too lazy to forum quote so each reply is getting a definitely not biased summary in quotation marks
“early surv rushing buffing is fine because 1/10 items can be instant melted”
certainly we’re not basing balance decisions based on individual cases right guys?
“good surv players already rush so who cares if they do more of it”
it allows them to spend even more time looting since the only chance you’re doing anything as a drone vs a surv is from the shadows
“just walk away from the survs you can weed and frenzy”
and let them loot every single goodie John Mapper threw in his ‘cool new map’ like a kid in a candy store?
“its soul”
bro its literally just light. if you want soul balance around it
“it counters delayiens”
this was mentioned in the OG PR and makes no sense. it only activates at round end, at which point any surviving aliens have zero capability to delay.
If you guys think sunset is so controversial, then why not just kill sunset altogether and keep sunrise? Having sunrise still in the game after marines win is soul as fuck. Sunset… I don’t really care about (real men rush drone to pay build tax)
Either way, it does feel odd to have the sun set and then rise within a 2 hour timeframe…
First things first: The PR is soul. Actually explains why it is permanent night on the planet while marines and xenos fight each other(Cosmic powers of the Queen Mother making local star shine less or something lol).
Regarding nerfing drone rushing and buffing surv rushing: Experienced survs could wipe out entire hives before regardless, plus to get any actually good loot even on Chance’s it takes exactly around 2-3 minutes, by which the sun sets and its complete darkness. Yes, it makes drone players easier to spot for two minutes, but lets be real - new drone players die to survs regardless of if you can see them, and smart drones can rush epic marsoc shotgun even if they are in broad daylight.
I could call this a proper xeno nerf if devs didnt cut hydro\bar hives from the game entirely, which is a bad change still imo, but now you cant even rush anything with that light if you ignore the hard-to-get loot and go into the hive on CC - light does not pierce into caves or reactor.
the whole roundstart is kinda sped up last day, as IC CIC and whole ship staff gets waken up a week before arival. you can think the same way about survs and their first 20 minutes represent start of the last night when marines arrive. and the ONLY ones who can see both sunset and sunrise in one character are survivors, and for them it adds way more imersion then they can loose by “but uhhm I have seen the sun set an hour ago”
Not a big fan of the words drone rushing when that was the biggest surv buff made. Even t2 is delayed. Now the sunset and call it soul. Im not really going to say anything than you do not need to fight the surv. I don’t anymore, there is a reason there is a bunch of larvas afk in hive.
That is a baseless accusation at best, and an insult at worst.
I have been playing this game since 2020, and only started playing xeno in like, late 2022. I know the struggles about surv, and how absolutely easy it can be as well. And I know exactly that other survs “liked” the all evo at the start since they loved PBing bald runners. Ask any of the long time surv mains.
Are you talking about the era of no guns + random fracs, or when you were spawned somewhat like now but with no guaranteed gun (sometimes)? Because the random frac era was fucked i agree, but the one after was survivable, and I personally survived it as well. Sure, it was harder, but the role was classified as “Very hard” (and still is), so it was an expected result. Now that it has become much easier, people are still clinging to that “very hard” difficulty, because thats the hardest they have gone up against.
I personally had a 50-60% survivor surviving rate last year. So I don’t know where you are getting that information from. Maybe its because i mostly play during medium-high pop?
this PR is and always has been soul like the authors other creations, but sadly they have left the CM community and someone else would have to take up the project and maintaining it
It won’t, because sun only rises after marines already won.
It does affect balance because surprise surprise xenos rely on darkness. “Soul” is just your subjective feelings about this.
I also really dislike the “adds survs being able to hear evo announcement screeches” part. Is it really about soul? Not like it matters a lot, but it doesn’t feel “immersive” at all.
People jumping onto someone because he rises his concern about how it will affect xeno players? Not surprising.
What some of people posting here failed to realise is
Better visibility makes survs more deadly and xenos less dangerous. If survs are more deadly less people will bother dealing with survs. Less xenos contesting survs will very likely in fraggers getting every single OP item on the map.
I dont think anyone has problem with the sunrise part, but sunset could be a really strong buff to survs.
Also i do agree with ihatethisengine, i dont think the audio indication for survs is necessary every time new evo unlocks.
The timing screeches are just making meta knowledge you should already have, to IC knowledge. Not much of a difference happening to surv mains, and more help to the newer survivors.
I don’t really have a horse in this race as I don’t play surv or xeno. Just trying to figure out what’s the full issue here.
So I can tell according to the argument, sunset buffs survs because they have a short timeframe they can see before it becomes nighttime, where vision is a key element to CM gameplay so I get that. My question is, are the xeno’s advocating for the removal of it since it seems unfair? Or is someone just advocating for this removal for xenos because they think it’s unfair?
I always saw survs as like, a way to xenos to have some fun before marines land since they take a year and a day to get ready, and survs are meant for people who want a different form of RP experience or combat experience that’s a shorter, quicker, to the point round, where they won’t have much time for something else.
They’re basically complaining survivors will have a 3 minute “advantage” when in reality the darkness doesn’t make a difference to robusto survivors and they know it.
Some maps it won’t make any difference like Solaris for example, since the gamer loot is in the caves, where it will always be dark. Other maps too. Really though it’s just complaining for the sake of complaining with no real argument, it’s not really a buff to anyone, if you want to kill survivors so much just wait for teir 3’s and fight them without resorting to rushing them early as a Drone.
I’ve broken survivor holds myself as the Queen, it’s really a matter of actually having Xenos willing to commit, it’s not hard to kill them, and let’s be honest if they’re robusto survivors and can hold off against a hive full of teir 3’s they deserve to survive.
Instead of having another guy say what I say while completly missing the point, or trying to make my argument sound stupid, here it is.
Add it, but shorten the Sunset to 00:06 or 00:07. That is it. That is all that I would personally change and a lot of people are taking it very personal.
You have yet to correct me when it says its either a 280 second timer, or a 240 second timer. Please either stop downplaying it for the sake of “winning” the argument, or back it up.
Solaris isn’t all caves though is it. Hell, i rarely see most survs go for caves on solaris, and most of them try to rush bar for the alcohol vendor or something similar, while being in the open ground, which will now be lit. And if your argument for fighing survs is “just AFK for 15 minutes if you wanna fight them”, then that is a very poor argument. Hell, on about 50-60% of the matches you don’t even get to kill em when you T3 them. They will just be revived since survivors hold near LZ, and marines drop on time.
So now for a question directed to you @Zenith . What is lost in terms of “soul” from shortening the timer from 4-5 minutes, to 1-2?
It seems like an actual valid concern, whereas the same time I can also see how surv mains might like the RP aspect and the power of the whole thing. My question does stem from, do other xeno/xeno main’s feel the same way about the RP? Where it feels tough to fight servs during sunset? Or problematic?
The way i felt it when it was testmerged, was that you could not fight survs in the open during that time. This was especially prevalent when survs were roaming to get their stuff (LV road, Big red between buildings, kutjevo, etc), which made actually rushing them less worth it.
To put it simply. You lose all surprise advantage to get into melee range, while survs actually get a surprise advantage during that time since they don’t have their flashlights on.
Not really. It will still be meta knowledge, as it makes no sense for a surv to think that the distant screech he just heard means xenos can evo into runners now. Evo timers don’t make any sense from the IC perspective to begin with.
Ok, and I think it’s soul when survivors have to fight xenos in the darkness. I think giving them daylight is anti-soul. Prove me wrong now.
Argumentum ad robusto. Because a true robusto can kill xeno with a fork, nothing ever matters. You must be just trolling at this point.