Shazem123 - Timed Ban Appeal

Shazem123 - Timed Ban Appeal

What’s your BYOND key?


Character Name?

Kira Guess or Xenomorph tag AGE

Type of Ban?

Timed Ban

What is your Bancode?

Admin who banned you?


Total Ban Duration

7 days

Remaining Duration

6 days

What other servers do you play on?


Are you now or have you been banned on any servers? Which ones?


Do you play using a Virtual Machine?


is your copy of Windows legitimate?


Reason for Ban:

Rule 3 - ingame behaviour

Links to previous appeals:


Your appeal:

Yesterday, around 19hrs (GMT-3), I was playing as xeno ravager, and it was arealdy round end, and we had the rare event of double hijacking. We were groundside and I decided that just for giggles to step out of the dropship and, unknown to me at the time, you get instantly deleted if you’re outside the DS if the queen clicks launch. About 30 seconds later, I respawned as larva and said something in the lines of “that rav stepped out of the ship and died, retarded rav” just to see how the queen would react, and then I left. Shortly after, I reconnected and got surprised with the ban message for rule 3.
I think this ban was unfair, since I did not harass anyone, I wasn’t racist or homophobic or anything. In fact, I even said after evolving “turns out it was me” so the queen would know I was joking. I apologize for the misunderstanding.

Hi. this appeal is denied. The ‘R-word’ has been classified as a slur for nearly two months on our sever now. This is stated in the MOTD every time you join the server, along with a message stating that ignorance is not an excuse. Also, per our ingame appeals: ‘10. Seven day bans issued for slurs or homophobic behavior are not appealable and must be served out in their entirety. If you believe the ban was wrongfully issued, contact management.

Added appeal:denied and removed appeal:waiting