Synthetic Application - Nomoresolvalou
What is your BYOND key?
What is your Discord ID?
Do you usually play a specific character? If so, who?
Adam ‘Coil’ Burns
What whitelist applications have you previously completed?
Synthetic application [Denied]: Nomoresolvalou - Synthetic Application
Synthetic Info:
Name of the Synth Character you wish to play:
What is your Synthetic’s Personality?
Willard was developed by Weyland Yutani as a multi-purpose ecology synthetic. Knowledgeable about all kinds of Earth and xenofauna, he was programmed to “love” animals, as much as an unfeeling robot can. Willard was made to be used in many different professions, like as a farm animal caretaker, a veterinarian, a biology research lab assistant, or even as an expensive pet sitter. As a result, Willard speaks very clearly and dryly, as to be able to fit into as many different social situations as possible. Even when being insulted, Willard keeps his calm demeanor while responding to any slight against his character.
Willard is at his “happiest” when around animals, and is designed to have a higher priority for animal life than most other commercial synthetics. Of course, Willard will always prioritize a human’s life over an animal’s, but while most synthetic units might gloss over the stray colony cat, Willard would be happy to take the creature with him, away from the grubby claws of any xenomorph or hostile human that might harm it.
How will they react to the different ranks of the USCM, what would they talk about in a one on one conversation? What are their interests? What is an advertisement logline that could be written for them?
While Willard may talk in a similar way in most situations due to his design, he would have no problem having conversations with privates in his spare time. With officers and higher rank members of the Almayer, Willard knows to take a more to-the-point approach. Experience with other no-nonsense individuals such as those often found in labs has taught Willard to give as much necessary information as possible in the shortest amount of time, especially so in an environment where every moment is life or death.
Willard’s number one interest, of course, is interacting with animals. Found a stray rat in maintenance while collecting metal? Clean the little guy up and ol’ Doc in research could have a new friend! Did requisitions use the black market to buy a bunch of animal crates for a req petting zoo? Looks like you need someone to make sure none of them fall into the ASRS pit. Feed Jones some salmon while on the way to CIC.
Willard’s next best interest, when not interacting with animals, is talking about them. While the dropship auto pilots down to the colony, he would love to spend the long wait talking to any private willing to listen about parasitic bird parenting, or how octopi have a single bone, so are able to fit into almost any space! a truly fascinating galaxy we live in. Of course, with the advent of space flight, we now have access to thousands of worlds teeming with unique life to learn about. Willard suspects most privates don’t know about the Flying Chameleons of LV-937, which fly from tree to tree, blending in with its surroundings to ambush prey.
“The latest model produced from the Weyland Yutani Synthetics Division, this versatile unit can do it all! He can care for your pets while you’re away on one of The Company’s Luxury Space Cruises. He can lead the way in cutting edge research on distant exoplanets. From your home, to the lab, to the edges of the final frontier, Willard has your back.”
Why do you want to be a synthetic/why should we whitelist you?
I want to be a synthetic because I find support roles to be some of the most fun I have in CM. Corpsman or comtech I can consistently pick to have a good time, and allows me to mostly curb the situations where I go “Come on does no one know how to fix comms?” or “Oh my lord this surgery is going to take years.” since I can just do them myself. I also have fun arguing with other support roles about best practices, how to maximize the value from your limited storage space, and teaching newer players how to fix an APC or how to do surgery. I want to be a synth because it introduces new challenges, since you now have to pack efficiently for both engineering and medical roles, and allows you to do things far faster than anyone else in the game.
I also want to be a synth because I want more synth experiences. I find that some of the most fun experiences in CM are had with synthetics, and I wish it wasn’t so rare for me to interact and RP with synths. By becoming a synth myself I can have more cool experiences and RP moments with other people, and the unique personality of a synth allows me to RP in new ways that I normally couldn’t as just a normal marine.
What is your most memorable interaction with a synthetic?
