Request a Nickname

Oh this is a cool tradition

Character Name: Charles Weaver

Preferred Role: Requisitions

Preferred Weapon: M41A when its crazy, M4A3 otherwise.

Character Description: No nonsense supply guy, doesnt like bribes or contraband items. Enjoys the simplicity of his job but pretends he hates it to fit in. Actually cares about paperwork. Type of guy who swears he’s getting out once his contract is over but is actually going to end up retiring out of a req room. Could talk forever about nerdy martial arts shit.

Character Abilities: Somehow being able to perfectly chuck 50 pound ammo crates onto shelves from across the room despite being ~160lbs soaking wet.

Screw it, lets roll the roulette on a character who was around back in that time;

Character Name: River Jay Wolf
Favored Role/Position: Rifleman/Squad Leader/Specalist/Cargo
Favored Weapon: M4RA Battle Rifle or the M37A2 Shotgun, depending on the range of engagement
Character Description: River is a red headed young man standing just shy of six feet, with an obvious caucasian skintone though his accent (or lack there of) makes it hard to place any true origin. He is always seen either carrying or holding in his mouth a real tabacco cigar, usually unlit “saving it for the after party.” When found off duty, he loves to play arcade games.
Unique Character Abilities: Can plug a warf rat at fifty meters without a scope, has a habbit of looting unattended crates or piles of junk and usually finds something useful in them, is honestly not afraid of command and when in a position of authority (Like a Squad Leader) will absolutely tell command when a plan is stupid or suicidal (He’ll still follow it, its an order, but he’ll make a fuss about putting his squad in unnecessary danger).

Ryan Smith
Delta rifleman
shotgun with slugs or standard pulse rifle
average build, brown hair, five oclock shadow. looks like an engineer that passed college using ai for his homework
somehow able to accidentally mortar or cas fob when left to his own devices

I think you could probably work Chuck in somehow, common nickname for Charles. Charles ‘Chucker’ Weaver? Something like that

I dunno about this one, but I kinda like the idea of Ryan ‘Deadline’ Smith, it’s punchy, and gets to the kinda lazy slacker vibe ya described

Character Name: Henderson Merryman
Favored Role/Position: Comtech + FTL
Favored Weapon: M4RA + M41Amk2
Character Description: A miner turned marine. He is a crude man but even then he is capable of being professional. who is a sin against God, His white eyes and faulty opioid receptors make it so. Other than his white eyes he is an average looking man with his average height and brown hair.
Unique Character Abilities:
->Faulty opioid receptors. Doctors show there love by making the surgery as painful as possible.
->Engineering knowledge
->Mining knowledge
->True alpha chad

Me brain so smart me know how to write

Henderson “Handy” Merryman. you’ve done a lot of good engi work.

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Character Name: Ruby Fairwight
Favored Role/Position: Hospital Corpsman / Fun Police
Favored Weapon: M4A3
Character Description: Terse, Indifferent or sacrastic, though usually I keep my mouth shut whilst I piece marines back together. Beyond the usual “You’re Fucked.” “You’ve got IB.”, and “Damn that’s a lot of fracs.”
Unique Character Abilities: Dying to a solo drone. Guh. No really. Tail Stabs and corners really mess up a dude.

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John “TheBomb” Morrison

‘boom baby’

Ezra “HeavyMetal” Bass

(insert heavy weapons joke here)

The white hair, scout spec preference, and slight Asian features is making me think of calling you “Yaoguai”, or “demon” in Chinese. Then again, assuming your character is American, this may not be a word in their vocabulary.

At the risk of sounding trite, maybe consider “Ghost”?

How does the nickname “Sharp” sound? It’d be short for sharpshooter, in reference to your ability to “plug a warf rat at fifty meters without a scope”, and seeing as your character is telling command their plan is dumb, I’m assuming your character is taking the role of the straight man here, thus being “sharp”.

Character Name: Gretta Swahili

Favorite Role: Squad Lead

Favorite Weapon: M41 with fire extinguisher and mag harness

Character description: Gretta is a short alcoholic ginger with glasses who hates her dad.
Hates: A.W.s, colonists, the CLF, and her dad.
Likes: her mom, alcohol.

Character Abilities: I’ve been told I am stunningly good at dying frequently and in dumb ways.


Gretta “Getter” Swahili, shes too much of a go “getter” always trying to do the most and dying horrifically for it
Gretta “HardShot” Swahili
Gretta “WildCard” Swahili

Ruby “Clear” Fairwight
Ruby “Zombie” Fairwight
Ruby “Triage” Fairwight

Gretta “Canon Fodder” Swahili
Gretta “Daddies girl” Swhaili

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“Getter” is honestly pretty good and a fun play on the name- I might try it on for a few rounds and see how it feels.

“Daddy’s Girl” is fucking hilarious and liable to pull some fun RP. It may be my mind is a bit deep in the gutter but it does feel like it might attract the wrong kind of attention though. I’ll give that one some thought. Would be funny as fuck.


Now gib me nick

Jack “BlackJack” Exolt