Revives sunset pr

Fair point to the screeches. But I still think they fit nice as atmospheric screeches for the survs. More horror aspects = more good in my eyes.


Solaris - The only good loot is inside the caves, everything else can be grabbed instantly before Drones can even evo and dragged to the Garage, Booze included, the only roaming survivors will be the ones going into mining for the loot, which you can melt instantly as a Drone, before they have any chance of getting it, since it’s physically impossible to get there in time if a Drone rusher melts it.

Trijent - Once again there will not be any roaming survivors, you’ll grab the metal from Engi, rush the guns and rush to the checkpoints, which you can set up before the Drones can rush it if you know what you’re doing, or just rush to the elevator and hold there, you can also grab the booze before the Drones can even have a chance at rushing you if your coordinated.

Fio - Sunset/rise doesn’t apply to this map

Shivas - At least one survivor can always rush for the NVGs before the Drones can rush them, you can even rush the labs if you’re bold enough, since Xenos are usually caught off guard, or not paying attention/not evolved. Usually survivors will just hold the western caves or LZ, but these days you barely see Shivas played outside of lowpop, the map is irrelevant really.

Kutjevo - You can rush the two thermal spawns instantly as a survivor and have thermals, so the PR doesn’t really apply to this map for at least two survivors, also your primary hold is the LZ which is easy to quickly rush and set up if your not with a bunch of baldos. You won’t have roaming survivors so much on this map, and honestly they don’t need to with how strong the LZ hold can be.

Chances - Well this may be the only map which might make it easier for the survivors, because this map relies purely on Drone rushers for the survivors to not have an easy time at surviving. Although with how easy it is to block off the only sources of loot and deny the survivors it, it’s always been a pretty shit map for both sides, just depends on who you’re with.

LV - Like Chances it may give the survivors a slight edge, but this map is notorious for Drone rushers too with the easy tunnel locations and small spaces, although you’ll be fighting inside most of the time, and if you have a decent enough team you’ll be able to grab all the loot and head to the hold location before the Drones can rush you in any case.

Hybrisa - Ah yes, well Hybrisa was always going to be a strong map against Drone rushers, and I’ll admit some changes need to be made about LZ2, as it’s a very strong hold. Although most of the actual good loot is spread out and in the caves/research, which is very easy to get trapped in if you’re not careful, Drones can instantly get into Research and melt/block it off it they feel like it, and the sunlight doesn’t apply to the caves/research in any case.

You’ll have a good chance of catching survivors off guard regardless of the sunrise, since it’s a fairly large map and survivors still don’t know the layout well enough, but expect balances in the future I’m sure regarding loot, holds ect.

New Varadero - Once again you can rush the good loot, booze and get set up on the island before the Drones can really have much of a chance at rushing you, and the island hold is too powerful, the sunrise/set won’t change that OP hold in any case, probably one of the easiest maps to survive on honestly, and I advocate nerfing the Island hold myself.

Soro -Another map where the loot isn’t hard to grab before the Drones can rush, there’s a lot of metal and guns, as well as two thermals which are fairly easy to get if you know where they are, much like Kutjevo, so once again if two players grab them the sunset/rise doesn’t apply to them.

So basically I’m trying to say that the only two real maps which it effects is Chances and LV, which are notoriously easy to Drone rush on, due to bad design on Chances part (having all the loot worth getting be confined to the same locations, the ships) and the small nature of LV with it’s insta-tunneling to the survivor locations.

Also I don’t know why I’m wasting my time, the PR will get TM’d and if the time needs to be lowered then it will be lowered, there’s really no reason to not TM the PR and hopefully merge it, since it was always a really cool and immersive thing, which most people loved. The only reason it wasn’t properly merged was due to the original dev leaving the community and not finishing it really.

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Thats a lot of perfect scenarios where survs don’t do any mingling and only go after that 1 or two things. Meanwhile, actual rounds, has survs not just systematicly bumrush shit. They stop for a flashlight, see some mats they can take, do callout, general talking, doing something non-eta, etc.

The only maps I have seen where what you have said is most of the time true, is CC, and sorokyne. The rest seem to come from theory rather than practice.

Here is what I gather from practical knowledge of when where and when i meet a surv on any map, and what happens after.

