Predators should not be allowed to hunt greeno (research) abominations.

Corrupted hives are small, and the greeno abominations aren’t birthed from predators.
First off, research needs to luck out on actually having marines fulton, and then be competent enough to churn out greenos at all. This takes at least an hour, with the greeno hive only being realistically deployable by the two hour mark.

And then come the predators, who nowadays barely interact with the main round because of the hunting grounds, ganging abominations 10:1, completely griefing research’s work within a matter of minutes.

In round 25997, there were 5 active predators engaging with the hunting grounds, teaching a newly whitelisted user how to use a hellhound, and afterwards doing continuous preserve matches. However, when research made the abomations, the number of predators jumped to 10.

The corrupts were not groundside for ten minutes and a large group of predators was already trying to kill the predaliens, with about a third of the greeno hive being killed in the process - some from direct plasma caster intervention, others from the main hive taking advantage of the burning greenos.
image -In no way fun to the receiving end of this mess - the aftermath was a 1:1 greeno/predator ratio

And the worst part was the conversation with the main hive. Not content with spawning purely to spam plasma casters, they started engaging in small-talk with the prime xenos, not bothering to engage in a hunt or secure the dead abominations - straight up displaying the corpses to the regular xenos -, as if they werent the great dishonorable serpents the honor code states them to be. All predators proceeded to go back to their hunting grounds - by ‘all’ I mean the ones that didn’t ghost immediately after killing the aboms.
Sy37UCEZI2 - screenshot taken two minutes after the abominations were dead

I’d like to ask for you guys’ opinion on this topic. I myself believe an exception should be made for the research abominations, and that actions from predators such as the ones in the mentioned should be reprimanded by the council (especially the spawning in just to kill aboms & then cryoing immediately afterwards)


I keep saying the same shit about the normal predalien. If you hug a pred, congrats, the hive has now lost since 12 other press will now team up with marines and HPC and SD themselves to kill you and your predalien. Very fun stuff, don’t ever recommend.

Risk-reward tbh. Don’t want preds to nuke you? Don’t make an abom


cope post

But seriously, why would predators ignore the same creature that has a different color?

This is just like for xenomorphs, don’t want your entire faction to die while defending an abomination? Don’t make them in the first place, simple.


green means good, duh :hesrightyouknow:


Cope post for the fact preds fucking fragged Greenos for abombs


don’t make corrupted abominations and it won’t happen


as a research main, making greeno aboms un-huntable, gives marines an advantage without risk.
more so when you can make an entire hive of just aboms lol.


Nothing burger post. You make them. Expect trouble.



Maybe like- IDK- Don’t spam abominations? Infact if researchers went ahead and didnt decided to make abominations round would’ve ended waaaay earlier on. All ya’ll had to do was just not piss off the predators by making the only thing they hate.

Also- Yeah we are hunting in reserve. Because the entire round was just people fighting in dorms which doesn’t allow much space for hunters to hunt in fear of messing with frontline. In that case they go RP with one another and hang around reserve.

Pretty much a cope thread, next time don’t make abominations and you’ll find your green xenos to be pretty much healthy and alive without predators doing shit.

EDIT: I totally missclicked and replied instead of just posting sorry beni love you mang <3


So, if i get this right, all the people here would agreed than making an abomination is not a risk-reward situation but actibly punished right?, because if the abomination is crafted, which is in and out of himself very hard to produce, would be answered with 5 - 10 predators to go against it than came from thin air, it seems to me than the abomination mechanic is being discouraged and therefore i don’t see the case in why it even exist in the first place.

I think than if its take a heavy lot of effort to hug a predator (which it takes) and a hell of a lot of an effor and resources to spawn an abomination in lab (which it also take) then, the abomination on itself should be a price for that dedication/resource alloc, punish it by predators makes 0 sence, you remove the incentive for that mechanic completly afterwards, so people is actibly making an effort for a punishment, which doesn’t sound like a fun game i would think.

Predators are hard to beat, what’s the point on being able to do the extra steps to capture one if its gonna be punished afterwards?, because capturing a predator is far higher in the braging rights list of xenos capturing i would think so making an answer after a predalien is done turns it in a punishment instead of the price of showing real skill in the game. You may say the predalien is overkill, i’m not certain if its stronger than the king but, if it is, shouldn’t feel itself as a price? so you fight something very very hard and because of that you get A LOT of power back for your team, i think it would be a fair deal.

Also, predators are a whitelist job, so a case can be done than some caution can be placed to only let predators of certain time/level go to the main map for wherever reason, being the reason of this make certain than any predator than can go to the main map will be able to give a fight even before he can even be considered to be captured.

Also, as is this just one single creature i think it would not be too overpower, if something it will make people target him, you could even make than the predalien use a player of some Xeno living or already dead in the match through voting.

This are my 5 cents, just throwing ideas, i’m just saying what i’m seeing, it may help or may not.

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risk reward but whats the reward? a T2.5 xeno who probably wont get anywhere close to maximum power?? Just make so preds need to organically ‘discover’ aboms having been created before they start going apeshit

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Research shouldn’t be able to make Abominations to begin with


This is the definition of fucking around and finding out only to complain you found out. Do not fuck around and you will not find out. This is a simple concept.


The creation of abominations for research is stupid as fuck, and the abom is named “abomination” for a reason. It’s a disgrace to all yautja and needs to be expunged immediately, watch the AvP movies or read comics for context

I expect predators to behead everyone involved with creating one, not just kill them.

The rule is not changing, ever.

The AI announcement about the abomination being created is something that was discussed, though but nothing came from it. You could try reopening that discussion instead


the main issue here is that the “the finding out” is uncounterable 10-predator-bullshit purely for this.
Many of you seem to be missing the point that loads of predator players join rounds exclusively to kill abominations and not engage with anything else.


then don’t make Abombs, don’t know what else to say lol

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The predators… predate?
I don’t know what you mean, they should be killing aboms left and right; because that is their MAIN PRIORITY when one shows up


lore accurate btw

