Predator Honor Code

Yautja Honor Code

The Yautja Honor Code is a set of rules all Yautja players are required to follow. Failure to uphold these rules may result in suspension or removal of your Yautja Whitelist.

Disclaimer: Yautja are a third-party faction with the ability to engage either side in combat. They are not your allies and should not be treated as such. As a human, unless otherwise specified by an admin during an event, you know nothing of the Yautja barring sparse rumours.

Honor Code Infractions - If you break the Honor Code while hunting a prey, you are to cease your hunt of the said prey. If you critically injure them during this, please bring them to their teammates. E.g Bring xenos to weeds. Marines to their squaddies or fortifications. Should you not be able to, due to a threat or time constraints, you will not be penalized for this however, you should be prepared to defend your initial actions should a report be filed.

NOTE: This is a living code, expect changes to be made based on conversation and updates to the game.


The welfare of prey

You are forbidden to save any prey that you are hunting, unless you are actively engaging them (E.g In combat with each other.). If the other faction intervenes when you are actively engaged, you may save your prey and bring them to a safe location on the hunting grounds to continue the hunt. You may save any prey you are hunting if you breach the honor code while actively engaging them and return them to their defenses/Faction.

Taking trophies

Aside from the various body parts of your prey, Yautja are allowed to take almost any item from any human or xeno and claim it as a trophy however, they are not allowed to use any of the items to which they take as trophies unless the trophy is head gear or a melee weapon from their prey, in which case they can use it. They can have them in their hunting bag, back or place them in the trophy hall or elsewhere on the ship (I.e. their dorms).

Note: The collection of specialist weapons, smartguns and any unique ancillary gear the specialist/smartgunner requires is not allowed. (I.e. Scout Vision, Power Pack, Rocket ammo etc.).

Important personnel (see classification list) who are hunted, dueled or otherwise killed, should not be permanently killed unless circumstances warrant it. (I.E, they led a hunting party to attack you rather than fighting the Xeno/Marine threat, or the round has been ongoing for 1hr+ and/or they are no longer crucial to the round)

Trophies from the ship: Trophies are not allowed to be used as weapons in the field. They are reserved as rewards to honorable prey who defeat Yautja in honorable duels.

Honoured prey: Prey who kill a Yautja in a duel to the death, or otherwise perform an extraordinary feat of strength or bravery may be honoured by the Yautja with a gift.

Stun Hitting: Yautja are not allowed to stun hit any prey, unless the prey is dishonourable or has stunned themselves via grenades or other sources caused by themselves. Xeno pouncing yautja and getting body slammed etc.

Please use your own initiative when stun hitting. However, you can stun hit prey that is dishonourable that you stunned non-lethally during a fight. But don’t just abuse stun hitting for every prey you encounter that is dishonourable.

Classification List:

Note: Un-huntable is only the case if they are not actively attacking you, have not attacked you in the recent past or are not otherwise dishonorable.


  • Non/Indirect Combatants

  • Working medic, almayer ship crew

  • Drone castes, sentinels, boilers,

  • Any Xeno or Human defending a key location. (Hive, LZ, FOB etc.)

  • Injured below 75% huntables. (splints excluded, will appear with a yellow healthbar)

  • Honored prey if specified in the reason

    Faction Command Structure

  • CO, XO, SO

  • Queen

  • Synthetics


If the unhuntables provoke the Yautja, and/or insult them they become huntable until the engagement is over.
For example: CO calling a Yautja a pussy, an Honoured prey taunting the Yautja and so on.

This is not provoking: “What the fuck is that thing?”, “Is it friendly/hostile?”, insert normal interaction


If the synthetic interferes with an engagement between Yautja and prey while not attacking the Yautja they will be considered huntable until the engagement is over.

  • This extends to intentionally trying to stop the engagement between the Yautja and the prey, such as body blocking and dragging the prey away.

If the synthetic directly attacks/hinders the Yautja then they will be considered temporarily dishonourable.

  • This is to the extent of disarming the Yautja, stealing their weapon or directly attacking them.


If a facehugger or carrier is present during a fight between a xenomorph, it may be assumed they are there to infect you given the chance, for this reason they may be considered huntable if spectating a fight or loitering around.

Dishonorable tools can be used in this situation against FACEHUGGERS ONLY.

