WolfOrion - Staff Report: Enforcement Action Taken - Management (Edited)

WolfOrion - Staff Report: Enforcement Action Taken - Segrain

What’s your BYOND key:


Round ID:


Your character name:

Makenzie Kifer

Their BYOND key:


What are you reporting?:

Enforcement Action Taken

Description of the incident:

The incident is the enforcement of a permanent ban for metagaming/metacommunication between myself and a xenomorph. I do not deny that we spoke with each other in LOOC, and that the xenomorph was carrying me around the map to show me loot, but we were not teaming up against other players, just playing around with each other, and roleplaying it IC too. I am not saying a ban should not have been applied; all I am attempting to state is that a permanent ban is extremely excessive for something that didn’t ruin anybody’s round, especially as a first offense for metacommunications.


The only evidence I have is the ban message I get when trying to connect to the server. I cannot seem to attach a screenshot to this part of the report.


Hello WolfOrion,

This ban was sanctioned by management at the time of its administering, however it is already being re-evaluated. I will update you when a consensus has been made regarding this incident.


Okay. Thank you for the information and the quick reply.

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Hello WolfOrion,

After deliberating with management and a second review of your case I agree that a permanent ban is excessive for this incident. You may view the xenomorph player’s staff report for additional information regarding the reasons behind the initial ban.

This staff report is approved and this ban is being lifted with the time served as its official ban duration. Although your role in this incident is perhaps not as egregious as the xenomorph player’s, this would not be the first incident of metagaming for which you were a party, and it is for that reason that you shared the same ban length. This ban was advised by management, and thus the onus does not fall on Segrain, but management. Please do not engage in this kind of activity in the future.

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Added report:approved and removed report:needverdict