Podrick Equus - Moderator Application

Moderator Application - Podrick Equu

What is your BYOND key?

Podrick Equus

What is your Discord username?


What characters do you play on CM-SS13?

Sergio ‘Bucket’ Burkett

Are you 16 or older?



UTC−07:00 (US Mountain)

On average, how many hours are you available to moderate in an average week?

15-30 depending upon work and other hobbies


Do you have previous experience in game or community moderation?

Yes, I was a respected admin here before. I also moderate a 20,000 person discord server and am generally liked by that community as well.

Provide any links to any previous CM-SS13 whitelist, mentor or staff applications:

I can’t seem to find them, but I’ve applied for the following:

  • Moderator (accepted)
  • Synthetic Whitelist (rejected)

Have you ever been banned for more than 24 hours on CM-SS13?


Can you actively engage and communicate with the team through Discord?


Final Details:

Why would you like to join the CM-SS13 staff team?

I want to help contribute to making the game and the community better.

What makes you a great addition to Staff? (Experienced Tabletop DM, Aliens Lore Buff, Super Organized, etc.?)

I am generally fun to interact with (even during rulebreak PMs) and I run cool events. Lots of people from years ago can attest to that. I’ve also nearly 20 years of experience as a DM.

In your opinion, what is the most important quality of a CM-SS13 staff member?

Being reasonable

Anything else you want to add?

I personally disagree with being asked to fill this application out again and starting from the bottom, but I’ll do it because I like this community and want to be around to make the game and community more enjoyable, like how I used to.

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Hey there, @Podrick-Equus! Thank you for applying for staff again, it’s always nice to see people interested in becoming a staff member!

When I search your name on Discord, I see that you haven’t sent any messages for more than a year, only yesterday you sent a few messages and then applied for staff.

Moreover, even in 2023 you have only been active for a few days and your next messages date back to 2022. So I would say you have been disconnected from the community for 2 years or maybe longer.

As a former Admin, I don’t think you would expect someone who has been away from the community for so long to suddenly be accepted back into staff and allowed to handle tickets. I respect your contributions to the community in the past, and I have no doubt that you were a respectable Admin as you stated. However, both for you to get used to the community and for us to be able to trust you comfortably, I recommend that you spend some more time in the community and in the game, maybe you will not be able to find the things you left behind and will not want to be a staff member again because as you said, there are so many new faces, for you at least. I strongly recommend that you give yourself some time to think about this!


Thanks for taking the time to reply.

When I search your name on Discord, I see that you haven’t sent any messages for more than a year, only yesterday you sent a few messages and then applied for staff.

I’m well aware that being active in the community is a prerequisite for moderating/adminning for it.
That’s why I’ve been playing constantly (almost) every single day for the past two weeks before I decided that I wanted to try to return to staff. What I did not know, however, was that you now seem to place a much higher emphasis on recent Discord activity rather than all Discord activity or even actual game interactions. If you were to look further back at my older messages, you’d see that I was highly active within the Discord community before my departure. I don’t know what exactly changed within the team between then and now, but I assure you that I’m one of the more interactive people, even if I’ve only posted a handful of messages in the past few days.

As a former Admin, I don’t think you would expect someone who has been away from the community for so long to suddenly be accepted back into staff and allowed to handle tickets.

And you’re right. I don’t expect that. What confuses me is how much staff protocols have apparently changed since the last time I rejoined the team: I was given a rundown on major changes to the server and rules, asked if I had any questions, and was placed as a trial administrator under the stipulation that I try not to handle too many complex cases until I was fully familiar with the then-current rendition of the rules.

Now, I am not asking to be given the same treatment as last time, as it’s clear that things have changed again since then. What I feel is somewhat unjust is that, with the way the current system seems to work, it feels like all my previous time helping out is effectively worthless and that I need to start from square one as if I had never proven myself before.

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Heya Podrick, welcome back!
So Nessie kinda took the words right out of my mouth before I had time to respond. But I do still think that I have some stuff to add.

When it comes to coming back to the community I personally think that you need a decent amount of time to get back into the swing of things before becoming a staff member.
That means interacting with the community, playing the game, learning and experimenting with all of the mechanical changes, experiencing the rule changes and re-integrating with server culture.

In my eyes, two weeks of playing the game actively isn’t really enough to do that. Give it a little longer and interact with the CM community outside of purely the game too, on discord or maybe the forums if you want to.

Besides introducing the community to yourself and vice versa this also lets you show that this isnt one of the famous CM relapses. It happens to lost of people where they played CM for a long time, got burned out and left, only to reappear again for like a month and then leave again.
Its totally fine and there is nothing wrong with that. Although it is something to keep in mind.

I’d also suggest you genuinely ask yourself the question why you want to return to being a staff member.
You say that its to help the game and community out and that’s great. But do you actually genuinely know the CURRENT community and server culture?
Its really hard to improve something if you haven’t been immersed in it recently.

Personally I am going to give you a -1 on your application along with telling you what I have said to returning staff members in the past and what I will be saying to returning staff members in the future.

Give it some time. Play the game, enjoy the game and interact with the community. Give it a month and I’d be willing to re-evaluate along with probably giving you a +1.
Its a lot healthier to become a staff member for a game you love playing right now than it is becoming a staff member for a game you loved playing in the past.


I am going to have to -1 this application. If you were gone 6 months I could understand immediately onboarding you. However, it has been 2 years. Things have changed vastly since then.

Yes, things have changed a lot. There’s many new faces I don’t recognize, and some old ones I knew are no longer here. Would you say that 30 days of activity, starting now, would be time enough to be sufficiently reacquainted with the community and its rules?

I don’t mean to come across as pretentious or entitled, though I really do want to know why all of my previous contributions and goodwill don’t seem to be worth anything anymore.

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cuz you haven’t participated in the community for a year or more its hard to know that you’re up to date with everything,


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All right. Well, consider this application rescinded, then. I’ll reapply in 30 days unless anyone else has anything to say.

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