I hope i haven’t forgotten anything
If you got any feedback about it DM or Tag me so i may add or correct it.
TLDR, I feel like all the new corpsmen won’t bother reading it and will continue to constantly OD and heartbreak everyone like they already do
Also I feel like you should include the ammo box loadout in there, as an honorable mention
P.S. That pic at the end is so cute, who made it?
I can’t seem to get past the outline, none of the links work for me on iPad. It’s literally so over. Joever, even.
Edit- Nevermind, turns out you have to click the miniscule drop down arrow on the very left of each heading, all of which are invisible for me unless I close the jump-to-heading box. I love iOS.
Read through everything, and yeah- Honestly? It’s just plain better than the wiki. Easier to read and better formatted than the wiki, probably the best and most modern corpsman guide so far. Me likey.
The ghetto stims part was fucking hilarious, it never even occurred to me to even try to do that. I’m 100% trying it out at some point!
Perhaps maybe replace the advanced med descriptions with more concrete data? E.g. Bica has “heals 1 brute per tick”, whereas meralyne has “heals brute damage rapidly” instead of “heals 1.5 brute per tick”.
I’m not really sure if so much emphasis should be given on saving RFN due to hardcore risks, since hardcore is super rare and thus it might make some people feel more pressured to risk themselves for critted PFCs when they don’t need to 99% of the time. But yeah, that’s kind of like my only gripe.
The cycle of bald corpsmen will continue as for the ammo box uh… it sacrifies a important slot for corpsmen just to carry ammo box, you better off doing that as Rifleman or something else imo.
The pic is made with help of AI
Dunno how it looks on iOS sorry! But yes, they have drop-drown menus, best it to read it on PC
the best corpsman guide there is simple as that i thought i knew my stuff well until i saw the gheto stims and blood bag for chems honestly peak content goin to try them next OP
+10 cause Emii made it.
+100 cause it’s a pretty amazing guide. I learned a lot from the hypospray/syringe section.
Humbly request all HEDP be referred to has “Meat Hooks.”
Keep up the great work Emii!.
Wow. I had seen the guide but was too lazy to read it. That’s some impressive effort! And it is pretty good too!
Really good guide, even I learned some new things with all of my corpsman/field doctor hours, especially regarding the blood bags. Some stuff worth noting is that syringes’ transfer rates is fixed on 5u for some reason.
From my personal experience revival mix isn’t needed and instead I carry full tricord pouch to heal slightly injured marines before they get too bad/dead, and for epi I carry it in a hypospray set for 3u which is enough for 10 uses (+more if you get epi bottles from chem line).
As always, the best treatment is prevention (unless you are one of those pesky medics who want to get the revive fun fact ), and once again excellent guide for new corpsmen.
Peak quality guide ngl
You always could modify the transfer amount of syringes, hold it on your hand and press the icon on the top left of your hud, it can do 5, 10 or 15.
Corpsman draining dead xenos for blood to inject into their partially collapsed veins feels very, very, junkie like behaviour.
just one more runner… just one more runnner …
Pretty neat guide otherwise. Very well laid out, explores some unique concepts I’ve not touched on.
It’s more like, having a second to atleast, leave them stable. Lots of medics ignore nearby and safe marines in critical dying, not risking your life to save a critical rifleman from a choke or something that can get you killed very easily.
Epic! Ghetto stims are fun, you can make them with the reagent mixer / blender (stealing it from chef) or one in a local colony kitchen
using bloodbags for a custom revival mix or ghetto stims was a great idea
also, if you’re gonna make a custom revival mix, I suggest swapping out tricord for a painkiller, because the amounts of tricord you’re injecting won’t make much progress towards the physical damage they’ve acrrued to die in the first place, so you’re gonna have to heal their brute/kelo anyways, but the painkiller might get them on their feet faster.
inaprovaline is a weak painkiller, and combos with dylovene to make tricord, which can be used to stop an OD of either, might wanna add that to the chem list.
I could be wrong about this, but I’m pretty sure surgical line/graft heal half of whatever damage a limb currently has, so if you’re going to double them up with a burn/trauma kit, use the graft first, as it will increase their potential damage healed, while the kits have a fixed amount they can heal
While custom healing/revival mixes are interesting, I personally typically just use the pre-made Revival Pouch, its a fairly strong setup, and it saves a lot of time.
Doing the same rushed order of stuff every round can get grating, eventually I found myself gravitating towards easier to setup loadouts that don’t require me to go to a huge effort.
Tricordrazine is one of two chemical reactions that is blacklisted from occurring inside of a mob, the other being the smoke chemical reaction. Meaning that this is unfortunately not possible.
Kits get their healng value halved if you’ve already grafted that limb, I assume specifically to prevent this interaction.
Top Notch guide.
I know for a fact that tricord used to mix inside a body, I specifically accidentally OD’d a patient this way in my early medic days, maybe it doesn’t react internally anymore, but it used to
as for the latter…fair I genuinely didnt know that
I like inaprovaline, for two things:
- Marines already take tramadol often, and it would be easily to cause an overdose than injecting a mix that has ina and tricord, so i don’t even have to think 99% of the time if im overdosing someone.
(And in case they want to med themselves again or pre-med or take more painkillers while in combat, i rather not give them more tramadol if not needed) - Inaprovaline Prevents oxygen damage gain while in critical, so it helps keep the patient stable and not passing out again. I will manually feed them Peri or a painkiller if needed, but i will give them medicine to counter the damage they have as i defib them, followed by finishing up with splinting if any broken bones, and patting them up.
Anyway, as i already mention on the guide, you can exchange it to your own preferences, add whatever chemical works for you best, Corpsman has access to the medical vendors, and they have all basic chemicals in bottle form.