Discord Ban Appeal - svalkomtaree
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Sval Komtaree
Total Ban Duration
Reason for Ban
“Casual bigotry isn’t a joke. You have a history of bigotry, and it’s clearly not going to change”
Initially I was not told what action got me banned, I had to confirm later with Forest a few weeks later that it was me posting the following video in #shitposting that got me banned from the Discord:
First of i’d like to link the original ban appeal I made for lack of ambiguity.
I was not informed if my ban was permanent or not at the time and was not told I could appeal it in 6 months by Forest which is why I made an appeal pretty quickly after being initially banned.
I’d like to start off by apologizing for posting the offending material that got me banned.
I did understand that it was inherently crass and offensive but I meant no outward offence to any particular group(s). I unironically thought the video was dumb and weird and that it was something to be laughed at and not with. I also thought the statistics were just flat-out lies in the latter half of the video because from my understanding it is actually much higher in the areas it claimed to be low.
I did try contact relevant management about it to explain myself, not to necessarily reverse my ban but so that I could come to an understanding with them and try to explain that I was just being inconsiderate and an idiot when I posted it and it was not done maliciously to harm or offend anyone. It is a lapse in judgement that I have since not repeated.
I attempted to speak to Grim initially as he was the one who denied my appeal so I assumed he was the person responsible for processing all appeals but he wasn’t willing to discuss the matter with me, I then escalated to Forest and he informed me more about why I got banned. A few months later Frozen told me to contact him directly about the matter which I did, we had a brief back and fourth but this was around the time he was doxxed so he was naturally busy so I didn’t press him to respond and I believe he forgot about the matter as a clear conclusion wasn’t reached but he was very helpful regardless, it was nice to be able to talk to someone about it briefly.
I did so in an attempt to try and find out what changes in my behaviour that relevant personnel on the staff team would like to see in order to show them that I would be worth considering allowed back into the community properly and that it would not be behaviour i’d be repeating going forward. I actively tried to change in the eyes of those would be judging me, I wasn’t successful in getting a conversation that would lead me to those answers I have tried my best regardless to not do anything similar since in the 6 months since I was banned from the discord.
I am sorry for any offence I caused, it was not my intent to cause any distress but I understand that I did so regardless of what I wanted and that isn’t acceptable in our space.