Solaris - I mostly find survs around the 00:07 mark, and usualy around bar and hospital. Bar since i want to deny the alcohol vendors, and hospital if none bothered with it. In any case, they now can just run into the open from those buildings, and will now see me from much farther away unless i somehow hide behind a wall.

Trijent - Lots of surv roam this map. They go in every direction from power, to security, to the van, to the pods, to the elevator. Here I meet survs at security and the dam mostly, and around 00:07 to 00:8, and both of those the survs in question now have a fuck off big area of light now due to the PR and how long it goes.

Fio - Mute point.

Shivas - I honestly never play when this map is on, as its one of the least played maps in our rotation. So I don’t have any practical knowledge on this (most of it was before the revamp of the map).

CC- As you say. It is now even better to rush as surv, and especially the loot haul from the typhoon. This is where i mostly intercept FORECON on their way to the Tyhpoon, and now they essentially can either drive me off, or chase me to hell and back since they will probably just run after me when i inevetably have to run away since i won’t have a good engagement. (time is around 00:07 here)

Kutjevo - I can usually intercept the survs that try to haul the MAR crates as a drone. Now this will be not advisable since the entire haul is now under the cover of daylight, and I won’t get an actual surprise attack on the guy doing it. (00:07 time)

LV - This I have a clear memory of since its the most played map. And have actual practical knowledge of when the PR was testmerged. There survs would then take the road a lot more, because it was lit up, and made intercepting survs from the cargo tunnel either impossible or a lot harder.

Hybrisa - Again, not enough knowledge, and the map is so big that you might not even see eachother before actual sunset. But I can still see it if both the drone and the survs rush the checkpoint. Albeit its mostly lit up *shrug.

NV - It is already super survivor sided that its not worth taking down a potential buff to it. Either remove the island hold, or you could buff them all you won’t. I won’t care too much.

Soro - If survs wanna roam on this map now, they become alreayd stronger. Kitchen hold is strong, but I still see survs roaming because of the snow and its universal slowing properties and anti weed.

Even if it was “just” those two maps it would have an impact one (which there are more), it is two of the most popular maps we have in rotation, and is played the most. To the point i would say its around 40% of the maps we play.

Sorry for wasting your time I guess? But I say this before it gets testmerged so that we get a fix before, instead of after. Since that is always preferable, no?

Again. I don’t know how many times I have to say this, I do not condemn the PR, I just want the timings balanced instead of going out into the HvX aspect and become an actual balance standpoint.

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Yes fair enough. Just don’t worry, if things are too much it will be nerfed, it won’t be a big deal, just bask in the sunlight.

All will be good, praise the sun. :sun_with_face:


wdym? Isn’t nivrak reviving it… right now? :c


“powerful things will get nerfed”

we’re talking about the same dev community right?

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As someone who maybe players survivor once every 2 weeks, I really liked the setting Sun. I feel like it did 3 things that were really cool:
1.It gave the illusion that there was actual time progressing and not just spawning into a round. Like you start the round in the middle of your character trying to do something to survive.
2.It also gave a feeling of urgency because of the failing light.
3.Added some much needed ambience to the game

I don’t really see this making things particularly difficult for xenomorphs aside from bald ones. If you see a survivor with a nickname who is quickly and purposefully moving around and collecting gear or doing little side objectives that clearly displays their knowledge of the game and a general plan, maybe don’t bumrush them 1 v 1 and instead call out their position and ask for back up. And as and aside capturing humans is much easier now that they stealth nerfed suicide to take a very long time if you’re shooting yourself with a gun.


people who dislike the sunset feature are just mad their oc has to have virtual sunlight touch them, because they can survive it while the player would immolate in direct sunlight like a less cool vampire


Balance the sunrise and sunset mechanic? No no no, just delete survs. Shrimple.

wasn’t gonna talk in this thread (other than the “They only come out at night” bit), but I did some testing and you can arrive at typhoon and loot it before the map gets dark, if you have flamer it’s effectively impossible for drones to pressure you as you can simply flame → chase down and kill, the drones can’t ambush you anywhere due to glass windows being all along the route.

Here’s me being able to loot all of the typhoon and walk outside and there’s Still time left before it’s completely dark and drones are able to contest me.

This makes it effectively impossible to contest survs for the first 3 to 3 and a half minutes of round time, which is more than enough time for survs to gather loot and get into their holds.

