S5nt - Yautja Application

Yautja Application - S5nt

What’s your BYOND key?


What’s your Discord ID?


Do you have a regular character? If so - what’s their name?

Moshe Navon

Yautja Info:

What’s the name of your Yautja?


What clan are you joining?


If minor: Give your clan lore.


Yautja Character Story:

A group of Marines suddenly rush up and start shooting you. How do you respond?

Running up and shooting a Yautja would make them temp-dishonorable under the honor code section “A target or group of targets who attack you without due cause or interference with your hunt”, however just because they were temp dishonorable doesn’t mean I’d just mow them down cloaked with HPC. I’d probably fight them with cloaked melee until they ran off or were crit, upon which I’d leave them there for a medic to find or drag them near a busy area to be found, since I wouldn’t want to perma.

Another Yautja hunted and killed a target you had marked. What do you do?

I would tell them angrily but calmly in person to not repeat it again and that my prey is mine to hunt and mine alone. If they were an elite, ancient, or elder, I would still tell them to not hunt my prey, but less aggressively, since while they have wronged me, they do still command respect regardless. If they repeated hunting my prey however, this would fall beyond any reasonable misunderstanding and I would challenge them to an honor duel.

Who did you ask for permission to join Clan Teer?

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Withdrawing at the request of the OP.

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Added pred:denied and removed pred:waiting