks needed for each pre-op (OB, SLs, Briefing, AA, Altitude if you’re cool) I also understand the necessity in keeping consistent, concise and informational announcements coupled with occasional tac-maps.

On top of this, I have a plan of action for every single map and LZ. While I am flexible in my plans, I find that having these pre-planned routes can help significantly with the early-round organisation.

Hours in XO:


Hours in SL:


Character Information:

Why did your character decide to become the CO of a ship?

Mateo ‘Buckwild’ Martinez worked extensively within auxiliary support departments. Specifically, they worked for USCM intelligence as a field officer (IO) from 1st to 2nd LT.

During this time they were assigned a team in order to perform operations in the field, typically in information gathering but sometimes in strike missions behind enemy lines.

Mateo and their team were part of a strike team during the Canton Operation to eliminate AA defenses around key spaceports prior to the rival of the main USCM fleet. Though their team had heavy casualties, and they lost both dropships they came in on (needing to be extracted) they were successful in their mission, a feat that Mateo was awarded the rank of Captain for, and mentorship under a major on an escort ship the USS Halsey, assigned to anti-guerrilla operations in the Neroid Sector. Eventually after proving themselves in hit-and-run tactics Mateo was promoted to Major and put in charge of a retrofitted cargo vessel the USS Damocles.

The USS Damocles was designed to appear outwardly as a normal cargo vessel on all scanners, it’s primary mission was protecting haulage vessels against piracy both in and out of port. The reason for the USS Damocles’ concealment was psychological warfare. The thinking in the USCM at the time was that because the USCM didn’t have the fleet power to protect or patrol all cargo lanes, instead it could convince pirates that any cargo vessel could be armed. The USS Damocles was not a ship fit for conventional warfare, it was both under-armored and under-gunned, however, as a vessel to perform stealth takedowns on pirate ships it was more than adequate, and its deployment in the Neroid Sector lowered piracy significantly.

The USS Damocles was finally damaged beyond the point of being worth repairing when it came into conflict with an unidentified pirate vessel, along with the TWE ship the HMS Beowulf, a much bigger warship in its own right that was unable to properly engage the pirates at the time due to sabotage onboard the vessel.

During this fight, Mateo sustained injuries resulting in them being fitted with a prosthetic left arm. It was after the loss of the Damocles, and the subsequent loss of the Almayer’s CO during Operation Tychon Tackle that Mateo was assigned to the Almayer. They were picked to be the CO of the Almayer due to their experience in anti-piracy and guerrilla warfare, as well as their battle experience in the Neroid Sector. However, doubts have risen amongst the upper brass about Mateo’s ability to lead a vessel as big as the Almayer, since both the USS Halsey and USS Damocles had significantly smaller crews.

How did your character attain the position of CO?

Mateo obtained the rank of CO through dedicated and specified work in informational warfare, and guerilla fighting/deep operations.

While they weren’t picked initially for a commanding role due to their tendency to fly off the handle (hence the nickname buckwild), they proved themselves useful in the new age of warfare that the USCM found themselves in.

Assigning Mateo to the Almayer is a gable by HC but the hope is that their experience in dealing with asymmetric warfare, as well as their extensive knowledge of the Neroid Sector, will assist Mateo in wiping out any CLF threat that arises once more.

Provide a short story of your CO.

Command Actions:

When do you believe it’s appropriate to pardon a prisoner?

The pardoning of prisoners is only acceptable when one or more of the following conditions are met:

  • The prisoner is key to the operation of the round, while certain roles are limited, such as specialist or SL, that doesn’t mean they are key to the round. If the prisoner is in a limited role where there is only one of them awake, and that role plays a key part in the main combat loop of the round (say a squad with no appropriate aSL and the SL gets arrested) then I would consider pardoning them. The alpha specialist being arrested while all other specialists are deployed probably isn’t going to get a pardon.

  • The prisoner is guilty of the crime they are charged with, and the sentence is appropriate for the crime they are charged with. If I have any suspicion that the prisoner is not guilty of the crime they are charged with, or the sentence has been misplaced for the crime they committed, then an appeal is in order. I would NOT pardon prisoners who are eligible to have their sentence appealed, since there is no reason to put myself at risk of being arrested by pardoning, instead of appealing.

