Corrupted hives are small, and the greeno abominations aren’t birthed from predators.
First off, research needs to luck out on actually having marines fulton, and then be competent enough to churn out greenos at all. This takes at least an hour, with the greeno hive only being realistically deployable by the two hour mark.
And then come the predators, who nowadays barely interact with the main round because of the hunting grounds, ganging abominations 10:1, completely griefing research’s work within a matter of minutes.
In round 25997, there were 5 active predators engaging with the hunting grounds, teaching a newly whitelisted user how to use a hellhound, and afterwards doing continuous preserve matches. However, when research made the abomations, the number of predators jumped to 10.
The corrupts were not groundside for ten minutes and a large group of predators was already trying to kill the predaliens, with about a third of the greeno hive being killed in the process - some from direct plasma caster intervention, others from the main hive taking advantage of the burning greenos.
-In no way fun to the receiving end of this mess - the aftermath was a 1:1 greeno/predator ratio
And the worst part was the conversation with the main hive. Not content with spawning purely to spam plasma casters, they started engaging in small-talk with the prime xenos, not bothering to engage in a hunt or secure the dead abominations - straight up displaying the corpses to the regular xenos -, as if they werent the great dishonorable serpents the honor code states them to be. All predators proceeded to go back to their hunting grounds - by ‘all’ I mean the ones that didn’t ghost immediately after killing the aboms.
- screenshot taken two minutes after the abominations were dead
I’d like to ask for you guys’ opinion on this topic. I myself believe an exception should be made for the research abominations, and that actions from predators such as the ones in the mentioned should be reprimanded by the council (especially the spawning in just to kill aboms & then cryoing immediately afterwards)