My game keeps freezing and i have to DC to fix it

so I’ve had this problem for a few weeks now and its really getting annoying, since ive died a few times in combat since my game froze. I don’t even know what caused it as it just started one day, ill list all the things I’ve tried to do to fix it:

  • I’ve tried clearing beyond cache
  • I’ve tried changing version
  • I’ve tried deleting and re-installing beyond

and none of these have helped at all. there’s not even a pattern it freezes pretty much at random sometimes it’ll freeze 3 times in the space of 5 minutes other times it’ll freeze once a round and if im really lucky, it wont freeze at all for one round.

if somebody knows what’s going on and how to fix it id really appreciate it since it becoming a really big problem for me.


Freezes are probably network related. Your best bet is trying relays, which you can use by clicking on the ping indicator.


hasent worked unforunetly


How is the internet connection where you live?

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This was a big problem for me when using wifi w/ my old ISP around a year ago or so. That might be the cause for you too.

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I know this sounds stupid, but do you ever have steam or anything running in the background? recently I keep forgetting to turn off steam and it’s auto updating stuff and filling up my bandwidth

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funnily (irritatingly) i just started to get this too

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Nope, usually only have discord on the backgroud

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Its good, we got fiber optic recently but its pretty sure its not that since the freezes started happing months after we got them, worst case senario rn is that its an issue whit my pc however i doubt it sonce its only SS13 affected. (Happens on other servers (tery))

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Do you play other online games? If so, does the problem happen on those games as well?

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Nope just SS13

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Had same issue for 1-2 years. It is related to wifi router and pc incompactability. I used to switch to my phone hotspot to play ss13. When i got new router the stuttering was gone.

I tried everything to fix this problem but for some reason it only happened while playing ss13. Only thing that helped is switching pcs or getting a new router.

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So you do not play other games?

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How do i tell what routers are compatible with my pc? And its only started recently like a good while after getting a new router

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I don’t quite understand the logic here but I see how you came to that conclusion.

What is possible (though this is a wild guess) is your router is having trouble assigning a static IPV4 address for whatever reason, whether it’s ISP settings or w/e. This could cause your issue because BYOND only uses IPV4, it doesn’t do anything w/ IPV6 IIRC. So if you’re constantly getting assigned a new IPV4 address I guess??? Maybe.

I am not a network engineer or anything even similar so I really don’t know but that’s my guess.

You might be able to fuck w/ your router settings to fix this. However, I am very confident that if that really is the issue, a VPN would also fix it. As a VPN would talk to your router on IPV6 but it’d also give a static IPV4 for BYOND to talk to.

IPVanish is pretty cheap and has very expansive options, along with servers on pretty much every world region.

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Also, BY CHANCE, does it freeze more often when people are firing guns on your screen??? I had that problem briefly but I can’t quite remember what the fix was. If this is the case, I’ll try to duplicate it on my end

One more thing before I head to work: Have you already 1. Duplicated the issue then 2. Opened task manager and started closing programs one at a time until it stops duplicating?

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Nope, i dont know how to replicate it has it happens at random

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1.) when was the last time you did a proper power cycle on your router
2.) when was the last time you did a proper restart of your PC
3.) is there ANY correlation between when it happens and a. How long you’ve been playing the game or b. What’s currently on screen in the game (like gunfire, as I’ve seen this cause consistent crashes before - it had to do w video drivers)

also I know youve tried different BYOND versions, but can you share the one you’re currently using? also, are you on a laptop?

Is there any chance the amount of memory BYOND 's allowed to use is being limited? Have you tried running BYOND as an administrator instead of normal user privileges?

With the lack of info and your inability to duplicate it I’m just throwing out literally every idea I can think of

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  1. i dont think ive ever done a power cycle of my router
  2. a few days ago but it was an issue before and after restarting my pc
  3. as i said it happens largely at random but it seems to happen more frequently when i get a notification in game e.g. a queen announcement or a QM announcement also, it seems to only happen when i play xeno, however it could also happen on marine and ive just not noticed since i pretty much have only been playing xeno recently