  • The prisoner hasn’t been LRP in any way (to the best of my knowledge) or isn’t known for being LRP. If the prisoner has shown signs of LRP or otherwise “goofing off” where not appropriate (disrupting briefing, ignoring indirect orders, breaking rules like netspeak, purposely soft antaging like going around and stealing everyone’s shoes) I wouldn’t be giving them a pardon, as the risk of them breaking another law, or otherwise causing issues once pardoned is too great.

  • I am confident that the prisoner won’t commit another crime that they would be arrested for, for the duration of the operation. As mentioned above, if there is a significant risk that the prisoner will commit another crime then I will not pardon them, this risk can usually be assessed by asking: has the prisoner committed a violent crime? why did they commit this crime? was the crime committed in order to further the operation, or was it done for personal gain? was the crime committed as a joke?

  • The crime that the person committed was done directly to assist or improve the operation in a way that couldn’t be avoided. If an SO, or SL, or other prisoner commits a selfless act that directly assists the operation but is also a crime, I would be far more likely to pardon them. For example, if an SO ignored procedure to assist marines deploying faster, or give them equipment that they wouldn’t otherwise have (I know we can’t hand out HG kits without HG DW I wouldn’t support an SO doing that) then I would be more likely to pardon them if I was sure they wouldn’t do it again.

Give some examples of when you would or would not use pardon.

I’ll give four examples, two where I would give a pardon, and two where I would not:

  • A staff officer is arrested for assault as they punched someone once in the briefing as they walked past, they immediately started apologizing and did not resist arrest, I was a witness to their arrest but was not involved in it. When I go to their cell and speak to them they say they slipped and it was an accident. I would not issue a pardon. Instead, I would appeal the situation as assault requires “ill intent” in order to be assault, the attack being a singular punch and an accident suggests they had no ill intent, and is legal grounds for a pardon.

  • There is no RO or CT present at the req line, Squad leader is arrested for breaking into req and attempting to distribute items to marines waiting in the req line, despite not having ID access. They do not resist arrest, and immediately leave the req room when asked to by MPs, they are arrested for FTFP and trespassing. I did not notice them being LRP at any point in the round, and they explain to me that they were only attempting to arm marines with gear before briefing as no CTs or ROs were present at the req line. I would pardon this marine on the grounds that they were attempting to assist the operation, they occupy a limited role, and they have not shown any signs of LRP, violence, or repeated offending.

  • The CL hires a marine to defend them, and the marine signs a contract to do so. MPs get reports that the CL has a xeno in their containment cell and that a marine is refusing to deploy and claiming they’re the CL’s “bodyguard” in the CL’s office. When the MPs go to the CL’s office and attempt to intervene in the situation, both the marine and the CL become violent and assault the MPs in an attempt to stop either of them from being arrested. I would not under any circumstances pardon this individual: they’re in a highly replaceable role; they committed a crime for their own gain; they are arguably goofing off or acting poorly by assaulting MPs to attempt to stop the CL from being arrested; they violent committed a crime which suggests they’d be likely to commit another similar crime in the future.

  • The synthetic is arrested for FTFP for taking equipment from req without asking req personnel first. When questioned their reasoning was that they failed to notice a change in the crew manifest that showed that the RO had awoken. They were arrested by an MP for this. I would first inform the council as even though this is clearly a simple mistake the respective councils have to be informed on WL violations. 2ndly I would fax HC to have the MP investigated for malicious compliance, the synthetic clearly didn’t take anything important nor did they do so with an intent to harm others or otherwise break ML, thirdly I would speak to the RO and assess why they wanted the synth arrested for this if the MP had arrested the synth on the ROs orders. I would also pardon the synthetic as they are WL restricted to not break ML and I would be confident that I wouldn’t be putting myself at any risk.

When do you believe it’s appropriate to use a Battlefield Execution?

Battlefield Executions are ONLY appropriate in specific situations such as:

  • There are NO MP present to resolve the situation, or the situation presents such an immediate threat that the MPs will not respond in time to subdue it (someone pointing a gun directly at me or someone else with intent to fire)

  • All reasonable attempts to deescalate the situation have failed, again if the threat is immediate this step may be skipped.

  • The perpetrator has committed an act worthy of battlefield execution (Threatening someone’s life, destroying key equipment, being actively and repeatedly LRP toward myself or in a way that disrupts briefing, making 18+ comments towards myself.