This also applies if they are lingering around while you are not in a fight


Prey considered dishonorable for the following reasons is to maintain their dishonorable status even after the engagement has ended:

  • An abomination/predalien.

  • Any prey actively defending an abomination/predalien. (Including bodyblocking etc. Use own initiative for this).

  • This is to be applied until the abomination/predalien is dead.

  • Prey committing LRP actions against the Predator.

  • Dutch’s Dozen (Or anyone dressing as them).

  • Bad Bloods.

  • Any party that breaches the rules of a honor duel.

Temporarily Dishonorable

If an engagement with a prey who is dishonorable is to end, they will no longer be considered dishonorable for the following reasons unless they still qualify to hold the dishonorable status, I.E someone carrying gear in orbit will be dishonorable until the gear is out of their possession

  • Acid Runners farming the Yautja for acid

    • Example: An Acid Runner fighting the Yautja, constantly running away to farm acid
      • Use your own judgement, don’t HPC an acid runner because it ran away once.
  • A target or group of targets who attack you without due cause or interfere with your hunt.

    • Example : A single or group of marine(s)/xeno(s) engage you because you are actively engaged with one of theirs, they are honorable.

    • Example : Xenos/Marines engage you or the prey you are actively engaged with that is not of their faction. They are dishonorable due to interfering.

  • Anyone carrying or manipulating (interacting with) Yautja equipment in orbit

  • Any prey on stimulants (Use own initiative, if someone is unkillable and running at you with mach speed they’re dishonorable)

  • Anyone carrying or manipulating a Yautja corpse (Looting, beheading, delimbing)

  • Any party that is LRP to the Yautja or Metas the Honor Code.

  • Is actively defending stolen Yautja gear shipside

  • A target or group of targets who interrupted an honor duel to the death or ran away from an honor duel.

  • A target or group of targets who use OT or research weaponry on you

  • During a hive offensive, where the majority of the hive attempts to target one Yautja.

    • In a situation where the Yautja begins a hunt of one or two xenomorphs and the entire hive joins in, it’s still a hive offensive.
    • Dishonorable status does not apply if the Yautja initiated the fight.
    • The dishonorable status goes away if another Yautja assists in any way.

Weapon Usage

Plasma Caster

  • Non-Lethal mode may be used on any worthy and dishonorable prey.
    • Worthy prey become unhuntable while stunned.
      • Dishonorable prey may be attacked while stunned. Showing restraint when using this clause is recommended.
  • Lethal mode may be used on any dishonorable prey.


These weapons can be used on any worthy prey:

  • All Yautja melee weapons

  • Smart Disk and Harpoon

    • When engaging a single target, you should deploy at max 1 smart disk or 1 harpoon. Multiple smart disks or harpoons should only be deployed against groups of hostiles.
      Exception to the above being if the target is dishonourable or when under exceptional circumstances.
  • Traps


These weapons may be used against any dishonorable prey:

  • Plasma rifle

  • Plasma pistol

  • Spike launcher

  • Cloaked Combat

Thrown explosives:

Grenades (and other thrown explosives) can be thrown back in the following circumstances:

The thrown explosive is tossed at you

When you are cornered and there is no possibility of escape outside of going through your opponent(s)

When a thrown explosive is tossed into a lodge to which you are inhabiting.

If you’re in battle and you happen to catch one mid fight.

Key Areas & the Environment

Hive: The hive is anywhere where nests are in the view of a Yautja. If they are on screen, then you are in the hive.

FOB: The FOB begins when you can see any of the primary Landing Zone, or the primary dropship. If you can see either, then you are in the FOB

Almayer: Under normal circumstances, Yautja are only allowed to go up to the Almayer to recover gear, killing abominations (even after hijack), transporting back felled honor duel opponents, and any thralls that have lost their master or been killed in combat. No hunting, no peace conferences, only the above. Any amount of yautja can go up, no minimum.


Predators should not be disrupting, harassing, or causing any harm to marine fortifications. This does not mean that you can’t go near them or even go through them, just that it is a complete judgement call on whether or not you can pass by/through without causing any issues. Predators passing by or through a cadeline should ensure, to the best of their ability:

They are not noticed.

They do not hurt or hunt any marines inside the fortifications (if you want to challenge a marine inside fortifications, you should beckon them out, if they don’t come out that’s that).

