Warfan1815 - Commanding Officer Application

Yeah that round was me a bit at my worse as overall command, as i was more in the operating mode of a SO, so i really spent more time observing and reporting, and not being all too succinct, because both of the senior command staff were alive and likely to give orders.

I usually dispense with any verbosity with actual orders, or write an in character comment or assesment along with a straight forward command. Its a bad habit of mine, on ocassion, to not do that, but by and large it seems most people understand my orders so it seems by and large my announcements are comprehensible.

You are free to make your own judgements on that point, but it is something I shall always try to improve myself on.


As you can see haven’t played too much last week, been a tiny bit busy IRL (more than I anticipated) but I am gonna try to put in more hours this week.

I don’t want to continue on with this community, please withdraw.


Withdrawn by Applicant. Reapplication possible in 30 days, on April 6th.

Added co:denied and removed co:waiting