The first was a while ago. The entire Almayer had been overrun by the shuffling undead of our former comrades. There were just a couple of us left in CIC. I was an SO, two other SOs were with me, as well as a mute IO, and a synthetic who I can’t for the life of me remember the name of (I want to say Yin but I can’t be entirely sure). CIC was locked down, and we could hear over the radios the moans of the dead and the last living marines fighting for their lives. The IO in her chair started to have a panic attack, it looked almost like she was close to killing herself, so the synth and myself tried to calm her down and assure her that everything would be OK. another SO suddenly went limp in catatonic in his chair, and the synthetic elected to fireman carry him around. Just when all seemed hopeless, a squad of MARSOC blasted through the walls of the CIC and yelled at us to move, they had a shuttle they could use to extract us. We all ran with them, dodging the horde, down the ladders, and into maints, the synthetic carrying the SO all the way. We finally reached the shuttle only to find it already overrun by zombies. the horde proved too much even for the MARSOC, and the cramped maints corridors meant that we were cornered. Even as we were picked off one by one, the synth kept carrying the SO and desperately fighting the horde back. In the end, none of us made it off the ship.
A more recent interaction was with the synthetic Richard. The marines’ attack against the xenomorphs on Solaris Ridge fell completely flat on its face. As the only doctor awake, I couldn’t do much except treat whatever marines came back aboard. When groundside evac was called I knew it was over, but I didn’t expect what came next. as the DS made its final voyage back to the Almayer, the XO screamed over comms ``QUEEN ON THE ALAMO!" the few shipside marines ran to await the incoming bug. We had only caded the east and south sides of the Alamo by the time it landed. What I had naively assumed to be maybe the queen and a few other xenos turned out to be the whole hive. The xenos streamed out of the west side of the Alamo, killing everyone there. I, meanwhile, was taking the bodies of the dead from the south side of the Alamo as I could. I noticed the body of synthetic Richard on the floor without a head, and I saw the head was sitting on an overturned electronics vendor. I quickly took the head off the vendor and set it outside while I started to treat a yellowing medic from the Alamo. I quickly realized, however, that there was no salvaging the situation. The xenos had killed everyone west side and were gunning for the rest of the ship. I only had time to pick up Richard’s head and run. With nothing but an M39 with one mag in one hand and Richard in the other, we went upstairs to figure out a plan. Richard suggested we take a pod out, but evac wasn’t called. Alone I stood no chance against any real xeno threat, so I went to the northeast fuel pump and activated the turrets. For some reason, the turrets shot at Richard’s head, which didn’t seem to damage him, but I steered clear when I could anyway. Comms chatter was scarce, and we were sure that almost everyone was dead. the XO finally activated evac, and Richard and I ran to take a pod. On the way though, a turret shot at Richard’s head, hitting a fuel tank behind me. Richard was blasted from my hands and I was left stunned and deaf on the ground. bleeding, I got up and looked to find Richard, who was just inside maints. I picked him up and ran to the nearest pod. Once inside I put Richard down, locked the door, and launched. Pod malfunction. We crashed back to the ground. I opened the door to the pod to see where we were. A blank colony wall stood in front of us. No way out. Richard asked if I had any food. I had IN pills, so I would be good for a while, hopefully until rescue arrives. We talked a bit more before the electrical wires in the wall behind Richard’s head began to fritz. I quickly picked him up and moved to the other side of the pod. the wall of the pod blew open, allowing an escape. Outside, I tried to get somewhere we could hide out, but I was quickly found by a forsaken runner. the rest of the round I spent my time running around with Richard in hand, occasionally ineffectually firing at the runner whenever it got close, Richard calmly giving advice when able. Eventually I ran out of ammo and ditched the SMG. right as the round ended I made it to LZ1 and managed to somewhat use the remnants of the FOB cades to protect myself. I will never forget the image of a doctor running around a dying Almayer with a talking head giving advice.
