Fax Responder Application - The_Swatter
What is your BYOND key?
What is your Discord ID?
What is your timezone in UTC?
Player Name You Use Most?
Dante Norton
Ban Appeals, Whitelist and Staff Applications:
Have you been banned in the last 3 months?
If so, why?
Have you read the role guidelines and expectations?
I have
Why do you wish to become a Fax Responder?
For starters I’d like to explore this game a bit more since I have a fair bit for time spent in its time locked roles. I also like the idea of faxes finally working for the players so I’d like to be a part of that. I have my fair share of command and MP hours as well as an interest in ig legal matters so I like to be more involved with that. Finally I want to have more varied rounds that break the routine without compromising the experience for everyone and fax responder is a means to that.
What do you consider the purpose of this role?
This role is a mix of ig utility as well as an agent for gameplay variation, at the very least shipside. This role can help break deadlocks the players find themselves into especially in legal matters as well being the agent in-between players and staff. It also solves the issue with faxing as players no longer need to eternally stare at the fax machine waiting for a response that will never come. Finally, it adds a little extra immersion on the side for the players involved improving their experience.
When would you consider it appropriate to use your phone?
Only to prevent, deescalate and resolve extreme situations ICly so that no staff intervention is needed. These situations include extreme ML breaches and rogue CLs or command staff, since command and MPs have a great impact on the round for the marines and rogue CLs to prevent situations like crazy diplomatic episodes.
If playing WY Responder, what objectives do you consider within your power to give the CL?
I would give non antagonist objectives to the CL, only enough to cause friction with the marines and generate RP. Those would be recovering some intel documents, as part of let’s say, recovery off company assets. Maybe have them bribe an IO to assist. Then it could be to bribe the researchers for chemicals, be it for some random chemical they have found or prior to a chemical extraction team, to ensure the smooth recovery. Other than that mostly standard orders where I see fit such as status reports, interviewing survivors, signing NDAs etc.
If playing Press Responder, what objectives do you consider within your power to give the CC?
Reporting is all about information. To record solid evidence for whatever hot story you are hunting. Of course that changes depending on your affiliations. Specifically whether you are military or civilian. Military CCs would be instructed to write a good story about the glory of the marines and how valiantly they fought against the onslaught of xenomorphs eventually emerging victors, even if that means “ignoring” a few details. Civilians on the other hand are more concerned about the truth of the xenomorphs rather than making the marines look good. Their objectives would be to document the hive as best they can, getting pictures of dead or living xenomorphs if possible, and spread out knowledge about this new interstellar enemy. Other hot stories could be investigating shipside crew such as research in case they are brewing anything funny inside containment. Or it could be means to expose ML breaches by other shipside crew and become the agent of positive change on board the ship. Of course at the end will always be clarifications to prevent disrupting the crew and the operation.
What is your playtime in Command Roles?
XO 4.2+63.1 (including the old account time Ckey Yeet_king) SO 20+37.9
What is your playtime in Military Police Roles?
CMP 17.8+63.5 /Warden 3.9+13.8/ MP 30.7+89.9
What is your playtime in Corporate Liaison?
What is your playtime in Civil Roles?
What, if any, is your playtime in Special Roles?
I was a UA representative during an event where I along with a TWE rep were called by Stephen Lewis on board a WY station (the really big one). I do not remember what we were there for initially but we were toured around and even had some lunch in the station’s canteen. There was a CL that was arrested due to self antag and some really disruptive behaviour and was transported there. That part was not scheduled I think and happened due to the CLs actions. The CL was brought in and was questioned by myself, the rep and Lewis and eventually corporate commandos from a rival company arrived trying to take him away. Whiteout was deployed as well making short work of them. In the end we were escorted to our shuttle and that was that. One of the few times I got a chance for such consistent RP.