Newest change - Deltard

Hello, I am Dukeofcagliostro a/k/a Archibald V. Cartwright. Proud member of the MT gang and proud member of Delta Squad.

All bull shit in the acid goop post aside, I would like to know the reasoning behind this policy change. To be clear I have been off the Discord for two months. Getting your laptop fixed is a son of a bitch. And Discord on mobile honestly scares me.

Here is the honest truth from me. If you want to ban RE, I do not like it but hey you do you. However, I take issue with banning Deltard.

Here is the thing. DELTA PRIDE WORLD WIDE. I am a proud Deltard. I dare to be stupid.

Those words echo for every veteran Delta Marine. We are the dumbass squad. To quote @Felix_I_Cash_Taylor as he succinctly said “ Delta either reaches the hive in 5 minutes or gets captured in 5 minutes.

Deltard is a part of cm history. Part of the heart and soul of the game. By doing this you are ripping a piece of its heart and soul out. And for what? I do not genuinely understand. I proudly call my self a Deltard. And for what?

The term Deltard had been passed down from generation to generation of cm players. I learned it from Tex of the Black Pants Legion. He is the man who got me into this game.

Please rethink this.

Very truly yours,

Dukeofcagliostro a/k/a Archibald Valerian Cartwright.

God speed and god bless you all.


Entirely ignoring the slur basis of it, I think that it would just lead to so much confusion for new players, as having re** banned on forums + discord but not ingame already did.

Imagine as a new player seeing del**, thinking ‘oh its fine to say re** here?’ (because why would they think any different), then getting an admin PM (horrifying near death experience for new folk) for saying re**. Not a fun experience for pvt pumpkin fartles.


Can we ask if anybody… wanted this? Like, who actually requested this change? I’m aware that R and D are both being banned on the basis of “they are slurs that target a specific group of people” but who the hell took them as such when we actually said them, anyhow? This, to me, implies there must have been people ahelping or DMing Staff about the usage of these words because they felt offended (or worse yet, feeling offended on someone else’s behalf).

Nobody, ever, has felt offended by ‘Deltard’ in my entire history of playing CM. It’s an ingrained part of CM terminology, same as Fobbit, Grapes and so forth. It was just a joking way to refer to Delta between rivalling squads, reinforcing Squad identities which have developed since years, quite literally.

I also know that the Staff team (which are the ones that will actually have to enforce this nonsense) were not, in any way, consulted or informed about this before it went into the announcement chat on Discord, which is honestly baffling to me. Discord Mods, Game Mods and Admins are the ones actually enforcing these new rules, whereas Managers are the ones making these rulings “in internal discussions”. There’s no transparency about the reasons behind this at all, and CM players were pretty much mocked for this as well when Grim ended his announcement with “I put the 1984 react on my post, so you can get it out of your system”.

Like, yeah? Of course people are mad about this. We’re literally not being consulted about any of this and Management is killing game culture for virtually no reason other than to appeal to some silly (likely non-existent) minority, pretending our game needs to be PG13 eventhough every round people bleed all over the floor, get delimbed and gibbed etc etc. I have no clue what Management’s policy vision even is anymore. What happened to “Slurs are fine if used as in-character bravado” as cited in the rules?

CM isn’t Twitter or Reddit. Thanks.


I came to CM due to a BPL’s video on CM showing up in my feed. Tex has always proud to be a deltard.

Bravo was where I started after two weeks of studying medic guides, and when ‘Nine Lives’ (She’s still Frost to me) switched to delta, I followed shortly after. I was the green haired medic of delta squad, a callback to copper toxicity in the mining sector of that my character grew up in. Copper toxicity causes mood swings, irritability, excitability, and difficulty focusing. Rebecca Sterling is a deltard, because those are her people.

Those beautiful blue marines would charge off, seemingly completely oblivious to orders to die in places unknown. Delta is the squad of wannabe robusts, robusts, madness, and outright stupidity. And there has never been a shortage of marines to put back together as medic (outside of those total wipes that delta is also known for).

I left for eight months, I came back to a game where people argued there was no longer any squad identities. Delta has an identity and a history of amazing marines that laugh when someone dies, turned a dead marine into a sandwich that was worthy of tears resulting in all the medics passing out drunk and dying, and a whiskey soaked voice that has guided so many to CMSS-13.

Please reconsider removing a term that brings us pride in our play style and foolishness, because it has traditionally been the squad that we can vent and be silly, and just be… Us. We are Deltards, and we are proud of it.

