Request a Nickname

Henderson “Blindman” Merryman
Henderson “White-Eye” Merryman

I feel like those eyes are a notable feature.

So, gonna look if someone has a really good idea making me stop being a no-nickname main

Character Name: Todd Douglas
Favoured Role: CMP or MP, rifleman, comtech or CL
Favoured Weapon: As shipside, one of the sidearms based on how I’m feeling. As groundside, favourite would be HPR but often I’m just taking the normal M41 now that morrowbeno removed the HPR from prep
Character Description: Not too unga grape marine generally attempt to stick on either SL on CO but sometimes I run off to HPR burst PB some runner or attempt to initiate a flank nobody helps me with. As comtech, often enough does FOB cause bravo is incompetent/missing/frontlining
Unique Character Abilities:
-Mow down backliners expecting an easy target with magharn burst HPR
-Arrest unruly CLs/MTs/CTs

Character Name:
Peridot Jones
Favored Role/Position:
Intelligence Office/Specialist/Medical Corpsman
Favored Weapon:
SU-6 smart pistol/Pump shotgun
Character Description:
An intimidating woman for her stature. Hits the gym and is a reputed boxer. She speaks clearly and loves to horse around when its in good fun.
Unique Character Abilities:
Autoinjector medical corpsman user
Courageous to her detriment
Loves shooting-up autoinjectors

Mr. Muscle

Character Name: Sam Till
Favored Role/Position: ComTech (TComms)
Favored Weapon: M56D/M2C
Character Description: Charlie squaddie. Always wears a balaclava. Previously known as ‘Donnatello’ for looking like the Ninja Turtle. Now wears a purple baseball cap.
Unique Character Abilities: He do da blowtorch. He’s kind of thick.

Character Name:
Redrock Xen
Favored Role/Position:
Scout Specialist
Favored Weapon:
Custom M4RA with a bayonet, red dot sight and angled grip
Character Description:
Too old, knows everything and dies in the stupidest ways because all the Xenos know them and has been the target of many a Xeno lynch mob. Grizzled veterinarian born on mars and raised on the battlefield.
Unique Character Abilities:
Is a mentor to all in a unofficial capacity
Very mischievous
Often dies trying to save fellow marines and rarely back down from a fight
Tries to wrestle warriors often fails.
A sneaky bastard.

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*Character Name: Jadon Garrison
*Favored Role/Position: Medic/Survivor
*Favored Weapon: Mk221 tactical shotgun
*Character Description: A man raised in germany born from the US. Likes the thrill of the fight but hates being alone.
*Unique Character Abilities: As a medic, will make sure to are standing up before moving on to someone else unless emergancies

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Cadence got her nickname from another marine, in round even, so hers sticks.
However, I have a shipside role character named Langley Languish and an MP named Khalil Killjoy.

Character Name:
Khalil Killjoy
Favored Role/Position:
Favored Weapon:
Stun Baton
Character Description:
A tall arab woman with black hair and green eyes. Greenhorn, but dedicated. Not very funny, and reserved. Shia Muslim, practicing. Incredibly emphatic despite the cold presentation and choice of career. Wary of boastful officers.
Unique Character Abilities:
Always carrying around a spare lighter. Does not smoke.

Character Name:
Langley Languish
Favored Role/Position:
OT/MT/CT/Mess Tech
Favored Weapon:
A blowtorch
Character Description:
Short, with a shorter fuse, and all the energy that a fresh enlist can give. Black eyes and black hair to suit her name, but is ironically optimistic. Extrovert and people pleaser, it would be difficult to find a better brownosing enlisted than Langley.
Unique Character Abilities:
Burnt soup. Twice.


Langley Short Fuse Languish


Jadon Shotgun Hobo Garrison

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Guess i’ll give a try
Character Name: Driscoll Hall
Favored Role/Position: Delta ComTech main
Favored Weapon: M41a MK2 w/ Extended Mags or M41a MK1
Character Description: Caucasian man from Luna convicted for Smuggling some drugs and ended up in the USMC for it, no family or relatives. Average height and Weight, has a Long blonde mullet with a fade downwards.
Unique Character Abilities:

  • Bodyblocks Xenos, mainly crushers
  • Fast repairs on APC’s, rooms or comms (Mostly Medbays for Medics/Doctors)
  • *Thumbsup
  • Comrade Sentry
  • Charges when the enemy messes up
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Drisco Haulin Hall or Haulin Ass

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Character Name: Hermann Timos
*Favored Role/Position: SEA
*Favored Weapon: MK1 when hijack kicks in
*Character Description: Hispanic man devoted to the marines from head to toe, loves teaching the new boots the good ol’ ways of the marines, optimistic even when the odds are stacked against him. Always keeps his uniform in perfect condition.
*Unique Character Abilities: Can light a cigar in less than a second, can locate any new privates anywhere at any time. extremely slow when it comes down to req.

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Hermann “Django” Timos

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I’m Intrested to see if anyone comes up with somthing better than the nick i already have.
Character Name: Maki Dinkelvert
*Favored Role/Position: Alpha SL/Doctor
*Favored Weapon: Mk2 pulse rifle with a Maghran and mini flamer and the scattergun for breaching demos doors as SL
*Character Description: A red-head born in southern England in the TWE. Loves to lead from the front helping to act as a pointman to push the xenos back.About 5’9 and speaks with a English accent. Loves her avaitor shades and Red headband. And a good pack of smokes.
Unique Character Abilities:
Always found dead in the hive later
great a shooting down any doors
Cab smoke a full pack in under 10 minutes


You are now Maki ‘Brittle’ dinkelvert.


Okay that’s pretty funny




Character Name: Driscoll Hall
Favored Role/Position: Survivor/Alpha or Bravo Comtech/ Alpha SL
Favored Weapon: M41a w/ AP mags or as survivor, many guns like mar50, mar30 etc etc.
Character Description: From one of the Free Irish Colonies under control of the (CLF), Irish Born and joined the USMC to take his History to the stars. He’s a manlet with bulk, the prime build for a tunnel rat. Standard Crew cut and a look in his eyes that says he’s under the influence.

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How about Driscoll ‘Half-pint’ Hall, plays into haha irish drinking jokes, and also the manlet status