As I said in my first post, sunset should be extremely quick, lasting only a minute or so.


keep in mind the person reviving this PR is one of the people advocating hard for; and most likely to actually commit to outright removing the thermals and other high strength items from maps.

I haven’t played with this on testmerge yet so I think it’d be more productive to wait until it gets some testing before coming up with a comprehensive opinion based on actual observation rather than making guesses based on theory. I think anyone saying it isn’t a significant surv buff is being somewhat deluded but I simultaneously believe it doesn’t actually matter because (CC excepted) it’s usually new players or overconfidents getting drone capped who wouldve gotten grabbed either way-- unless the surv team is all new players who never setup a hold almost every surv round ends with the survs dying in the actual hold having been overwhelmed by xenomorph numbers.

LV is a pretty big exception to this due to the fact the survs are locked in a tiny colony with tunnels all around them and very little loot or materials or much of anything to cope with it.

CC is a whole other issue but imo the map is in a terrible state where both sides have to rush for one spot on the map instead of getting to really adapt your routes or vary the strategy at all and needs some love anyway.

Push comes to shove sunset can be disabled on the maps where it provides an overwhelming advantage for survivors and reintroduced pending changes to those maps or simply left off-- it’s like one variable.


I really don’t see how that’s an issue, survivors not being rushed in the first few minutes of a round sounds like a positive to me.

The most robust survivors are going to frag out regardless of if they have light for a tiny bit when there’s only drones (who will obviously avoid you until it’s dark)

Gives survs a tiny bit of time to setup barricades and stuff, but not immunity because a drone can tackle and cap you really easily even if you see it coming.

IDK what world ur in if you think survivors looting for AT BEST 3 minutes is a bad thing, if the loot is overpowered that’s a different issue and out of scope of the PR

Even with the most meta builds and rushes I’ve seen survivor holds lose the vast majority of the time because no matter what gamer loot you have, a few dudes cannot hold back the entire hive


Yeah just keep believing lol. Sure.

It’s a huge negative. Currently you have a tiny bit of time to fight survs as drones before they got all the supplies and hid before 5 lines of cades. If anything this change will make surv fights even more repetitive and lame than they are now. The fact is: drones vs survs is the peak early round gameplay. Everything after that is mostly just endless cadehugging stalling for time until marines arrive and xenos get T3s.

3 minutes is a huge lot. It’s like a fifth of the pre-drop time (given the round begins at the 00:05 and the drop occurs at 00:20). And again, this is the most important three minutes, before survs have bunkered down in some autism fort.


Live footage of xeno mains seeing the sun.

Anyways, sun going down and plunging survivors into darkness at the beginning of the round is cool and soulful as fuck. Not everything needs to be balanced around the TDM, some things can just be atmospheric



I really fail to see what is so atmospheric or immersive about a light switch that gets switched at the same time every round. And then gets switched back coincidentally when marines win. If anything, this is kind of un-immersive for me. Not like that matters a lot to me, but people keep saying that this is somehow soul, immersive and atmospheric so :man_shrugging:


Praise be my man.


Agreed. If they really do port CM to SS14 and it’s not janky, I hope we get more things like this. If a marine gets their head lopped off by a xeno, I want everyone behind him to get covered in his blood. Windows broken by gun fire need to scatter shards. If you kill a xeno with PB buckshot, it’s head needs to be blown in half. Maybe even have it so when a marine chest bursts, everyone in their squad comms can hear the screams happening over the radio. CM is so visually and audio sparse for things like this.

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pretty much impossible. SS14 has to catch up on like decades of byond programming and even then after they’ve caught up there’ll be even more cm stuff that has been added while they worked.

SS14 is really a different game and not at all a sequel

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The immersion and “Soul” comes from the feeling of the sun setting, the darkness creeping in and the monsters coming out to play.

It’s more realistic and adds a new depth and scope to the world, makes it feel more like it’s not just a static plane where nothing changes.

It’s more about art-direction and immersion then anything.

This especially adds depth to when the marines finally win the round and “Sun rises”, giving the sense of a new day breaking, and the hellish nightmare finally being over.

It’s not hard to understand why simple effects like that can add a lot to a game, immersion adds a lot more then you would think when it comes to these things, it’s the little things that add up.