Commanding Officer Application - MrSmiley316
What is your BYOND key?
What is your Discord ID?
What is your timezone in UTC?
Player Name You Use Most?
Misa Burnout, Quea’ak Loxzil
Ban Appeals, Whitelist and Staff Applications:
Denied MrSmiley316 - Yautja Application (Yautja application) It’s older then a year but it thought it would be nice to have.
mrsmiley316 - Yautja Application This one is almost exactly a year old from the time I am posting this.
MrSmiley316 - Yautja Application Pred Accepted
MrSmiley#9033, smiles00733 - Discord Ban Appeal This is the only action I’ve had taken against me.
Have you been banned in the last 3 months?
Only on the Discord
If so, why?
To simply reiterate what the ban appeal said. I was slightly tipsy and logged onto discord on my phone and through an effort to be funny I offended someone and was subsequently banned from the discord for six months. This did not stop me from playing CM though. I am no longer banned of course.
Command Knowledge:
How familiar are you with command positions?
I would say that I know what is required of me when I choose to play a command role.
I’ve never played much of department head like ASO, RO, or CMO. I never found the gameplay loop of those roles interesting. I tried getting into those roles but they just didn’t suit me. So I choose to command. I don’t know how research works, even with roughly 500 hours into this game. But I know the CMO does. When I play command, I delegate everything that can possibly be delegated. I would say that Delegation is the lifeblood of any command role in CIC. Nobody can handle everything.
From organizing a frontline crate to dropping an OB, I understand how the console works for both the bubble and the SO’s desk console. But so far these have just been the basics of leadership in CIC. When I play command, I make sure everything is set up for success. I put myself in the shoes of the SLs and ask myself what does the XO want me to do or what is the intent of push X or defense here. It helps me understand what they know versus what I know. I’ve played on the ground enough to know that CIC knows everything while they tell me what I should worry about and what I need to get done. Constant communication is established between CIC, SL’s, and the squad themselves. Constant communication, and clear and concise orders are the bread and butter of an XO. Along with the ability to know when and how to push and when to cut losses. Without SOs and effective SLs an operation may not last long.
Another command position I enjoy is staff officer, I always find it fun to watch over and take over a squad by giving them squad specific instructions so it’s easier for them to keep up with what is going on and how to react to what. If a SL that care about commanding is in charge then everything just falls into place. It’s even better when I can just focus on one squad the entire round and give them an abundance of info so they don’t have to play it safe.
And my last human command role, SL. I enjoy SL. I enjoy leading squads (besides bravo) from the semi front and leading them to where they need to be. I tend to stick around the center of my squads so I can provide Jtac support and only take the lead if I carry a shotgun. I call my setup a “support squad leader”. I tend to survive longer then most SLs that I get deployed with since I don’t charge with seven fractures with the move order. I’m closer to a FTL but I still relay orders to my squad and give them something to do when comms are online. Information is key.
I would also like to add some honorable mentions for some of the hours I have in other roles.
Staff Officer: 70 hours
Commanding Officer: 5 hours
Queen: 93 Hours
Human + Xeno hours: 762 hours playing the game
Hours in XO:
Hours in SL:
Character Information:
Why did your character decide to become the CO of a ship?
Money. Burnout needs the money. And from what she understands, becoming a CO means she can get more money. And the more money she has the more she can send to her grandmother to finally achieve her dream of retiring from the USCM and living in comfort with citizenship and her grandmother on the beaches of the US. She is not cutthroat nor is she a greedy monster. She is just trying to satisfy her needs to get out of the USCM before something in here…or someone kills her.
She was born in the United Peoples Republic in the Siberian Region. She Illegally immigrated to the US to get her green card to work. unfortunately she was refused, so as an attempt to secure her future she enlisted herself in the USCM and has worked to secure a living. Though, things don’t go as planned when she is far from earth on countless deployments back to back in the borderline sectors. Including the Necriod Sector.
How did your character attain the position of CO?
Through consistent and constant effort of work with connections to and through higher command.
During her career, she was promoted to 1st LT and subsequently assigned as a translator and interpreter linguists for any interaction with Russian troops or their
language culture. Time spent in this role gave her ample time to speak with current Battalion Commanders and XOs and form many lifelong connections that would carry her up to the rank of captain.
Despising Politics, but still making connections, she stays in regular contact with multiple Corporate Representatives to secure funding for multiple personal projects including but not limited too personal equipment for varies samples of XX-121 genetic material, blood, and samples.
Her selfishness in her dreams has seen her join the magpies, a political group, under the 6th Battalion ‘Silver Sparrows’
Provide a short story of your CO.
Command Actions:
When do you believe it’s appropriate to pardon a prisoner?
The only time to pardon a prisoner is based upon these handful of variables.
Will pardoning them affect the round is a good way?
How was their temperament to being arrested?
What crime are they being arrested for specifically?
What are the chances that they will reoffend in the future?
How long will they be locked away for?
(arguably the most important) What was the intent before and during the crime?
I will apply this list to everyone I might consider pardoning.
I will never pardon anyone for the skills they possess alone. Although it is a factor.
