TTS in CM13

I personally have nothing against tts despite it being a little funny, Thoughts!?


So long as I can turn it off which judging from the PR you can. I find TTS really distracting, canā€™t take anything seriously since itā€™s always just so damn goofy.

I can imagine itā€™s gonna be used in the most LRP ways possible for a while till the novelty wears off but hopefully I get proven wrong.


Didnā€™t we have a topic about this a few weeks ago talking about how this is not a good idea?


I said something similar in #cm-discussion but Iā€™ll echo what I think here too.

I think this is a solid accessibility feature and I see no downsides to it being merged AS AN OPT-IN SETTING

The way I percieve TTS in SS13 is that its kind of goofy, it kind of gives John Madden: which I think if default enabled would give the wrong impression about the intended RP standards of the server. I can also see people abusing this pretty heavy with silly models and spam.

I am very wary of nudging things towards LRP as we currently have a pretty solid balance, but im open to being proven wrong, I just think we should consider if this is a default going forward.


Can xenos hear what marines say?
Can marines hear what xenos say?

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If this helps even one person with some sort of issue/disability enjoy the server more then great by all means well done. But Iā€™m 100% muting it and would stop playing if I couldnā€™t.


We had this discussion before on forums if I remember correctly majority disliked it

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Yeah but at the time it was not in the game

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The stupid majority that couldnā€™t comprehend that it would always be a toggle option, not permanent addition that canā€™t be disabled.
These type of guys complain about admin midis even though you can disable them too.


This is a bad idea. I am strongly against it. It will foster LRP forcing mods to intervene more.


i donā€™t personally see the appeal of TTS, it feels more like a gimmick than anything else


Help! My male character is stuck on the elf voice help!


I have lots of cringe clips.

Highlights are:
John Madden

and everyone with a high pitch voice.
One dude has basically figured out how to make enemy soldier from HL 1 first round.

Also the TTS can pronounce skibidi.


I love TTS, tho the micro-lag we seem to keep experiencing is quite painful

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Do you know if we can write any of the code in C++ for inter-process communication?
Like adding .dll?

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cue the lag spikes, the dropship sound spammers, the mismatch between baked-in emotes, and the people using the voices from underage characters that are part of the collection for their 20 year old women :sunglasses:

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That is a good point and needs to be taken into account. It will not matter if you can turn it off if the increased lag remains. Less lag the better is always good.

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Its over

Xeno TTS rn
ā€œMommy, mommyā€ ā€œPlz mommy heal meā€

im in shambles


Turn it off via preferences if you dislike it and move on

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Note for those who donā€™t have discord/didnā€™t see the round where it was annouced: