On average, how many hours are you available to moderate in an average week?
Do you have previous experience in game or community moderation?
I was a admin for a FO-13 server (Which as all Fallout servers do promptly died) for a short while and currently am a mod on the mostly dead SCP server.
Provide any links to any previous CM-SS13 whitelist, mentor or staff applications:
Have you ever been banned for more than 24 hours on CM-SS13?
No, to my knowledge I have not been banned.
Can you actively engage and communicate with the team through Discord?
Yes, I can
Final Details:
Why would you like to join the CM-SS13 staff team?
I figure joining the team is a good way to both help make the server that little bit better, Use some spare time I have that I don’t really use for anything productive and maybe feel useful in this regard given I enjoy playing on CM13 quite a bit and its basically my only past time so might as well make myself somewhat useful by helping to moderate.
What makes you a great addition to Staff? (Experienced Tabletop DM, Aliens Lore Buff, Super Organized, etc.?)
I know my fair share of aliens lore as it pertains to the game, I can remain unbiased and hopefully make sure everyone who plays has a good game as well by being responsive and I have experience moderating and administrating on other servers which should help me learn the ropes quickly and without too much trouble.
In your opinion, what is the most important quality of a CM-SS13 staff member?
I know my fair share of aliens lore as it pertains to the game, I can remain unbiased and hopefully make sure everyone who plays has a good game as well by being responsive and I have experience moderating and administrating on other servers which should help me learn the ropes quickly and without too much trouble.
Anything else you want to add?
Not in particular, Thought about making each answer a paragraph long but figured short and to the point was better.
This is a standard question, I will ask all applicants for Moderator moving forward. This is not personal in any way. It is an effort on my part to be consistent in commenting on applications.
Have you ever been a moderator or greater on any server and removed for misconduct? If so, when did this occur and why did you not disclose it on your application?
I want to reiterate this is not a question solely directed at you. I have asked similar questions in the past but now decided to formalize it.
I have not been removed from any such position for misconduct, I did leave the FO13 server (I can’t recall the name given how bloody fast they came and went) due to drama that caused the server to die and went and played on the one that followed after.
i don’t mean it to be a slight to your app at all, but i’d like to see you around a little more in-game, i think. potentially as roles that get into moderator-esque stuff like MP and maybe some department heads even though i know that isn’t everyone’s path, but just to get the sense that you can do conflict management and keep an eye to the big picture of rounds (and it can be like CMO or CE or whatever – having to sort out which of the three doctors that want to deploy gets to do it is, in a smaller sense, conflict management, as is how you keep the other two who don’t deploy engaged for the rest of their rounds on the ship)
that said, i know you’re a dedicated CL and that a great thrust for this application probably comes from your desire to play along with other CLs, CCs, whichever people manage to get their hands on a fax, and give them fax responses, engagement, ERT teams, which i admire tremendously. for where i want to see more regarding the rules-enforcer bit of the job, i know you put great effort into enhancing rounds with your actions and maintaining a good, RP-oriented, engaging server culture. i have a lot of good things to say about what you offer as a CL and in upholding a sort of “spirit of the server”, just a little more concrete demonstration on the laws of the land bit, but otherwise i think you’d be a fine and very level pick. i have not a single bad thing to say about what i’ve seen of you IC as CL or rifleman, or in deadchat.
I apologize for the excessive wait time, there were a collection of reasons that led to the delay, none of which were your fault. That said, the wait time actually helped you. When I initially saw your application I agreed with others that you probably did not have enough time to join the team. However, in the intermittent period, between your application submission and now, you have put on quite a bit more server time. You have a clean record and have generally been a positive influence in the community. I’m happy to tell you that you should consider withdrawing your fax responder application because this application is approved. Welcome to the team!