-Rebecca Sterling, Delta Medic
-Day, Synthetic

P.S. Hey Archie!


A clear case of virtue signaling by a certain someone, simple as.

I will always be a Deltard too, Archi. I love being blue through and through!


hello what if i say deltard as in dotard + delta


Also, we should ban the term Fobbit too, as hobbit may be used to make fun of under heigthed individuals


as a vertically challenged person i agree with this


No one asked for this, literally a fringe group of people who want to control what you can or cannot say. This is only the beginning of it, you’re going to lose the right to say bitch because its misogynist language next. Staff are letting the people from goon control what goes on here.

Glad we’re RPing marines but I can’t call people r slurs LOL.


CM is becoming Twitter. Nobody ask for it to be removed besides a small group who we don’t know.

It’s joever.


My brother in Christ. I assume you are new to this server and its culture. That is the only way I can explain your response. I made my self very clear in the initial post. I have the right to call my self a Deltard. I dare to be stupid. And to be clear I willing to fight this because to quote my self “I am ungovernable and do not give a shit”. That is actually a partial lie. I do in fact care a great deal about this community. I care about its great past and I can only hope and pray for great future.

To all people that heart my post. Stand up and actually post what you think. Put money where your mouth is. Be as respectful as possible as this is not acid goop.


The reason the word ‘R*tard’ was banned from the game is to bring our policy on slurs used In-Game in line with the policies we apply to the Forums and Discord.

Whilst there is by no means a guarantee that an exemption will be made for ‘Deltard’ it is being discussed by the management team as, like many have pointed out, although it originates from a slur it has become communal culture.

Being part of the communal culture does not void it of its origins however, so I’m not going to promise that we’ll agree/decide to exempt it from the ban. A good reason not to for example has already been stated; it will likely cause confusion on tolerence to those newer to the community, and even those who have been around as long or longer than I.


Grim should go back to being “Retired” although not as if that ever stopped them from spending 40 hrs a week moderating


This kind of stuff is going overboard; this server’s staff don’t have an off switch or common sense.

This speech policing and morality preaching has been creeping along slowly for the past couple years, it gets pushback from the playerbase and then a few months later you all try it again, but with a few more of the sticks in the mud banned, a little less pushback each time, and the remaining complaints get the passive aggressive “just dont play here then :)” treatment.

You’re not making the server more welcoming, you’re doing the exact opposite.

It’s whatever I guess. I know the people on this admin team aren’t going to listen, and I know it’s only going to get worse. It just sucks to watch this all play out in slow motion. You don’t HAVE to do what you’re doing.


it shouldnt be banned on the forums either, discord i can understand since discord is based in san francisco which is pretty much the barad-dur for all this stupid shit and they ban servers who use it too much


Not gonna lie.
Kinda Funny that people are crying over deltard when the exact same thing happened to xigga and the 600 other words used to bypass the simple rule of “dont use slurs”.

I personally don’t mind Deltard. I do mind that people just decided to use deltard as the new hot way to bypass the filter. Now If that changes, like @forest2001 said, we can maybe bring it back

It’s pretty easy to play a multiplayer server without using slurs. This isn’t something unique to CM.

Maybe time to go play on one of the other servers in the hub.

Oh and if you are a “Deltard” maybe get annoyed at the people who deliberately co-opted a community phrase to simply use slurs without punishment :stuck_out_tongue:.


That sounds out of touch, deltard is in no way used to circumvent anything, deltard is a term used SINCE FOREVER as part of their identity


Why stop here then, there is still a whole lot of words that technically “slurs”. Although they aren’t and never were as offensive as racial/bigotry slurs and never (on the server) actually were used against the groups the words originally described.


Im familiar with the term, I used it myself until recently when i’m sorry to say that it has been used to circumvent it.

I dont think calling something deltarded (and really just putting a delt- on the front), really hid the meaning that a lot of peeps were using, especially when contextually it wasn’t being used in the historical slang sense.


Yeah sure if you feel the need to use offensive slurs constantly against the groups they’re aimed at, you should take a step back from the game. But if you PB someone and they call you a r*tard for doing it and you get offended, maybe take a step back as well and realise it truly means little for your actual life.

I don’t think I’ve ever felt the need to yell slurs at someone in CM since I’m not unhinged. But goddamn making anything that might offend someone a bannable term is stupid.