  • Someone is directly disrupting my ability to command or lead the operation.

Examples of the following below:

Give some examples of when you would or would not use Battlefield Execution.

  • Really obvious first one, if someone points a gun at me and threatens lethality (i.e. it’s clear it’s not a joke) then they will be BE’d on the spot, including if there are MPs within the room. That is an immediate and very real threat that I have every right to deal with lethally. The same goes if they’re threatening the lives of others in the room in the same way. Obviously if an MP cuffs or otherwise restrains them before I get to battlefield execute them then I would immediately stop what I was doing.

  • Someone is committing a major crime in front of me that is threatening the safety of others, such as explosive DTGP, assault with deadly weapon, someone attempting to cut power to CIC, and there are no MPs free, I have ordered them to stop with them ignoring me, and I have no stun weapons.

-someone makes any 18+ comments towards me that are creepy or otherwise sexualizing my character (I had someone ask my synth for sex before ;( )

  • Someone for example is repeatedly pulling me out of the command bubble, in an attempt to get me to sign something (looking at you CLs) or to listen to them about something less important than the mission. I have asked them to stop, MPs aren’t present, I have resisted against them with equal force (shoving them back) and they continue to drag me out of the bubble. At this point they are inhibiting my ability to command and are failing to stop when asked, or resisted against, I would (if I did not have cuffs or stun weapons available) BE them.

I attempted to write different answers this time from my last app as I feel as though it would be lazy to copy paste the exact same app from last time.

In order to achieve this I tried not to look at my answers for the BE and Pardon questions from last app, so if I duplicated any responses it was by accident, and not intended, I am after all the same person with the same opinions as when I last applied.

EDIT: forgot to link to my previous CO app Moonshanks - Commanding Officer Application

Since this is also still in the editing time window:

Thinks I have worked on since last time:

I am no longer suspended from predator and have played a few rounds (when possible)

I have not been suspended from Synthetic since my withdrawn application to Synthetic on the 26th (ish???) of February this year.

I have logged more SL hours and Riflemen hours as requested, see playtimes below

I have continued to play command roles.

My playtimes haven’t increased dramatically since my last application as I was finishing my university dissertation I hope you understand that this lack of playtime increase doesn’t reflect at all on my want to play command, nor the effort I put into the rounds I could play, but was done out of necessity to finish my degree.


Oh also cool image from my story like on my last app.

I’ve had Moonshanks as my XO before and they are a good XO and player overall.

  • When I deployed, they took the helm of the operation and informed me and the marines down there on the frontline situation. Bravo was incompetent that round and Moonshanks noticed this once the Bravo SL failed to send some of his men to secure comms after being told multiple times to do so, Moonshanks demoted the SL which in my opinion was a good decision since comms is a vital asset to the marines.

  • While Moonshanks had some issues with other WLs in the past, I believe that everyone can learn with their mistakes. From what I have seen, they are a player with good Marine Law and SOP understanding which are important for a CO.

I’ll ask you some questions before I cast my vote here.

  1. What is the job of the CO OOcly in your opinion? To make sure the marines win the round or make sure the marine players have fun?

  2. You late joined in a round as CO and see that the operation was a catastrophic failure. The XO is locked up in the CIC while marines are outside with their guns out ready to storm in. What would you do in this situation?

To answer both questions in one sentence “remember losing is fun!”.

I think everyone enjoys winning in CM and I’m no different, as a CO your role is to be the most competent leader in the room, the adhesive glue that holds everyone’s plans and actions together. That being said, I’m much more interested in making sure people have fun and RP over winning. I’ve been here playing CM since 2015, and in all those years my favorite moments are always those where I’m deep in RP, not when I’m fragging on the front.

With this in mind, if I join a round with a CIC in shambles and a FUBAR operation I will make the best of losing, RP with the marines, try to talk them down and come to a mutual understanding, take the helm from the XO and offer him deployment if they’d prefer to make a final stand in FOB with the marines (not worded quite like that IC) and or if the XO wants to stay up and the op is being lost, I would deploy to attempt a final hold and push out in FOB attempting to rally the mutinying marines behind me.

Keep in mind once the CO spawns in you can no longer mutiny the XO it’s in the rules that only the mission lead can be mutinied.

Seems you want to take another swing at CO then? Alrighty, hours are fine. Story is okay. Unfortunately I haven’t been online to see you command as my XO so Suppose that will happen within time as this application.

