Staff Assassination of Warfan

I cannot believe anyone would say half of this stuff about Warfan or anyone for that matter. Sure he made a big stink, and definitely shouldn’t have said a few things, but some of these comments about warfan are rude, and those leaving the comments should be ashamed for saying unsavory and rude things- especially the position some of them are in as public heads.

He left a great legacy behind him with his amazing events and staff history. This isn’t just some griefer or crazy rulebreaker. This was a community member. He was going through the hoops to rejoin the staff team and continue his legacy for the rest of you. We should at a minimum leave him to his decision to completely leave without any more dirt in his wake.


You’ll be shocked when you learn why Warfan is forum banned currently.


What did he wrote in his last post? I never got the chance to read it

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There was two, first was pretty standard cryosleep (not sure why it was deleted, maybe he did it?), I didn’t read it very thoroughly because it didn’t seem like he was trying to start shit and I expected him back in a week. Second was a post entirely dedicated to hating on (if I remember correctly) penpusher, which was deleted for obvious reasons.


I got told he didnt delete his post, so when he made the second one he turned off the filter and went off. Then again I only been told bits here and there by a few people.

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[opinion withheld because everyone already knows my opinion on staff]



Grim deleted his first post, which was more or less a standard cryosleep post (a category deleted for good reason) that was him seeking attention. Half of it was trying to incite drama with Staff and players again because it heavily emphasized that “Im right, they’re wrong, why are they unfair towards me” when Warfan quite literally left of his own accord over a 1 hour argument over shipside medical in Contributor chat (lmao).

Second one was acid goop bullcrap where he pre-ambled with “What did I learn today? Screw being polite” and then just began to hound me (for some reason?) because I was ‘gatekeeping’ him from CO or something like that. He completely lost his shit and it was up for like 10 minutes which was enough for dozens of people to rightly pile on him for being an attention-seeking drama queen. Grim unlisted it after.

Somebody literally made a quick video edit of all responses before it got closed. Discord

People in here saying “This is about Staff” or “Warfan did good events” are genuinely clueless, I think, and were probably asleep when Warfan completely went off the rails nutjob. If you come at me with “He was a Community Member and ran good events” then I fucking ask myself why he keeps acting like a schizophrenic person who cant decide if he wants in or out of this community. He quite literally had to be FORUM BANNED by Grim because he kept making threads (and then also tried to friend Grim on Discord to presumably get unbanned???).

This guy can stay gone. Also lowkey, he was inactive as shit as an Admin. 90% of the comments under his moderator(!) app being about “+1 I want the events back” is hysterical considering event running was probably 99% of what he did as staff as opposed to… actual staff work? Lol.


I had no strong opinions regarding Warfan, but the amount of drama they’ve generated leaves me thinking they are simply not capable of being a staff member.

In-between leaking staff private messages, launching a call to arms and egregiously slandering members of the community, I don’t feel they are doing anything to maintain or improve the community

The guy clearly has some issues to sort out and I wish him well in doing that but he needs to touch grass and face a reality check. He had a complete meltdown over a silly online space game and make himself look like a total buffoon.


The issue I feel is that he is the single factor as to why he lost his admin position and is where he is now.

The only reason he lost everything was a simple minor bureaucratic issue, where he took an event beyond what he was authorized to do and did not log it. This then spun out of control to a multi-page debate with management where he began to burn every bridge he had before he went on to leak this information.

How can we expect to ask our players to follow certain rules when we could have moderators and admins selectively disregarding the rules?

As a wise person once said, he made his choice.


Me when people say a dude who made a forum thread to shit on somebody else is one of the better admins and should come back


Warfan obviously has some issues to sort out and being apart of staff and this community has clearly deteriorated his mental health, which is fine he shouldn’t have behaved the way he did either way.
It is however a bad look for people in higher positions of responsibility/setting standards for the way the community should behave to be talking about him the way some of you are, and I know you’re better than that.
It’s really sad to see that his relationship with staff and CM as a whole has gotten to this point and I hope he finds a better place for his time and energy that makes him happier.


i dont like warfan because i hate hvh
that being said the nerd i will not name who spammed the entire forums with arts of their very original donut steal player character saying “everyone came together to dump on the drama queen” is hilarious to me for some reason


Flatulent when he finds out he doesn’t have to automatically click on the forum thread that specifically says “Art Thread of X Character” so that he doesn’t have to complain there is art of X Character.


my honour code compels me to make myself everyone’s problem


hi flatulent :wave:


make a wallace synth please


all i saw is warfan loosing is contributor tag and then he is gone…
i would suggest that if you don’t get along with staff or the direction to look what other server propose…
we have two CM children server and after that you got RU CM/TGMC TGMC.
or you can even make a server that run HvH CM round …
i could totally see an HvH server get a good amount of people on it…

gnarp gnorp schlop a bober kurwa skibidi



spitting straight facts here brother spit your shit indeed