Commanding Officer Application - Zanfee
What is your BYOND key?
What is your Discord ID?
What is your timezone in UTC?
Player Name You Use Most?
Shiva ‘Timber’ Ridge, Clemens “Gumption” Darling
Ban Appeals, Whitelist and Staff Applications:
Have you been banned in the last 3 months?
If so, why?
Command Knowledge:
How familiar are you with command positions?
I am well versed in both ship-side and ground-side command roles, be it the squad leader or the staff officer. I have had a plethora of operations to command and understand the flow of battle and how to effectively communicate information to the marine force.
While I do have low MP hours I encouraged others to frequently ask me ML questions to fill the gaps in knowledge that come from grey areas in ML. If anyone would like to hit me up with a question or two to prove my knowledge to them, then do so under this application.
Hours in XO:
87 Hours.
Hours in SL:
106 Hours.
Character Information:
Why did your character decide to become the CO of a ship?
Clemens followed the footsteps of his father and enlisted in the USCMC while also believing in the values he was taught early on. After serving his time aboard the USS-Caiman, he believed that he could lead operation strategically and effectively better and turned back to become an officer instead. Later during his career he witnessed his Commanding Officer valiantly give his life for that of others and his view changed. He now believed that he had to fill the shoes of said commander. During his time as the CO he bonded greatly with those under his command and grew confident that he would lead them no matter where, be it near the core systems or the frontiers of the United Americas.
How did your character attain the position of CO?
Captain Darling was found eligible for promotion after the numerous operations he co-lead with his Commanding Officer and his long time serving in the USCMC. The decision was finalised after Operation Guiding-Light in part due to the Death of the CO and due to a previous recommendation that was signed to High Command by said senior officer.
Provide a short story of your CO.
Command Actions:
When do you believe it’s appropriate to pardon a prisoner?
Pardons are a tool that should be handed out with purpose and meaning. When pardoning a criminal I believe it is important that the prisoner acknowledged their mistake. What I mean by that is that the prisoner has to know that something went wrong and that they have to see that it is in part their fault. This is important to ensure the criminal does not commit acts that break marine law again. Usefulness in the operation can and will also be a factor of a pardon but a commanding officer has to make sure that his trust in someone else is not misplaced. At the end of the day you are essentially putting yourself and the operation on the line.
Give some examples of when you would or would not use pardon.
A specialist keeps punching the Corporate liaison and stealing their briefcase, the liaison reasonably gets the Military Police to arrest said specialist. Meanwhile the aforementioned weapons specialists is complaining on general communications about how they can’t help the operation anymore and how this could affect the operation greatly. He tries to rally fellow marines to make you as the commanding officer pardon them.
In this situation I would not pardon the weapons specialist as he is specifically trying to make me act in his accordance for his benefit for something he clearly knew what the consequences were yet still decided to do it and leverage their position as Weapons specialist to receive a “get out of jail” card. Furthermore how can I trust such an individual if I were to pardon them. They would essentially believe they are risk free from Marine Law.
On Low Pop, one of two Combat technician breaks out of their squad prep after an SO changed their squad too early. The Combat technician tries to communicate with their Staff officer but falls on silent ears. He decides to use his shotgun to break out of his CT squad prep all the while an MP hears them do said thing and promptly arrests them.
In this Situation I would pardon the Combat technician, they had no intent on maliciously breaking Marine Law and due to our numbers we cannot afford to loose such a valuable asset.
I find myself waking up from Cryo and head up the ladders South West of the briefing bubble. Upon walking to the CIC I witness the CMP using a breaching charge on green to blow open the CL office and kill the CL while doing so. The CMP spots me instantly and quickly explains that they saw the CL on scanners dead in their office and had no other way of reaching them before they would perma. The Liason gets revived and quickly demands the CMP face consequences since he was not asked once over command radio about his status.
In this situation I would arrest the CMP for Manslaughter, FTFP, DTGP and Neglect of duty. I believe I would not have to BE them since they remained compliant while reasoning yet they still broke ML, due to the fact that the CL was alive and well and because they killed them in the process. I would also not pardon them since there are numerous other methods of contacting a CL and checking up on them. Using a breaching charge to gain entry into their office is not one of them.
When do you believe it’s appropriate to use a Battlefield Execution?
Battlefield executions should be used sparingly and only when the situation demands it. Each and every round will have different conditions but BEs will always be used for the benefit of the operation no matter the circumstance. They are a last resort option, removing someone from the round instantly. So one has to be confident that a situation warrants such force.
Give some examples of when you would or would not use Battlefield Execution.
Two marines are having an argument and it quickly escalates to both of them punching each other. After I demand them to cease, one of them punches the other and the second one readies their shotgun and drops the marine.
A Battlefield execution would be an appropriate response to this. You have warned both enlisted that there would be no more escalation beyond this incident and while the first marine punching the second one directly undermines your statement, escalating the situation to a gunfight in front of your commanding officer is unacceptable and will be met appropriately.
I deploy to lead the ground operation and I am notified on MP communications that research is creating their own hive after I told them not to. The Captain explains that he authorised it. I tell him that he could not do so as the duty officer and head shipside to deal with this myself. Upon reaching research I am informed that the captain locked himself in with the researchers and is refusing to come out.
In this situation I would BE both the research team and the XO. I have notified both research and my command staff that there will be no hive made upon my ship, yet both the Research and the Executive officer have ignored my authority and tried to create an unnecessary risk for the operation.
An evacuation is authorised as the Hijack occurs. I along with my XO agree and call evacuation while ordering everyone to head to boats due to our low numbers. After we arrive, we barricade ourselves and launch the north boat to avoid having to hold 3 sides.
I overhear from another marine that the SE Pumps have fallen so I order everyone to hold tight while we wait for more fuel.
The DP however tries to rally everyone saying “We can safely escape via Dropship!” while using a mega phone.
I explicitly tell him to cut it out or the crew will die on their way to the dropship but the pilot doesn’t listen.
In this case I would BE the DP, during an emergency he fails to see the primary reason why lifeboats is being held (to escape safely from the ship) and tries to undermine my authority and risk everyone involved by trying to lead them outside the safety of cades just to reach the planet which might or might not still contain xenos. Furthermore calling your CO insane especially in a life or death situation like this only amplifies the need of an BE.