A group of Marines suddenly rush up and start shooting you. How do you respond?
Have they nothing better to do? Can you truly blame Humans, however?
They’re risking the entire round just to come after me, which is pretty damn stupid. I never chose to fight any of them, and none were honorable enough to come to me alone.
They could be risking the lives of worthy prey, who they chose to abandon.
One by one I will try my best to drag them back to the front/FOB. If by the time there are only a couple left and they still insist on fighting, I will try to initiate an Honor Duel.
Another Yautja hunted and killed a target you had marked. What do you do?
Paya led me to that prey. I was the one who performed the rituals and prayers. By divine will, and no one else’s but my ancestors’ and the Code Of Honor, I alone had the right to finish my hunt. My clan, having had to constantly deal with Bad Blood in our past, is no stranger to violators of the Code. Honor binds me to show them no mercy, albeit experience would not be on my side. Perhaps that time shall one day come; reporting them to both mine and their clan leaders must suffice for now.
Do you have anything else you would like to include about your application?
This was my first time applying for a whitelist. I’d like to thank the council members, WL holders and the community involved in the process for the help and guidance I was given!
Your answers sound solid, but given your playtime and I don’t remember ever seeing you in game I can’t give you +1. Play some more during the app and someone else gonna vouch for you. Good luck.
I play SL a lot and take notice of most marine names I can see around, be it either my squad or others, what they say, what they do, and I see Hellen Denver as a frequent Rifleman player. Hellen Denver never broke roleplay standards, to the contrary, has always been a welcome addition and usually stands out from the waves of other Riflemen and beholds good mechanical skill if that’s even a selective.
I can vouch on Denver’s player capability to be level headed and a plus player, +1 on that.
Should definitely play more to convince the others though.
@Lmwevil could not have said it better. Massive -1. You do not understand the WL. There are articulate arguments to be made about the issue but the way you made them comes off as “I ded report.” Not only was it “I ded report”, you advocated for sanctions against the predator players. You have absolutely no understanding of the honor code. I question the logic of making such a post while you have a Predator WL application up. I highly suggest you withdraw this application post haste and ask your other post be closed before your reputation suffers further damage.