Revives sunset pr

Does sun rise IRL when you kill your last enemy? I thought it was more about the planet spinning around but I am not an expert honestly.


Well not realistic per-say, but it makes the world feel like it’s not just a static dark plane, where nothing changes. It’s hard to explain really, it’s more of an artistic thing.


honestly, all this tells me is map loot needs to be more random. Having all that stuff guarenteed at the same spot dont seem rigth. That little spot has enough for multiple people to make a holdout.

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From what I saw almost nobody understands that 90% of drone vs survivor combat relies on staying outside the light range of a survivor.

If u want to be soulful without impacting balance (if thats really what u want to do instead of letting urself get some easy drone kills and uncontested colony) just make sunset happen 1 minute into the round as soon as larva’s are able to evolve to drone.


Well, now that we play with it again, it is actually super cancer on LV, since it dosn’t care about buildings. For the full 4-5 minutes you have either NVG vision, or low light vision EVERYWHERE.

So question, why does the sunset reach into every building with a roof?

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Okay i’ve looked at it and it appears that it just gives you lighting if you spawn in as a surv in anywhere that doesn’t have roofing level 2 (antimortar/CAS), and the lighting just uh, works, regardless of where you go

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I think it’s hard for folks who grasp Sovl to explain it to those who don’t, and while that sounds exclusionary I’d say it’s because Sovl tends to be subjective by its nature and is rooted in love for the game that’s not shared in the same ways by everyone.

To me, this is exactly the sort of shit that elevates the experience. It’s not hyper realistic but it’s so cinematically perfect, and a thematic flourish that plays off a lot of the tone of the original movies in the vein of “They come out at night” type stuff.

I’d be wholly amenable to shortening the time a bit for gameplay purposes, but anyone who wants to kill off the PR at face value really makes me sad.


Agreed, its the little things that matter! Things like this don’t make a major difference, but it adds to the immersion.


Why whenever we get something new and cool there’s people like this? I’m sorry but can we just ignore the LITTLE AFFECT it has to gameplay mechanic on this part?


Why should we? What are we ignoring it for? A little fluff that you will forget about in a week?

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Why should we? What are we ignoring it for? A little fluff that you will forget about in a week?


What about the new player, experiencing the sunset for the first time and feeling a chill as the xenos cry towards the moon? The returning Lance Corporal, who’s trying surv now that they’re more viable— that’s the type of thing that’d turn my head coming back.

What about dedicated surv players who just RELISH in that shit, time and time again?

This is a very pessimistic take and I’m a little disappointed.


What about the new player who decided to try drone and who suddenly got ganked by survs because they can see him from 5 screens away :thinking:

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What about, you know… not trying to do combat as a non-combat caste without any support?
Oh, wait, every ancient drone main wants to cheese that 2-tap tackle-

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Maybe balance surv combat to not be “Either rush them, or don’t bother with them”. Because if you only go after survs as a combat caste, you are essentially just giving up fighting them.


Revert roundstart evo restrictions then we talk.


Then they messed up. Longer range guns(that are available to survivors) are designed to have a time to kill that allows even T1s to break line of sight or retreat. As a drone, they should be shitting weeds constantly. If you’re sitting at maximum plasma, you’re doing it wrong as a drone. Place weeds that you can retreat to, find a bottleneck and place a single resin door, maybe take 15 seconds to drop a few sticky resin and a couple of LOS breaker walls and depending on the area and time and you’re golden. And if the survivors are wasting time clearing your weeds and a few resin walls, then what they’re not doing is building a cade line. Simply distracting them this way is a low skill method of contributing to the hive.


You know what also helps to break line of sight? Darkness. Also darkness helps you to see survs before they appear on your screen (because they have to use lights). And it ensures they won’t see you via scopes/binos.

we litterary have a solution to the problem we are having. The fact that people WANT it to bleed into the round does seem like they want to “shadow buff” survivors under the guise of “soul”. I’m up for adding it, just don’t affect balance with it.

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That was pretty much my whole thing in my first post- I’m fine with shortening the sunset for balance reasons, I just think it’s lame to talk shit on it when the solution is right there.