OK so i was playing round as xenos and i got melted by the lock turrets on the map Trijent dam. This was first in very long time that have seen the lock turrets be made used of.
The turrets are down right dumb… like crazy RPM with near unlimited ammo, heavy AP damage and fairly long range. You get one line over the turrets and there is jack all you can do about the hold, if survs are smart about it. The damage is so high that even T3 can’t push for more then one slash… and even then that is risky.
Now this is not me just salting, and wanting the turrets taken out. I in fact like the idea of having hard points of turrets on the map. My issue is how they implemented… like why are they so damn strong. i get having lots of AP to deal with high armor xenos but the RPM and damage makes it just to much.
Now the reasons i can see as to why they are so strong is the fact that you have to power and get to them before they are taken out roaming runners. but that is no fun ether… like its so rare to see the turrets being used and will only ever happen if the xenos are being really dumb and forgetting to take them out.
Its all around not fun, its busy work for the xenos that if not gotten done will bit them later big time. and for the surv it to hard to get working locks on time before you ether get swarmed or only to find the locks taken out. as for the marines the turrets may as well have never existed, for how rare it is for the turrets to live past the drop.
The thing is the game i think would benefit from more objective based gameplay… which the lock turrets are a great idea… at least in theory but now they are now they are too rare to get up and to strong when they do.
now how do i think they should work? the turrets need to be able to survive in some way, well keeping a way to take them out permanently. how this can be done is make it so that turrets can be made into weaker busted state when closed by any xeno caste but can only ever be destroyed permanently by T3 xenos.
That way the turrets can still be used by surv holds even if the runners have gotten to them.
The trade off is that the turrets need to be weaker over all, less RPM and damage. they still should keep full AP tho. the busted state should also be some thing that comes over time when the turrets are running after long time. i also think the busted stated should not stop them from shooting just lowering the RPM.
next is dealing with power issue… i think having P.A.C.M.A.N placed near or in the locks themselves that way the surv and keep the power going for long time if they know how to set up the gens to hook up to the APCs.
the Pacman also can be readily dealt with if the drones are smart when roaming and melting them as they pass.
Ok thank for come to my ted talk about lock turrets feel free to call me malding in the replies.