If a doctor is whining, crying, and screaming on their way to the brig but they are the only doctor on ship. I will keep them in the brig. Instead. I will find an alternate to fill in for medical. Two examples would be using the any nurses and/ Hospital Corpsmen from the ground to come up and fill the space for the time being.
I would pardon someone who made a genuine mistake and didn’t show any signs of being able to commit a crime again or willing too.
There are limitless situations in where a pardon might or might not be used but I will list a few of the situations I think are likely to happen during my time.
Give some examples of when you would or would not use pardon.
Reasons I would pardon someone
I round join as CO and go to my room to get ready in my office with the gear and such. The ASO request that I go to the brig and handle an appeal. So of course I accept his request and go to the brig to find the XO being processed for NOD. Once they hit the jail cell, I ask them the story for why they are being arrested for NOD. They failed to show up for an appeal that the prisoner clearly requested and the MPs arrested XO. The XO claims that they were busy with the operation and failed to hear the request be voiced to them. In a case like this I WOULD pardon the XO since it was an honest mistake while they were trying to lead the operation.
I am leading an operation and such and there is a blast somewhere outside of CIC. So I tell the MPs to check it out. Turns out that research bombed themselves and they request I appeal it. So I ask the XO to take charge for me for a short bit and I head down to the brig to meet the bomber. As luck would have it. The researcher in question, was ignorant of the explosive combination. In this case, I WOULD find it acceptable to pardon them since they didn’t know any better and I doubt they are going to mix the same chemicals again just to get another fracture and near death experience.
Reasons I WOULD NOT use a pardon.
A MP is being arrested for NOD and Intoxication. When asked why they are drunk, they only respond with I only had one sip. I WOULD NEVER pardon an MP that has been arrested for any reason as it is my personal philosophy that MPs should be held to a higher standard of both RP and dependability then anyone else on this server. Any crime that an MP is arrested for is more then likely guilty. I don’t have any bias towards or against MPs, It’s just tough love. I would make sure that the MP is granted an appeal if requested but anything further then that I would shoot down and leave it to the appealing process.
A specialist (sadar) decides to act up in briefing by throwing smoke grenades and interrupts the briefing all the while. A MP sees this and arrests the SADAR just before drop. The SADAR is requesting a parole from me. I WOULD NOT accept the pardon since it’s hooliganism, and the MP had every reason to arrest them. Pardoning them would have only incentivized such behavior anyways.
The GP was detained for DASO and Resisting arrest after insulting the CMP personally and with crude language. Despite how game changing a good GP can be. I don’t think it would be becoming of a CO to pardon someone who acts like this. Despite the skill they possess or the changes they can make. So for this reason I WOULD NOT pardon them. In addition to this, resisting arrest only adds to the issue that they don’t feel remorseful for their comment or for their attitude.
When do you believe it’s appropriate to use a Battlefield Execution?
A battlefield execution or a BE for short is an ability granted to me to round remove troublesome people from the round to act as damage control. The ability itself is powerful and shouldn’t be used lightly. Although if the situation permits it, it shouldn’t be held back if the reasons are correct and there isn’t any RP that would better suit the situation in the moment.
- A BE should only be used when MPs are not there to deal with the threat imminently
- The Threat is active and lives are at stake. Or they threaten the security of the operation on the ground.
- There are extremely LRP to the point of breaking server rules.
What this boils down to is if the player on the receiving end is a threat to me, the operation, local staff, or the enjoyment of the game to me or others through poor taste of words.
Give some examples of when you would or would not use Battlefield Execution.
When I would use a BE
I am on my way to deliver a briefing to the marines. As I’m walking a marine points at me and I stop to see what he wants to say. He blurts out that he wants to do stuff with me and is explicit about it. I execute him on the spot and continue on. LRP stuff is a big no for me but to the point of breaking server rules is just a BE from me and an ahelp after the fact.
I would NOT BE a marine if they made a comment about me being ugly or hating that I’m Slavic (Icly). At that point I would talk down to them Icly and order their arrest via MPs.
Lets say I am at the FOB leading a FOB siege. and a PVT shoots me up and kills me. I WOULD NOT shoot the private upon waking up again since chances are that it’s a simple mistake and I got in the way.
However If I was on the front. Leading from the rear of the formation and a SL says that I need to retreat the entire front back to FOB. I hear him. I think about it. And I decline. He continues to insist . Up till the point of holding a weapon at me and threatens me. Wither he intends to shoot me or not, doesn’t matter anymore since he is a viable threat to my life and is attempted to undermine my leadership through a entire squad and possibly through all of command. I WOULD BE him for the sake of both the operation and myself.
A event is being ran and one of the props in the event comes into CIC and attempts to subdue me. I WOULD NOT BE him. Instead, I would call the MPs and attempt to use subdue them using large volumes of Non-lethals and the taser provided to me through the CO’s vender to make an attempt to capture them and let the event continue on in a different way. Expanding the RP potential for both me, the MPs, and the prop of the event.
To summarize, once more. BE’s are used for damage control and how they will affect the round must be accounted for when using the tool for better or for worse.