MrSmiley316 - Yautja Application

Yautja Application - MrSmiley316

What’s your BYOND key?


What’s your Discord ID?


Do you have a regular character? If so - what’s their name?

Misa ‘Mars’ Burnout

Yautja Info:

What’s the name of your Yautja?


What clan are you joining?


If minor: Give your clan lore.

Yautja Character Story:

A group of Marines suddenly rush up and start shooting you. How do you respond?

Depends on how big the group is. If The group was bigger then 4 then I would divide and conquer. In other words, I would seek them out individually when or if possible. If the group is four or smaller I would verbally accept their challenge, and proceed to hunt them all at once. If I live or die shouldn’t matter as long as it makes someone’s day. What I will NOT do is plasma cannon the entire group and run away. Since it would defeat the entire purpose of being a pred I feel.

Another Yautja hunted and killed a target you had marked. What do you do?

My pred does not like dueling other preds after he was scared and shamed in his last duel. So I would call him out and argue as too why he killed my target, injecting a way for our characters to become familiar with each other (for better or worse, possibly even gaining an IC rival). Although, if he was to duel me for calling him out I would have to accept.

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Hi, what timezone do you play in usually and roughly what times/days?

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I have some leave days on me right now so for the next week or so I will have plenty of time to play. I’ve just got projects to take care of. I can guarantee that you will see me a lot more on the weekend though.

My time zone is GMT-5 and I typically play around 1400 to 0200. I enjoy low pop as it allows me to do more creative things.

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Hi, thanks for applying to the WL :grin:. I gave your story a read and to be honest overall I thought it was pretty good. While there were some issues with the application of certain gods names, the fact that you bother to know that much about pred lore that there are multiple gods and they do different things already puts your lore knowledge past a lot of people haha. I thought it also had pretty good storytelling and structure. Mainly I’m here though to ask some questions about the HC and some IC interactions.

  1. A pred body has been recovered and put in research, which has been turned into a fortress pretty much and is being guarded by pretty much all the MP and some marines too since a previous pred already alerted the shipside crew that they were trying to recover the body by going loud. How do you approach this gear recovery while staying within the honour code?

  2. The CO has spotted you and begins shooting at you with the CO gun and insulting you, disrespecting your honour, etc. What do you do?

  3. How do you think actions are classified as good or bad spirit of the whitelist? Can you provide some of your own examples of good and bad spirit of the whitelist actions?

Looking forward to your answers, no rush, reply whenever it’s convenient for you! :slightly_smiling_face:


Thank you for taking the time to give me some creative questions. I honestly had fun finding the answers. Now here they are.

A pred body has been recovered and put in research, which has been turned into a fortress pretty much and is being guarded by pretty much all the MP and some marines too since a previous pred already alerted the shipside crew that they were trying to recover the body by going loud. How do you approach this gear recovery while staying within the honor code?

While I could HPC my way to the body and self destruct it, I don’t think that is what this whitelist would want. I would much rather taunt the guards and open many holes into research while I continue to taunt them, calling them feeble and giving them a chance to leave before they face my “reckoning”. While everyone defending the Yautja body is, by nature, not dishonorable but they I am allowed to use any means to take the body and it’s gear back while minimizing collateral damage to other places of the ship, for example, medical and the morgue. It’s virtually impossible to take or small SD the body due to how well fortified they are. So slowly, inch by inch, like a centipede. I will move forward. and I would grind them down.

List item

The CO has spotted you and begins shooting at you with the CO gun and insulting you, disrespecting your honor, etc. What do you do?

The CO has netted themself and their HG into a one way street for a duel. Normally I am prohibited from hunting anyone in the higher command structures like SO, XO, and the CO. But since he engaged me I am well within my rights to hunt him and dispatch of the CO and his HG honorably. As normal prey. This could go one of two ways, the first way is that I die. In the event that I am about to die I would congratulate him and small SD (I will only ever small SD I have doubt that I will ever find a reason to do a big SD). In the event that I win. I will collect a trophy from the CO, more then likely it will end up being their ID tag since I don’t want to take anything from them that could hinder the round as a whole, like their BE device or armor. Of course, I would also return the CO’s and the HG’s bodies back to the FOB to be revived. Even though I can mechanically collect the COs spine I shouldn’t. Since that would go against the spirit of the whitelist. specifically, causing a balance in power. Without a CO the marines will have a lot less cohesion, which is me giving aliens an advantage. This shouldn’t ever happen for any reason. Going either way.