They do not damage or disrupt any parts of the fortifications, this includes: sentries, barricades, supply drops, etc.

Hive Disruption

Yautja are allowed to hunt xenos before T3s. However, they should not disrupt the round flow majorly and shouldn’t be chasing into the hive. Do not attempt to retrieve any infected persons from any xenomorph nest, Yautja exempted. Humans and the like are beneath your notice, and if they get infected they are worth even less of your time.


Yautja are not allowed to alter the environment in a way that would create a route directly to either the Hive or FOB. Yautja are also not to directly alter the environment in a way that would lead to a direct benefit to one side (i.e. blowing up Lambda, blowing up eta, blowing up hydro).

Yautja standing around prey uncloaked, not interacting with said prey should remove themselves from sight. It is the opinion of the council that a predator standing uncloaked when not interacting and in full view of either side is low role play (running around uncloaked does not count).

Using fuel tanks and other objects, like lizards in the environment as makeshift traps is a dishonorable tactic and is prohibited.

Interactions with other Yautja

Killing/Murdering a fellow Yautja outside an honorable duel is considered the worst possible crime. This action will result in your Yautja becoming a bad blood, and will result in disciplinary action being taken against your whitelist. Accidents in spars are excused.

Yautja Honor Duels & Mercy

Yautja may challenge another blooded Yautja or human they deem worthy of an honor duel. Honor duels are to the death but have some rules:

The challenging Yautja can choose the rules of the duel. Such as allowing the use of ranged weaponry by the challenged. This is only applicable to humans.

For a Yautja on Yautja honor duel to occur, there must have been a major incident that occurred between the two (i.e. The stealing of a trophy, grave insults and so on.)

Should the human win, they may be given a trophy from the ship by the other Yautja or one of the gear parts of the fallen yautja.

Any interference with the duel will lead to that party being marked as dishonorable. Also, any party that breaches the rules of the will be marked as dishonorable.

Xenomorphs and Abominations can never be the opponents in an honor duel.


Hunters are expected to show some respect to their superiors; be they Clan Leaders, or Ancients, even from other clans. Other ranks depend on IC interactions.


Yautja must hunt alone. The only thing you are allowed to do as a group is, dispatch dishonorable (LRP for example) prey, gear/body retrieval, and hunt abominations and defend lodges. However this should not occur unless the yautja agree to do the above together except hunting abominations.


If the prey you are hunting dishonors you, via metagaming or general LRP it is up to you and other hunters that are around to dispatch the TEMPORARILY dishonorable prey via any tools they want (within reason).

Hive Offensives

On occasion, Yautja have been known to engage large groups of the serpents alongside one another such as but not limited to blooding trials or the securing of a matriarch.

In the event that the majority (Example: 5 or more) of the hive decide to go on the offensive in what is known as a ‘hive offensive’ against a hunter, other yautja have the option of aiding the fight with said group of xenos unless told not to interfere by the primary target of the group.
During the hive offensive, xenos involved are TEMPORARILY DISHONORABLE. The temporarily dishonorable status goes away if another yautja joins you in your defense against the Hive Offensive.

A smaller group consisting of arguable meta combinations with an effort to capture a Yautja may be assisted against; however, each instance is subject to review by the Council should issues arise, this should be invoked sparingly.

An example of this is a Queen, Carrier and Warrior chaining abilities to disable and infect a Yautja without allowing the ability to fight back.


Dying in combat is one the greatest deaths a yautja could ask for, though to die by a bracer’s self-destruct is an even greater honor. If a Yautja is about to die, they must try to self destruct. Once you have committed to self-destructing, you must go through with the process unless you have a very valid reason to cancel it. Self-destructing and then canceling to scare away enemies is considered extremely dishonorable. During the self-destruct process Yautja are unable to use any weaponry or attempt to keep Xenos or Humans within the self-destruct radius. You’ll never be disciplined for not self destructing however, you should try and make every attempt to do so within the bounds of the honor code.

You are allowed to self destruct fallen Yautja as you see fit provided they are not in the FoB or Hive. That being said, do not throw the body as a weapon after you trigger the self-destruction sequence. The same rules apply with attempting to keep Humans or Xenos within the blast radius.

Yautja should make every effort to avoid SD’ing in the FOB or in the hive, unless it is completely unavoidable then you may do so however, you may be reported and should be prepared to defend your actions.