Synthetic Character Story:
Synth Story: Willard V2.0 - Google Docs
I am very familiar. I know how to construct and deconstruct walls, as well as machines and computers. I can quickly and easily fix any APC and comms. I know cade theory and can construct an FOB that is both defendable and able to handle high amounts of traffic from marines. I know never to set up a cadeline flush to a wall, but one tile behind it, to stop xenos from breaking and melting it from the safety of a wall. I know to always give ample spacing between cadelines in order to prevent bottlenecking from marines running away from a boiler glob or a broken cadeline. I also always place foldable cades at each end of the cadeline to make it harder for xenos to bodyblock marines trying to flee, and to help alleviate bottlenecking from a bunch of marines all trying to run through a foldable at once. I know to make inward cadelines at chokepoints and corners to make it harder for xenos to assault them and easier for marines to shoot out from. I also know the importance of FACING YOUR CADES IN THE RIGHT DIRECTION so that the cades aren’t working against you, and so that private Stanley doesn’t throw a nade at the cadeline only for it to bounce back and murder the entire defending force. I try to maximize my metal by deconning windows and doors, since they give some good metal, and walls, since they open up sightlines as well as give extra metal. Finally I can set AA, load the OB, and attach upgrades and modules onto a dropship using a powerloader. I honestly wish there was more to do in engineering, as going MT or CE the only meaningful thing you can do is load OB, set SMES, and then deploy to act as comtech+ in the FOB.
Very familiar. I can operate all the CIC consoles including OW, squad changing console, and the ID changing console. I know how to use the tacmap and make announcements and such, and I know how to activate red alert and call ERTs.
Incredibly familiar. This by far is my most played support role. I can do every surgery from memory, and extremely fast, using both normal tools and ghetto tools if need be. I know to skip needless steps like clamping bleeders, and force failing sawing ribs in order to save time on someone who needs help fast, like a late stage hug. I can tell what organ damage a marine has using just a normal health scanner. I can also treat any marine from immense damage like say 600 burn damage from an incend OB or insane brute damage from a cluster OB with just epi, a defib, and some kits. I also know to prioritize triage, people close to permaing as the highest, prioritizing medics and other operation important people, and getting the people with the least damage up first before moving on to the ones with high damage, to make sure I revive as many people as I possibly can. Finally, I am very proficient in chemistry. I can make all the basic chemline requested chems like ATD, IA, MB, KD, Fe, NW, epi bottles, UNGA, etc from memory and very fast.
Very familiar. This is my least played support role followed by command. I know how to operate the ASRS console and ASRS itself. I know how to create all the ammo box types using cardboard and how to scavenge for ammo from the prep rooms. I also know to put ammo into the ammo vendor in req in order to easily make boxes, as it auto creates the full boxes for you without needing any cardboard (except for shotgun ammo for some reason so I have to manually make all the shotty boxes which is annoying). I know how to load crates, send them with the echo pad, and how to communicate with command for frontline drops using the squad pads. I also communicate with groundside, mainly bravo, specs, and SGs, to make sure everyone always has access to the necessities like MREs, flares, and ammo. I have played multiple rounds as solo QM in req the entire time and done perfectly fine with no complaints.
What are some scenarios that you can perform combat in? Give us a brief example.
In general, combat is only allowed when it is in the defense of the synth’s life or the life of marine personnel. The exception to this is Delta alert, as long as the synth is not neglecting other duties like treating marines and communicating with command.
For a couple examples of when combat is OK, one is if a synth is doing surgery on a marine and a face hugger plug walks out of the darkness to hug the helpless marine the synth is treating. The synth can attack and kill the hugger to protect the marine.
Another is if a synth is at comms way at the backlines with a couple other marines. Then a warrior shows up and starts wrecking some poor private while the other marines are too far away or doing other stuff to really help. The synth runs out to grab the private and drag him to safety. The synth can defend itself while dragging the marine back in the case that the warrior starts attacking the synth.
One final situation is during Delta alert. Since the synth has more of its combat restrictions revoked, a synthetic can do things like attack any xenos trying to destroy the fuel pump APC or turrets until they die, as long as the synth doesn’t chase them across the ship, and regardless of if marines are there to shoot or not. This is of course assuming that there are no nearby marines in need of medical assistance.
Final Info:
Have you been banned from CM in the last month for any reason? Do you have any active jobbans?
No and no
Are you currently banned from our Discord?
Let us know why you were discord banned.
Do you have anything else you would like to include about your application?
I would like to thank everyone who reviewed my story and gave me much needed feedback, especially the councilors.