How do you think actions are classified as good or bad spirit of the whitelist? Can you provide some of your own examples of good and bad spirit of the whitelist actions?

Here is a quick list of what I consider to be good and bad.

The Good

  • Interrogating a researcher as to what they might have learned and where a piece of Yautia gear is located.

  • Stalking a robust PFC (killed a pred, soloed a T3, killed a group of T1 or T2s etc.) and give them an opportunity to be enthralled. Giving the player a change in seniority for a game.

  • Build a temple for the god of your choice for the marines to discover, and then order them to leave as this is holy ground. Giving a chance for marines to showcase their RP skill if they wish and to fight for something instead of the normal “I chose to kill you”.

The Bad

  • Perma’ing a sg, sl, tl, in an honorable duel despite them attacking you first.

  • Large SD multiple xenos just before hijack, leaving them weaker to finish the rest of the marines shipside

  • Claiming something that is critical or at the very least important to someone’s kit as a trophy. Examples could include IDs, headsets, helmets, armor and much more.

The spirit of the WL is to make the round more enjoyable for everyone. Taking items that are incredibly hard to get from req would go against the spirit since it’s not very fun to wait at FOB trying to get a MX88 back that a pred stole or barking at req to send down a laser designator, only for someone else at fob to steal it. Preds are antagonists but like many other servers, antagonists are meant to pursue their objectives while creating a narrative for other players to medal and interact with as they see fit.

Examples of some narratives could be a PFC killing a pred only to find three more. But only to get the preds netting as a trophy. This PFC walks back to the FOB with the netting on and it creates a new atmosphere for this PFC to roleplay in. It also gives them the chance to show off in front of their SLs and whoever they wish. Maybe even the CL…

This boils down to, " Am I enriched someone’s time or am I wasting their time". I believe this to be the spirit of the whitelist and what the WL is trying to do.

  1. This all looks good to me. Anybody defending a pred body shipside will also probably be defending pred gear since the two come together usually. I’ve had to fight through situations like this and you will have to use your HPC to make progress at points but I think your answer is very good faith if that makes sense.

  2. All of this looks good, except the part about taking the ID of the CO which is not a trophy item and also breaks server rules, the CO cant get a new one. Taking one of their cosmetic items which they probably have because CO has a dedicated drip vendor is a good move for trophies. I think small SD would be the way to go in this situation, but I think your take on only ever small SDing will change very quickly if you get the WL :wink:, but again it strikes me as very good faith. You are right in that doing something to round remove the CO in this case would break HC.

  3. This mostly looks good to me however I have a couple comments. For one in terms of building shrines/temples, you’re free to do that however they either must be a lodge or must not be a lodge, and if it is not a lodge you can’t really defend it in the sense of “leave or die”. If it is a lodge however it follows standard lodge escalation rules. Small tip, lodge doesn’t actually mean a lodge, it’s just a name for a pred construction really, your lodge can take the form of a shrine, crypt, temple, whatever you want. Also I found it a bit odd that you listed taking somebodys ID as a bad spirit of the whitelist action but you say you would do it to the CO in the previous response. Again, taking IDs as trophies is very much not ok and very much breaks server rules.

Overall however I get the sense from your answers that you have a strong desire to follow the rules and act as a good pred player. You seem to know how pred fits into the server and how it is meant to add to the gameplay for both xenos and marines, saying in your questions how you would stay not just inside HC but beyond it which I found good, even though that’s not a requirement. Basically I think you have a good understanding of HC and are a good faith player, so I will give you my +1 for those reasons :slightly_smiling_face:. I’d just like to ask for a bit of clarification on the whole ID thing though.

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I apologize for the misunderstanding but when I say ID tag I meant the “dogtag” not their actual ID card or tag for access. I meant the one you would put on the remembrance shrine on the almayer. I apologize if I didn’t make it clear.

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+1. Full faith and confidence.

Apologies for the wait! Although there is a small amount of community support for this application; your story, in-game roleplay and whitelist answers have convinced the council that you’ll be a great addition to the whitelist!

Your application is accepted. Welcome to the whitelist!


Added pred:approved and removed pred:waiting