Self destructing to kill an infected predator/an abomination should be seen as a last resort, and not the first solution.


Abominations are considered unworthy of life and should be eliminated with every Yautja-made tool in your arsenal. If you get infected, you must die at any cost, if you encounter an infected Yautja who is alive then you are to ensure they die and if possible, self-destruct their body.

Should an abomination appear, the Yautja may parley with the Marines and set a temporary ceasefire in order to concentrate on killing on the abomination. This is a ceasefire and you should not be assisting them.

Should an abomination be present on the Almayer, hunters are able to go onboard to destroy it, even after hijack. Focus should be placed on killing abomination with the intent on minimizing unnecessary kills, though some are to be expected. After its death, all Yautja are to leave the ship as soon as possible.

Gear Recovery

Gear recovery is not mandatory, but encouraged as no other race can be allowed to capture and research our sacred devices and equipment. Whilst it remains in the hunting grounds it is a priority target, but again - not mandatory to recover.
EXEMPTION: Yautja bodies are mandatory to recover.

Negotiation for gear is no longer allowed, either reclaim it by force or not at all.
EXEMPTION(S): You may issue a brief ultimatum (preferably if they’re new, they don’t have a weapon etc use your judgement) where you ask to hand the gear back or die. If the humans refuse or are evidently defending gear, you are to retrieve the gear without further negotiations.

Gear within a key location such as the Hive, FOB , is not to be sought after. Bodies however may be recovered from these areas. Do not use this as an excuse to kill gear carriers within the specified areas. Retrieve the body and leave.

If Xenos hijack the shuttle, you are not allowed to head up to the Almayer however, if you are already in the process of gear recovery, you are to continue until you are finished recovering the gear.
EXEMPTION: If there is a body, go up destroy it and then go away.

The bodies of fallen Yautja are sacred, no sacrilege will be tolerated. Reclaim them at all costs. (Exclusion: Don’t go into key areas with active combat unless you can avoid disruption.)

Note: There is no minimum on the number of Yautja required to perform gear or body recovery/destruction on the Almayer, however Yautja are not obligated to go up to the almayer if they are the only Yautja alive.


Yautja players can abduct humans as thralls. Thralls should have proven themselves in combat. Begging to be thralled is a dishonorable act. Thralls should be given a thrall bracer box to acquire their gear. Thralls are not allowed to use any human ranged weaponry.

To Yautja, thralls are viewed as unique oddities or tools, but are something that should not be coddled or looked upon with affection. Thralls can be healed by their master, but they should not be brought back from the dead. Each Yautja may only have one thrall per round. A thrall cannot be saved from death unless it has defeated their opponent. If a thrall dies the gear given to the thrall must be recovered.

Yautja are to police their thralls and are to pick the opponents to which they hunt. An unruly or misbehaving thrall can be reprimanded or executed as dishonorable foe at any time by their master. Thralls should not be force infected, and if infected should be exterminated.

Should a thrall’s master die, the remaining Yautja should retrieve their gear and teleport them to the Almayer. Should there be no Yautja left, the thrall should be left to their own desires/whims.


A lodge is an enclosed and secluded area wherein Yautja setup and operate from. To declare a lodge the Yautja must agree upon a single site, and must secure the enclosed area with any entrance/exit to it being handcrafted sandstone doors. Lodges must be away from the main areas of the map so as to keep it away from the front lines. It is the responsibility of the Yautja to ensure the lodge is created in a secluded area. No more than 1 lodge can exist at a single time. Should a lodge get destroyed, or the Yautja decide to abandon/move their current one, then they must tear down the sandstone doors to the best of their abilities before declaring a new lodge site. Lodges must be made after Marines land to avoid round impact.

Defense of a Lodge:

Parties that trespass into the lodge that you engage with are honorable. Parties that attack the lodge itself or enter the lodge offensively instead of a passive look-a-round are dishonorable due to interfering with your hunt/attacking without due cause.

Multiple Yautja may attack the same prey that enters the lodge. However, they should be very careful on the classification of the prey to avoid problems.

An example of passive look-around would be entering the lodge and not engaging the Yautja. Offensively entering the lodge would be with weapons drawn and immediately engaging the Yautja before the Yautja engages them.

Stray weapon fire or spitting is not considered a deliberate effort. Any vehicle that deliberately attacks the lodge may be dispatched in dishonorable means.

