Staff Transparency and The current direction of this server

I also enjoyed reading some logs, but that was typically only a matter of

“I never called him a rat fucker!”

Someone who just got off a shift at work trying to pull multiple strings of context together:

“Here are the logs.”
0:37 Jimmy Blood: "You're a rat fucker!"

In the case where someone fucks-up, I really don’t see what difference seeing text instead of a screenshot or recording really makes, or why it amounts to any more than “bro, trust me” when the results of either are going to be the same and the recourse of riding out the punishment or making a spite staff complaint/appeal remain the same.

I feel that some of my own reports are good examples, since they are “this bothered me enough that I brought receipts so we don’t need to worry much about logs anyways” or “yeah everything you said was true, we’re just exhaustively posting each line for the sake of it” (though Silencer was still a dear for their color-coding and effort). Staff has gotten more active in cleaning-up squabbles, but it’s not like even with logs being posted people didn’t have eight-layered arguments in the replies.