true, remove OT so i have less incentive to play this game and can go do other fun things with my time. maybe i’ll take up knitting when i’m finally released
I had the idea to turn OT into a role of some demolitions expert that could craft improvised explosives using things like mortar shells or fuel tanks. I somewhat started doing the sprites for it but I got really lazy. If anybody is interested in the idea message me.
Would you be interested in turning OT into a demolitions expert that makes improvised explosives from mortar shells, regent tanks etc? If so I’ll make am ideaguys for it
its only broken because the container values are as high as they are. the role itself isnt problematic besides that and somewhat lacking content beyond “big boom”
Only issue with “improve don’t remove” as a concept is you often end up with a case of something never being improved so no change ever happens. I fear this is the fate of OT.
Fun for who my guy
Getting instagibbed by 1 click as a T3 isn’t fun for anyone except the guy powertripping.
I mean truthfully I don’t mind most of OT too much, just OT SADAR rockets mostly. Would removing or heavily nerfing just that aspect of it be on the table?
Cause presently from what I’ve heard they can mass produce a fair amount of extremely powerful rockets before first drop; they alter the balance state of one of the spec roles, and there’s no warning for it unlike mortar, CAS, etc. Ya just hope you’re not the first unlucky xeno that has to get instagibbed for the hive to find out OT rockets exist.
Ever seen an improvise explosive where a mortar shell is taped on a detonator?
basically an experienced demolitions expert that can make shit like this for the marines to use. The good part is that they have the same firepower a normal mortar would but it can be used in other ways basically. Or a regent tank. I will work the specifics but that’s the general idea
Because they are dealing with unconventional enemy that their gear wasn’t designed to fight with lorewise. Plenty of examples in real life. Why current OT makes custom rockets, grenades and stuff, what modern military does something like that basically next to the battlefield?
Lorewise marines should have a ton of possible makeshift and improvised stuff to help them combat xenos, soldiers adding crude metal plates to their boots, some sort of a metal gauntlet to help with increased hand and feet injuries, stuff like that.
Gameplaywise it could be easier to balance, no need to deal with potential maxcap mixtures when the best thing OT can get that can be carried by hand is a Mortar Shell turned into satchel charge and stuff.
I think this would play well with the urgency aspect. Make munitions either be tested and take time, or deployed early but extremely unstable - chance to blow up if picked up, dropped, jostled, etc. High chance of misfiring, like blowing up inside the mortar, going off-target of what CAS aimed. I think mechanically/codewise there’s already stuff like that for improperly fueled ordnance? Not sure though
Would be funny and soulful, and also lead to an actual downside of having an OT as opposed to free OP shit with no drawbacks
it’s not gonna be fun getting ff’d by it as a marine, much like it ain’t fun to get ot blasted as a xeno. You’d have to balance risk reward and make them OP aswell, else no one would use it.
there are 3 PRs up right now, 2 either remove rockets or nerf them to the point of removal and third nerfs all casing AoE especially rockets. Should probably wait and see what becomes of them.
Fun for ME!!! I LOVE watching those little demo sim spitters blow up over and over every 4 minutes and then cryoing 15 minutes into the round so i can ghost and watch OT stuff sit on the ground in fob all round or marines blow each other up or whatever they do tbh idk im too busy eating chips at that point
Only issue with “improve don’t remove” as a concept is you often end up with a case of something never being improved
yea this though fr. it’s kind of an all-or-nothing scenario; unstable chems a la goonstation nitro arent that fun (wonder why it was removed hmmm ). People would just weaponize it to be anti-cap gigablaster when they get bodyblocked or whatever