Gear stored inside lodge:

Any gear that can be tracked should not be stored in the lodge, unless said gear is in the process of being recovered.

Spirit of the Whitelist

Yautja are antagonists. However, they should use common sense when it comes to hunting during a round and be aware of their surroundings. They should not be detrimental to the round and Whitelist as a whole. You should be ready to face any disciplinary actions against you if you are not fit for the WL.

What is written above in this Honor Code realistically covers only a small portion of events and scenarios Yautja may encounter during rounds, you should be using the set in stone rules in the Honor Code to guide your judgement in situations not clearly defined by the Code to ensure you act in a way that befits what is expected of a Whitelisted Yautja.

The Yautja Council holds the final say and can remove you if they believe you are not acting in the Spirit of the Whitelist. Obviously, every case will be handled case by case and won’t be used for grudges.

Good Spirit of the Whitelist actions:

Sparing/throwing back a revivable prey who fought well.

Gifting someone a spear or gear piece after they kill a Yautja even if it was outside of a duel.

Make someone’s day, thrall a new player, make a fighting pit, create an interesting role playing situation.

Bad Spirit of the Whitelist actions:

Placing hunting traps on a road leading out of the FOB and attacking anybody who walks into them. This would go against the spirit of the whitelist and intention of the tool.

Don’t lethal-HPC baldy mc baldface just because they are hunting you down. This would be against the spirit of the whitelist.

Murdering someone instantly because they are holding gear groundside.

Round removing someone that shoots at you whilst you are cloaked.

Engaging on the Front-line

If you start a fight and the prey runs away to the frontline, you may follow them to finish the job; BUT you are NOT allowed to hunt on the frontline as it will heavily impact the round.

Permitted Gear:

Any Yautja Melee Weapon

If there is any weaponry that you feel should be permitted to use that is not on the above list, contact a Councillor and use common sense.

Not Permitted Gear:

Plasma-caster (Both Modes)


Smart Disc (AoE, Non AOE)

Any weaponry you would usually use on Dishonorable prey

Self Destruct on the frontline

Before engaging at the front-line, ensure your SD is set to Small. We do not want an entire frontline to be blown apart. Small SD is the default setting, however double checking does not cost anything.

Key Areas

If the front-line is the FOB or the Hive, avoid engaging at all. Same principles as before. You can still attack for example, Xenos attacking FoB or Marines attacking the hive. However, you are not there to protect the force getting besieged, therefore you should show restraint to how far you go in hunting a prey besieging the other force. DO NOT ENGAGE THE BESIEGED FORCE BEHIND THEIR FORTIFICATIONS.

Hunting Preserve (Spawned Area)

You may take prey from the hunting grounds to the ship alive, but never to the main part of the game. All hunting grounds prey must be skinned before being taken to the main part of the game.

Hunters must establish who is involved in the hunt BEFORE they call the ERT. The hunter that calls the hunt (sends the ERT) is in charge of said hunt DO NOT USE THIS AS AN EXCUSE TO HONOUR DUEL PEOPLE BECAUSE SOMEONE CALLED THE HUNT BEFORE YOU.

Normal WORTHY rules apply to ALL prey. Of course if any of the prey spawned act lrp towards each other or the pred they may be dispatched with dishonourable tools.

Hunters are not to use dishonourable tools to dispatch prey that attack each other (this applies to humans vs humans only)

Hunters are not purposefully allowed to make prey spawned into the hunting grounds fight each other, the hunting ground is not the thunderdome prey spawned in must be hunted and not played with.

Equipment from the hunting grounds can be taken as trophies and be worn and carried ANYWHERE but any guns taken must be unloaded and their attachments must be removed.

Unloaded guns
Rank pins

Not Permitted:
Storage items such as backpacks or anything that can hold items and that is not used for combat

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Updated on 26-NOV-24


Updated 04-JAN-25


Updated 07-JAN-25


Updated 14-JAN-25


Updated 17-JAN-25

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Updated 18-JAN-25


created categories for synths, provocation, plasma caster;

moved respective clauses/rulings to new categories;

updated formatting.


Updated 21-JAN-25


Made it clear that you can take predator bodies from key areas.

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Updated 17-FEB-25


Changed the rules on taking prey from the hunting grounds (spawned area) to the pred ship due to the addition of a check to the teleporters.

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