Onto knowledge questions (as if you were the CO):

  1. Solaris ridge, frontline is going strong but an issue shipside has occurred that might need your attention. you just now looked at comms and got the tail end of the issue, something about xenomorphs? And research? Regardless it might need your attention. No attempts to reach out to you has been made though. What do you do?

  2. Shipside, You are in your office doing paperwork and suddenly you hear a blowtorch being lit and something being welded behind your office. Could be someone attempting to break in? Or is it just engineering doing a project? When you turn the corner you see a MT and a Working Joe looking at your wall with a wrench (in WJ’s Hand) and a welding torch (In the MT’s Hands). And parts of the wall are being dismantled right Infront of your eyes. What do you do?

  3. Shipside, you are called to brig to handle an appeal and possible pardon. Its two marines, both quite roughed up. Severe wounds and the like, no bleeding but burns and bruises which symbols a fight at least happened. Talking to the CMP, he said these two had to be forced out of ARES’s core by the WJs, and since they resisted being dragged out the WJs enlisted violence to make them comply. The CMP does note that one of the WJs said that, and none of the Marines locked up have even spoken about being in the ARES core, that it was a simple disagreement between them two. Both had been charged with Trespassing, and resisting arrest. ARES core alone made these charges against the two marines. What do you do?

Questions 2 and 3 are a tad odd. I was under the impression that WJs can not break ML under any circumstances (apart from being told to by ARES).

  1. This depends on if an XO or adequate SO/CIC staff is awake. It is feasible that the researchers could have got permission to have greenos or xenos from the CMO, XO, or even maybe an SO acting above their station.

I would first confirm, have the researchers got xenos? this can be done via radio or cams without a need to stray far from CIC.

I would then confirm, do the researchers have permission from anyone for these xenos? Are they greenos (useful to the mission) or just xenos? (bad to have onboard and do not serve the mission or research)

Depending on the answers to the following questions, I would send MPs to shut down the research operation or allow the researchers to continue making greenos. If the MPs were unable to do so in a timely fashion I would assign a SO or XO to command and go assess the situation in person. If an adequate so or XO isn’t available I would put up with having xenos shipside in containment and ask MPs to handle it slowly. If the MPs failed too for too long I would contact HC to explain the situation and ask for assistance in the form of a riot squad. If no assistance was available I would be forced to move away from CIC with the tablet and handle the situation myself (with force if needed) while juggling command remotely, not an ideal situation.

  1. Again I was under the impression WJs can’t break ML which means either the WJ and MT have a valid reason to do what they’re doing, or there’s a WL/Staff report issue going on. if the WJ or MT are just breaking into my office then I would treat them as hostile and order them to stop, call for MPs, and if either proved violent, I would BE as necessary (BEing the WJ isn’t necessary I can use the ML synth steps to decomission them). Ideally I would have MPs respond and arrest the two. Obviously, I ask them for a valid reason first… since WJs can’t break ML.

  2. WJs again cannot break ML which includes lying in ML reports. So I would take the word of the WJ assuming that there’s no WL issue, and that if there was one, it’d be OOC and out of my hands. So if the WJs disagree that requires some sort of ahelp or other OOC investigation into which is lying or is wrong.

Otherwise, I would review the situation as a detective like I have learned too from my many CMP hours, taking statements, and referencing them against each other to see who is most likely to be true. Either way, two marines fighting wouldn’t be pardoned, one might be eligible for an appeal if they were defending themselves and backed into an open ARES core to escape the attacker.

If the ARES CORE has ordered their arrest (which would be unorthodox) then I would follow it as that’s an OOC/IC staff interaction and should be listened too (unless its an event where it will clearly be labeled as such).

Just had it confirmed, WJs cannot break ML unless directly ordered to by ARES or APOLLO. Outside of an event this would be concerning behaviour from WJs, I would take their word that they had valid reasons, or were telling the truth (contrasting the CMPs and WJs word as they’re both OOC required to tell the truth in ML reports) under the assumption that they wouldn’t be breaking the rules or their programming.

Right I will judge your answers now. And yes. 2 and 3 were meant to be odd.

I would first confirm, have the researchers got xenos? this can be done via radio or cams without a need to stray far from CIC.

