Why do people not like hijack?

Ive seen on the forums people (@Steelpoint )express they don’t like hijack, I’ve always wondered why.
Can you explain why or direct me to a link where they explain why they don’t like it?


From Acid Goop to Discussion

Its like having to play the exact same map every time, with no real difference in playstyle. And its supposed to be a fun thing for the xenoes, when its now a bore most of the time.


the end is never the end is never the end is never the end is never the end is never the end is never the end is never the end is never the end is never the end is never the end is never the end is never the end is never the end is never the end is never the end is never the end is never the end is never the end is never the end is never the end


its either early evac and xenos get wiped with no counterplay or fob siege number 2


This is exactly how I feel.
The same 2 or 3 strats on the same map with no variance.
It’s also not an even playing field ever, it’s a one sided stomp and that sucks.


This conversation never ends. It is an ouroboros.


If it was just optional on the xenos part it would be fine
I hate when xenos are forced to hijack with 20 xenos and 80 fear RPing marines
just let them end the round at that point


Because its post round stuff tecnicly. The round gets decided groundside.
When hijack happens its because marines lost, and very very rarley have the numbers to defead themself.

Hijack is a mandatory epilouge.


Sometimes hijack is fun. Sometimes hijack is literally an extra 20 minutes of delay where marines who have 0 chance of survival (10 v 30 xenos) literally run around and do nothing, whilst the server watches. Sometimes the queen fucking suicided and now its 6 xenos waiting to hijack a 40 marine strong Almayer. I dont dislike hijack exactly, I dislike the mandatory pointless delay. Which is why I want people to be able to vote to skip it. If the majority think a hijack is gonna just be a pointless stomp, why force everyone to suffer?

Critics say that it’s effectively removing content, but thats just not true.


Erm, actually, technically an almayer self destruct is a draw :nerd_face:


hijack used to be fun years ago, when there wasn’t SD or lifeboats, and people would hold a bunch of different spots


it changed like every round and half of the spots were the most glorious ways to commit mass suicide


I will never change my stance on hijack skip votes until someone can convince me that the impending hijack against THIS will be enjoyable to play


sooo… it’s like playing cm ss13?


Damn, didn’t know every round was an instant fob siege into evac, where you barely get fight anyone.


Hijack just feels like a waste of time tbh.
Not enough variance to justify it.

but it fine, it only feels like a waste of time if u play more then 2 rounds in one day tbh.


I’m sure how you’d do it but why not set it to automatically skip hijack is the amount of combat marines are too few compared to xenos. At least that way you’d avoid the hijack stomps.

Same could be used for the xenos too if they somehow win groundside with too few numbers which might help avoid meta evacs…maybe?

I don’t hate hijack but it certainly gets a little old every time.


That might fix the stomps, but dosn’t fix all the ones who grudge having to do fob siege 2 now, with a lot more evac.


pretty much what everyone else has already brought up.
still its hard to remove or skip as it deprives the xenos of that coveted xeno major.
imo hijack should be a rare occurance, only being possible if the xenos actually manage to capture the DS instead of summoning it, with whoever wins the planet getting their major respectively.


I feel like it would be better if more marines did ERT.

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