Do you have a regular character? If so - what’s their name?
Moshe Navon, DAY (xeno not the synth)
Yautja Info:
What’s the name of your Yautja?
What clan are you joining?
If minor: Give your clan lore.
Yautja Character Story:
A group of Marines suddenly rush up and start shooting you. How do you respond?
Running up and shooting a Yautja would make them temp-dishonorable under the honor code section “A target or group of targets who attack you without due cause or interference with your hunt”, however just because they were temp dishonorable doesn’t mean I’d just mow them down cloaked with bolts. I’d probably fight them with cloaked melee until they ran off or were crit, upon which I’d leave them there for a medic to find or drag them near a busy area to be found, since I wouldn’t want to perma.
Another Yautja hunted and killed a target you had marked. What do you do?
I would tell them angrily but calmly in person to not repeat it again and that my prey is mine to hunt and mine alone. If they were an elite, ancient, or elder, I would still tell them to not hunt my prey, but less aggressively, since while they have wronged me, they do still command respect regardless. If they repeated hunting my prey however, this would fall beyond any reasonable misunderstanding and I would challenge them to an honor duel.
good story, nice formatting, interesting concept
fine answers, i’ve seen you around and if my memory serves me right you do roleplay
Q1: A marine calls you a racial slur, what do you do?
Q2: You’re being hunted by the same marine over and over, he’s just trying to kill you and other preds every round he gets the chance to, what do you do?
Let’s put you in a situation. It’s EVAC time!!! And so marines flock to their pods, obviously landing back where they fled from, the PLANET! You witness forsaken xenos having a UNO playoff with some random Joe Doe, how would you adress such bizzare situation?
Thank you very much for your vote of confidence, it means a lot.
Q1: If this is a slur like the n word or something in its category, I would just instantly kill them no questions asked, and immediately ahelp it as using slurs is in no way appropriate on the server and goes far beyond any form of roleplay with a predator. If it was a made up slur for Yautja’s that had no real world connotation that they made up, something like ‘mask-face’ or ‘greenblood’, I would probably do the following;
I’d walk up to the marine and stand on the tile next to them, facing them.
“Say it loudly this time, vermin. To my face.”
If they didn’t do it, I’d kill them for being a coward. If they did do it again, I’d honor duel them as I can at least respect them a bit for sticking to what they said, though they still deserve death for it.
Q2: This depends on if he’s willing to RP with me. If he just walks up to me every time he sees me round to round and wordlessly starts shooting at me, I’d just engage him in combat normally with my melee tools, and after killing him I’d drag his body to a frequently traversed area so that he can be found. This leans into my hope that as a pred I want to be kind of more in the background then out in the open a lot, though I’m not opposed to the latter. What that means is for instance less throwing bodies to medics but just making them very easy to stumble across so they can be dragged to medics, as in my opinion it look a bit silly when a pred runs up to a medic and throws a body at them.
Now if this person was willing to RP a duel, such as questioning what I am and things like that before just attacking me, I’d engage in combat still, however if they performed well I’d perhaps thrall them, as I think thralling somebody who wants to engage in RP and is competent at combat is a pretty good example of when to thrall somebody, especially when they seem like they want to engage with and RP with preds, though they might not know how outside dueling them.
This is just one of the silly things that makes CM what it is, and I’d probably just observe from a distance. If there was another pred with me, I’d make a comment along the lines of “I have never seen such behaviour from serpents, it’s not one that I would think befits them.”
I wouldn’t ahelp it, as though it’s technically LRP, the rules allow for some minor bending as long as its fun for everyone and nobody has a problem with it, it’s the end of the game and they’re just trying to have some fun. Though I certainly wouldn’t engage in an uno game, as it’s not really becoming of a Yautja and my Yautja especially doesn’t think highly of such games.
With being recognised as a good roleplayer, having a solid story, and a totally-not L clan choice (Teer on top, not biased), the council has made the unanimous decision to accept you into the whitelist!