I would then confirm, do the researchers have permission from anyone for these xenos? Are they greenos (useful to the mission) or just xenos? (bad to have onboard and do not serve the mission or research)

Depending on the answers to the following questions, I would send MPs to shut down the research operation or allow the researchers to continue making greenos. If the MPs were unable to do so in a timely fashion I would assign a SO or XO to command and go assess the situation in person. If an adequate so or XO isn’t available I would put up with having xenos shipside in containment and ask MPs to handle it slowly. If the MPs failed too for too long I would contact HC to explain the situation and ask for assistance in the form of a riot squad. If no assistance was available I would be forced to move away from CIC with the tablet and handle the situation myself (with force if needed) while juggling command remotely, not an ideal situation.

Good answer, Confirmation along with making plans should certain situations happen is a good thing to have in mind.

WJs can’t break ML which means either the WJ and MT have a valid reason to do what they’re doing, or there’s a WL/Staff report issue going on. if the WJ or MT are just breaking into my office then I would treat them as hostile and order them to stop, call for MPs, and if either proved violent, I would BE as necessary (BEing the WJ isn’t necessary I can use the ML synth steps to decomission them). Ideally I would have MPs respond and arrest the two. Obviously, I ask them for a valid reason first… since WJs can’t break ML.

Good answer as well. Not much else to say as you have most of all bases covered.

WJs again cannot break ML which includes lying in ML reports. So I would take the word of the WJ assuming that there’s no WL issue, and that if there was one, it’d be OOC and out of my hands. So if the WJs disagree that requires some sort of ahelp or other OOC investigation into which is lying or is wrong.

Otherwise, I would review the situation as a detective like I have learned too from my many CMP hours, taking statements, and referencing them against each other to see who is most likely to be true. Either way, two marines fighting wouldn’t be pardoned, one might be eligible for an appeal if they were defending themselves and backed into an open ARES core to escape the attacker.

If the ARES CORE has ordered their arrest (which would be unorthodox) then I would follow it as that’s an OOC/IC staff interaction and should be listened too (unless its an event where it will clearly be labeled as such).

Good. The marines in this situation were attempting to not be charged and let go on crimes they committed; through saying they didn’t do it and simply had a scuffle with each other. Good on you to see past the lies and listen to though with creditability.

Good all around, You have my +1.

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I’m very satisfied with your answers and your application overall so it’s a +1 from me. Good luck with your application!

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I too am satisfied. +1

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Ever since I’ve known Moonshanks they’ve demonstrated their passion and dedication to telling interesting stories in the context of CM.
His dedication is clearly shown when you play one of his events and that alone is more than enough to prove to me that he seeks this whitelist for the right reasons, making rounds more interesting for everyone involved.
As for his characters, I confess I haven’t really interacted with Mateo yet so I’m unable to comment on him, but I’ve had plenty of run ins with Victor and they’ve all been extremely pleasant, he seems to run a tight ship on his department and I know I can count on the MP’s help when he’s around, so I don’t see why he’s XO would be any different.
Having said all that I’m very happy to endorse this application with my +1.
Looking forward to seeing you at the helm, good luck!

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I’m satisfied that you meet all the requirements, I believe that I’ve played with and under you as a enlisted/officer/anything else.

Seems to be someone that can be trusted with the CO WL, despite previous issues with other whitelists.

While I have some minor issues concerning certain answers, it is nothing more than personal preference rather than something to address.


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I was going to ask a question or two but others have already satisfied that itch of mine.

I’ve had some bad blood with you in the past unrelated to the CO Whitelist, but that won’t stop me from dropping my +1. I’ve seen you as a capable roleplayer in-game time and again, particularly during my tenure on the Staff team, and you’re dedicated to doing events that instigate unique interactions, as well, in my opinion.

Keep at it, keep playing XO, and I doubt you could mess this up.

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Right! Second time’s the charm it seems. I’m glad the way your last application went hasn’t deterred you from trying again, as it’s clear – from the feedback, your answers to the questions here, and from your own performance – that you’ve demonstrated you’re now ready for the role.

Just bear in mind what I’ve told you before to keep rules and regulations in mind when playing CO, though I doubt I need to hammer that into your head now.

This time around, Council and I have no further qualms against you and have decided to accept your application and approve your promotion.

Congratulations, Major Martinez. Welcome to the CO whitelist! :medal_military: